mini-LED vs OLED in 2023! One CLEAR choice!

mini-LED vs OLED in 2023! One CLEAR choice!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “mini-LED vs OLED in 2023! One CLEAR choice!”.
Of course, this video is sponsored by the robo-rock S8 Pro Ultra. It’S over 200 million TVs were sold worldwide last year claimed to be the best at something, and if you look online or go to a store, you’re gon na see LED mini, LED micro LED qled. Nano qled and a ton more TV acronyms, and it’s confusing when you want to buy something new, but for this video you can focus on the two that I think matter. The most right now, OLED and mini, LED and I’ve been making TV videos for a long time. I love the technology behind them. Like I said it’s confusing, you can get caught up in the brands and which one’s better. So I wanted to take the technology choices and break them down for it and hopefully make a better buying decision for you along the way.

Maybe even save you some money, alright, so for this video we’re using some of the most recent OLED and mini LEDs available. So they have sort of the most up-to-date version of the tech. We’Ve got the LG G3 OLED and the Sony x93l mini LED, but just know that, like regardless of the brand, the tech behind them and the tech is powering, these sets is more or less the same. Now, for a long time, OLED technology was like largely just chilling unchanged.

mini-LED vs OLED in 2023! One CLEAR choice!

Last few years, though, there have been gigantic updates to these sets. So OED just stands for organic light emitting diodes. You have each individual pixel on the screen, I think, has its own light source, which can turn on change color and then, when needed, turn off, which is how OLED sets get really sharp contrast, levels and black levels, because pixels are just off. But one of the big knocks on OLED for many years that they didn’t get bright enough and that’s actually changed recently. The technology called W OLED and MLA technology, so the W and wln refers to diode’s emitting white light, as well as red and green and blue and MLA, which just stands for micro lens array.

It’S sort of a layer of concave lenses over the diodes to amplify the light from the diodes passing through it. Nerd talk aside. All that means is that OLED TVs have gotten way brighter over the past few years. Keep in mind not every OLED TV is w. O n, or has MLA Tech, something to look for if you’re considering an OLED set, but even though a lot of oleds have gotten brighter, it’s still nothing compared to the brightness that mini LED brings to the table, so woleds are producing brightness, ranging from around a Thousand two thousand nits, that’s generally like the brightness of your cell phones, for example.

Mini LEDs – are pushing it up way more around 3 000 nits and can get as bright as 4 000 nits, thanks to the mini, LED backlight array in those TVs. Eventually, you’ve got thousands of LED lights on the back. Allow these TVs to get insanely bright, so you might be thinking brighter is always going to be better, but there’s such a thing as a TV being a cube right. So what ends up happening in some instances with mini LEDs is the brightness will overpower Shadows, making them look washed out and gray, which could lead to a lot of blooming in scenes that are meant to have a higher contrast. So if you’ve got something bright next to something dark on screen, you’re getting a gradual fall off from light to dark, as opposed to kind of a Sharp line between the two extreme colors. Now you can do a lot of tweaking in the settings with mini LEDs, but it’s never going to be perfectly black.

mini-LED vs OLED in 2023! One CLEAR choice!

You might get really dark gray, you’re, never going to get those true blacks to get with OLED, because those LEDs are still on. I know I said I didn’t want to get too cut up on particular Brands and sets, but for mini, LED discussion here. I’Ve got the x93l and if you wanted a set, that is like kind of The Best of Both Worlds. This thing is like unbelievable. Look at these black levels and tell me that doesn’t look OLED. I had to bring my eye to like an inch of the screen to see that it was just like a super dark gray and not actually black mini LED on the high end gets really good and really close to what OLED can do.

mini-LED vs OLED in 2023! One CLEAR choice!

But if you want that perfect infinite contrast on your set for those brights to be plenty bright and those black to be perfectly black, OLED still King, so one thing a lot of people might not be considering when deciding between different types of TV is color. Reproduction. No matter how bright something is, if the color isn’t accurate, then like to me you’re missing from half the experience of whatever it is that you’re watching a color reproduction does vary between Brands. Processing plays a huge role in how accurate the color sets reproduction is, but brightness still matters more because mini LEDs can get way brighter.

They can display a wider, more accurate color range, so many LEDs are better equipped to display every color of whatever you’re watching exactly as a Creator or director intended, especially if you’re watching content in HDR W OLED stats, like I meant, have gotten brighter with each iteration, Because the brightness limitations that are still there, it also means the color accuracy is typical. Lower OLED TVs are getting closer to that high level of Club reproduction, the HDR content. When you get into SDR content, that’s when you see a huge Drop In Color reproduction in OLED sets. That’S where a new technology called cutie olit steps in it kind of bridges that gap between OLED and mini LED, but that is for, but not honesty.

Unless you put these sets next to each other, most people are never going to notice a big difference between the two. If both DB types are calibrated and say perfectly and both are displaying HDR contents, they’re going to look great, even if typically mini LED, is just like a little bit better hey. So speaking of things that you might want to buy for your house, like a TV uh Welcome to our new house, this is our new studio and it might seem very open and sparse right now, but as we started getting it set up realized, it was very Dirty and one of the first things he wanted to bring was a way to clean it. What I wanted to bring with us here was a robot vacuum. That’S been treating us well, since we first got a chance to take a look at it actually back in January uh at CS.

It just makes our lives easier, brings a ton of new things, sort of to the generally I’d say table but floor, and it’s uh. This guy right here, it’s the robo Rock S8 Pro Ultra. So there’s a lot of things that I like about this, the first one.

It’S got ta clean well and it’s cleaning with its new Duo roller Riser brush that it cleans up all the gross things that have been on this floor from box pieces to dust to dirt, even sand. Somehow it is absolutely taking care of everything. Let’S get all the other stuff you’d expect too it’s got lidar built in so it can totally map the space. But I think, what’s separated, at least to me – is this guy here, it’s house uh.

This is the rock dock Ultra, it’s got a gigantic Dustbin and I’ve very rarely had to even empty this thing at all in the months that we’ve had it, it just cleans, and then it comes back and every few months or so I’ll empty the dust bin. But that’s it! It’S also going to mop for you and a lot of other sort of robot cleaning. Things have done mopping, but I can’t think of another one that will dock itself will clean. The dirty water put in fresh water will also clean the mop head, but also will dry the mop heads. You don’t get that weird kind of gross stale water smell, so I very rarely have to be involved. All of these things have made the roborock S8 Pro Ultra an absolutely awesome part of our new studio, but this guy right here is something you want to pick up. I was actually anniversary sale going on right now from August 29th to September 2nd. There is a discount and if you want to buy the really awesome dyad Pro as well, you can get that.

But there’s a lot of vacuums and mops cool technology in Robo rocks lineup so definitely hit the link down below check them all out so now picture quality is obviously hugely important when it comes to deciding like which set to buy, but there are other factors that Matter like the design and also you know how much it’s actually going to cost to buy. Oled TVs are known for a really thin design seems to be getting even thinner and thinner. In fact, some OLED TVs don’t even come with a stand. They just want to be mounted flush on your wall, but something is that thin and it comes to technology generally. No, it’s going to cost more money.

Mini LED has gotten thinner over the years, but they’re still, you know as thin as maybe a picture frame that you put up on a wall which is still incredibly impressive. Considering all the LED panels and layers the mini LED sets have under that screen, but still nowhere near as thin as an old set. But I know what you’re gon na say, John, what about burning and that used to be something that plagued older OLED sets in the past.

And if you don’t know what Berman is typically, when you’d have a static image on the screen for a long period of time, even when you weren’t what something that had that image there you’d still kind of see a shadow of it uh on the set? That’S not really much of a concern anymore with W OLED TV sets, it could still technically happen, but you’d have to have something on there for a really really really long time, not something that I consider a risk with W OLED sets. Many LEDs, though, are of zero risk for burden. So that’s an issue. That’S kind of I don’t know rumbling around the back of your head, just to know, you’ll be totally fine with mini LED and if that wasn’t enough differences, there’s also differences between the viewing angles of these two TV types. That, essentially, just means like where you’re sitting in relation to the TV, if you’re, right in front of it or if you’re off to the side that makes a difference with each technology, so OLED TVs have almost 180 degree viewing angles. So you can be sitting way off to the side and the image will not dip in brightness or contrast at all and that’s all the TV is not just certain brands. Mini LED, however, has considerably lower radios, and this is going to vary from Brand to brand. But the further you go off to the side. It begins to get incredibly washed out and oftentimes when you see mini, LED TVs that are higher priced than others. What they are typically getting for, that price is better vegan Eagles, but when it comes to which TV has the better viewing angles, I mean OLED much like black levels, Still The King, and that brings us to perhaps the most important part of this video price.

But since you’ve waited to buy a new TV, uh you’re in luck, because one year ago the cost was crazy. Different between these two you could have bought too many LEDs for the cost of one OLED. The price difference between these two has come way down and if you look at the very like top end to the top OLED and top mini LED you’re talking now generally less than a thousand dollars. And if you know where to shop and where to look, you can sometimes even find an OLED for less than a mini LED now. There are obviously various differences in the brands and Technology they’re offering you can get expensive OLED or a cheap OLED same thing with mini LED. If you compare like to like price difference, is not that giant anymore. Didn’T want to sit here and tell you which TV technology is better for you only. You can answer that, but at least now, when you go and look for the sets, maybe you’ll understand the technology a bit better and hopefully pick out the right one for you. .