Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AROEVE MK08W Air Purifiers With Air Circulator Fan System”.
But before we start today’s video subscribe to our Channel hit the Bell notification icon like share and comment to this video thing we need to do is take out and the reason why we’re doing. That is because we need to remove the pre-installed HEPA filter and where I will particular status, but we want to remove it from the plastic bag that is covered in so we’ll go ahead and do that real quick now I want you to notice one thing: there’s A little flap here this is to help you pull it out, so we’re going to be attaching. This is a washable filter as well, but we’re going to wrap this around the HEPA filter and the reason why I was pointing this out was because we want this to be sticking up. We don’t want it to get underneath the actual filter that we’re going to be putting on and it’ll fit. Do what I’m doing here see how it’s covered. So we don’t want that to happen.
So we want to make sure that we flap it up and then go over it and, let’s see here, hold on and there you go perfect. So let’s go ahead and reinstall it put that back in there there you go. Yes, I have this up.
So now we’re going to put it down, so we can put the cover back on now. Right here is a push button right here. You want to push that, and this is going to be for your essential oil that you’re going to be putting onto the pad this one has a pad already, but it does come with an additional five pads complementary. So we’re going to put this right back in there now that pretty much covers the back of the unit, all right, guys, let’s go ahead and start by powering her up you’re gon na notice that right now it’s on sleep mode, we’ll go ahead and place it On low – and this is the wind speed indicator – go ahead and press it again and now you have it on high.
You can actually put this on turbo wind speed, but that you would need to use on the app guys this blue light here that um that’s going to tell you the quality of air. So if it’s blue, it’s very good. If it’s green, it’s good orange moderate and if it’s red, that’s bad when it comes to the oscillation indicator right now, it’s just going left to right. If I trust it again, it’s not going to go up and down. If I press it again, I can make it into a 3D oscillation by pressing it, and now it’s going to be doing the side to side and up and down all at the same time, it also has a child protective, lock and also a light on the Top I’ll show you the light later on when it gets a little darker, but by pressing it three seconds, you’ll notice that the lock has turned on press it again and it will go off when it comes to the HEPA filter. You have a button right here that you want to press and that’s going to indicate to you the um, how much is left on it right now, it’s at 100, it’s brand new. We just put it on, but if it starts blinking that’s when you need to go ahead and change it, you will notice right up here. It says PM 2.5.
These are the particles that we’re breathing in. I would just leave it on 2.5, but you can adjust it by pressing this here PM 2.5 and you could change it to OPM or 1.0 or PM 10.. I’M going to go ahead and put it back to PM 2.5. If you just take a look right over here, that’s pretty much telling you that it’s on manual gear – and this is the fan mode indicator by pressing this button here – foreign you’ll – see that it changes to manual gear air, purifier indicator, and now it’s the manual gear Purifying fan, indicator light and again, as I said, I’ll show you the light later on this evening, once everything is set up, go ahead and press it, and now it’s on automatic gear, which is Auto indicator.
You want to put it on eco you’ll, see that it changed and that’s pretty much eco mode indicator in regards to getting to Wi-Fi, got ta press it for three seconds and you’ll see that the y5 indicator has turned on guys when you have it on auto Mode there is a sensor: it’s a smart laser dust sensor. It’S going to adjust the speed automatically based on the air quality when on eco mode after 30 minutes, if the machine sensors that or the census says you know, the air is perfectly fine. It’S gon na automatically go on standby mode and it’ll stop operating, but if the sensor detects pour air, it automatically will go back on when you have it only on fan mode, you could adjust the fan by going to low and high.
Only when you have the fan on when adjusting it only on purification, you can adjust the fan. Just like you would. If you were using the fan now you have the option, you could use the fan and you could also use the fan on the purification both at the same time.
You could adjust it to low and then you could go to High when you have it set for purification mode. Only as you can see right here, the fan that I’m being that I adjust is the fan, that’s on top of here now, when you have it on that mode, the fan will automatically set up just the way you see it and it would not be working When you have it on that mode guys, it does have a memory function. Now, if you have your child lock on, it will not memorize, but if you do not, it will when turning off you will have a countdown and the fan will set the way it started. So this being my favorite and I’m looking forward to, it is the essential oil pad. Now I was diagnosed with COPD early stages, but still it’s good to have.
So I am looking forward to actually using this beside me to say, but I’ll put like five drops and I’ll, let you guys know once I have it in my bedroom when using the app setup, quick start. First thing you need to do is scan the code once it’s scanned go ahead and download with the iPhone you’re going to be pressing the get button, then double click to install press install, go ahead and put your information in wait until it installs once installed open The app go ahead and press allow and then agree. You’Ll need to sign up to register, you’ll need to place an email and then accept you need to check your email for a code when you receive your code, you’ll be placing it on where it says, enter. The code. Will look like this in your email.
Once you do that, you’ll need to set a password once you enter your password, go ahead and press done it’ll. Take you to this page. Go ahead and press allow and go ahead and press go to app. Will now ask for permission, go ahead and press continue.
Go ahead and press OK for the app to use, Bluetooth, go ahead and repeat: let’s go ahead and add device. Smart light now is asking for permission: go ahead and press continue, go ahead and look for small home appliances and then once you find that go ahead and press the air purifier Wi-Fi. Let’S go ahead and connect the 2.4 gigahertz once you do that, just press set now make sure that you are connected to the Wi-Fi once connected onto the Wi-Fi. You will see it and then go ahead and press next press continue press long press on the bottom button left side and you’ll notice. The blinking of the Wi-Fi connected go ahead and press the confirm button that the indicator is blinking, go ahead and press the blink slowly and go ahead and press add and wait for it to download. Once it says, addict successfully got and press done once the app is downloaded you’re going to be able to control and display you’ll have on the bottom, the settings, the speed the mode you’ll be able to switch.
It’S going to give you all the information that you would receive that information. If you were looking at the actual machine, let’s go ahead and check the mode there you’re going to be able to look at and see the auto the Eco, the fan air purifier and the air purifier fan you’ll be able to control all these. Let’S take a quick look at the speed. This will control the fan just like if you were controlling it, on the actual I will eave purifier you’ll be able to go low, high turbo and sleep settings and there you will have the child lock, which I showed you if you were doing it manually on The actual purifier, but let’s go ahead and just click the child, lock and plus.
That would indicate that it is locked now when you’re laying down and you want to go ahead and switch it on and off just go ahead on the bottom left and there you could turn it off or you could turn it on. But before we start today’s video subscribe to our Channel hit the Bell notification icon like share and comment to this video .