Who needs A Degree, Anyway?

Who needs A Degree, Anyway?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Who needs A Degree, Anyway?”.
Hey dll good afternoon from Australia. How important do you think a university education is getting into the I.T industry? I am studying currently, but all my employed friends seem to be so far in life. Uh yeah yeah, it’s not, and I’ve got two people here, one of them just Shrugged. What does that one think yeah we got it.

We got one of these and we got one of these yeah. It can kind of it it can replace, potentially having experience, but the way that I’ve described it is if you can get a job without it, then you’re getting paid to gain that experience. If you can’t get it if you’re very, very much struggling to get a job without it, you know this is the career path.

Who needs A Degree, Anyway?

You want to go down all that kind of stuff. You can essentially pay to get that leg up. A lot of positions will have like a four-year degree or four years of experience. That’S something I’ve posted a bunch of times, so you can kind of skip that bit, but I mean if you can get into the industry without it then yeah there might. There might be gaps in your background like, for example, it’s it’s always hilarious to me when I talk business with someone who has formal schooling, because they’ll use acronyms and terminology that I’m like yeah, I have no idea what the you’re talking about right now, but if You could speak in plain words, I probably understand the concepts and then they’ll explain what they’re talking about I’m like oh yeah, yeah that yeah sure yeah exactly like. I, because I it was all School of Hard Knocks for me.

Who needs A Degree, Anyway?

I didn’t study any business either in high school or in my couple of years that I lasted in University, yeah and so you’ll you’ll definitely run into situations like that, and there have been times when the when the kinds of things that you learn in school. Like I’m just talking, like my life um, my family’s life, when the kinds of things that you learn in school are things that you may not have encountered outside of school, and that made you a more well-rounded person like my stupid sports. Psychology, like 100 level course that I took in University, changed my outlook and my approach to a lot of things in life that I just physics for me, yeah. If I hadn’t done it like it’s, and I write like why sports psychology, it was like the psychology of competing okay, essentially yeah, and and so we we talked about a lot of basic stuff like just you know how behavioral conditioning works and it’s it’s really changed. The way that I parent, because I intuitively you, would think that if someone does something bad, the most effective thing to do is to uh. You know tell them no or whatever, but that’s just completely, not how it works. What you need to do is you need to reward them without bribing, never promise a reward ahead of time, only just wait patiently for the right, behavior and reward it, but not every time the least effective is no rewards. The second least, effective is rewards every time and the most effective is a reward once in a while.

Who needs A Degree, Anyway?

So if my kids do something they’re supposed to do once in a while, I’m like great job, let’s all have ice cream and they’re like yay. I’Ve seen people comment on our videos that you can tell from you know the looking linuses kids eyes that he’s like a a really mean Dad or something and I’m like you, can tell from the comment you left you’re an idiot because that’s really not actually how That works got him, it’s like man, I I don’t know it’s just and it’s it’s a it’s. It’S just a weird thing and like in in high school, I I took no free blocks. I took just anything I I would take anything that was available on that block um just to just to be more well-rounded and so there’s. If I had made it through more school, would I be more rounded or yeah, probably maybe maybe not yeah, maybe not right, because part of what school is supposed to do? Is it’s supposed to help? You learn to learn and that’s something that I didn’t have a passion for at the time and no amount of doing it was going to make me want to do it, and then I learned it later when I had to so having all of this. We are talking about an I.T degree to be very clear if you want to go into like nuclear medicine like you should probably go to school. Like there’s there’s certain things. I want my dentist to have formal training, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, exactly like there’s certain things uh.

You should probably just go to school for that um, but with things like I.T, especially if you can get your hands on some stuff – and you can do some home lab things um and you can you can do some extra training like if you, if you get Your foot in the door somewhere and they they kind of like let you have a job, even though you don’t have a lot of experience or or education, um and you’re able to retain that job, while spending time outside of work like grinding on a home, lab Learning things learning things, learning things uh and then being able to step up and like treating that period, where you’re really really early on. In your experience, like you’re in school so like when you were in school, you’d be going home and studying it’s a very kind of similar thing, you’re just being paid for it. This time um, I I think that can be very effective. So yeah got a comment on float: plane, dads are meant to be the mean ones, no, no Mom and Dad need to be aligned.

They need to be a wall that the kids cannot put a wedge between. That is the most important thing. Neither needs to be mean, neither needs to be the nice one as soon as you’ve got a good guy and a bad guy you have lost.

The game is over because the thing about kids is they’re, just little adults and they are devious little. They will get you all right, we’re supposed to do some more topics now I guess yeah, someone at full Queen chat, said as an I.T manager. One of the biggest things I look for is work ethic. Wanting to learn and being a team player school doesn’t necessarily teach that yeah so, like I don’t know, and it’s gon na differ you’re gon na run into the one person.

That’S like. No, you must have exactly this precise amount of Education. I don’t care if it was 20 years ago.

You must have it um and other people are going to be like us or not care. .