Stop Teaching Kids to Gamble!

Stop Teaching Kids to Gamble!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Stop Teaching Kids to Gamble!”.
Today, twitch announced that it will be expanding its ban on gambling live streams, adding two more online casinos to its list of sites that are banned because they feature games of chance like slots or roulette, but aren’t licensed as casinos quote in jurisdictions that provide sufficient consumer Protection twitch claims that gambling viewership has dropped by about by around 75 percent since it implemented its new restrictions. Last October, which was sports betting, fantasy sports, uh, sorry, sports, betting, fantasy sports and poker are still allowed. Twitch will also prohibit all streamers uh from sponsorship and promotions of gambling sites that take deposits in the form of Cs go Skins. This coincides with the result of a report from YouTuber ho Hound, gown ghania. We did talk about this last week. We couldn’t figure out the pronunciation, then either so yeah. That’S the best. I’M gon na do sorry that suggested that over 70 percent of Cs go skin gamblers start before they are 18, and these online casinos are making little to no attempts to confirm the age of players. Approximately 75 percent of top CS go streamers. On Twitch have taken sponsorships from yeah from CS, go gambling sites. I suspect, given the dollar values that we were talking about last windshield like 120k a month or whatever it was.

This is basically what’s keeping the entire CS. Go streaming scene in our lives that I suspect these are going to go undisclosed. Oh yeah, so like just saying, keep an eye out for it. Uh valve sent a cease and desist letter to 23 of these sites back in 2016.

Stop Teaching Kids to Gamble!

uh and has launched, suits against many of them in the past, but skin gambling remains a popular uh remains popular and five of that original list are still in operation. Gambling is also bannable a bannable offense on Steam. As of May of this year, however, uh Hound, gown ganya, has criticized valve for the mechanical and aesthetic similarity between its loot box system and online slots. Yeah, that’s the same, which is very valid. We got Spider-Man meme right here, like it’s. Many players treat this system in a manner reminiscent of a slot machine caring more about the resale value of their jackpots, rather than the in-game value of the item, or how much they would personally care about it valve does indirectly profit, and you can tell because when People roll a knife and they freak out before the knife even shows up.

Stop Teaching Kids to Gamble!

It’S like it’s, because they’re excited about the value um, oh, is that is that true are knives worth a lot. Oh yeah, why are knives worth the most just because it’s rare okay? So so knives are rare. Rare things are worth a lot in this context and knives are rare. As far as my understanding goes, I see I don’t do any of this, so I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it goes.

Um yeah valve does indirectly profit from how skin gambling increases the demand for these items. One self-admitted skin Gambler looked back at his steam history and found that he had spent over 21 000 on the platform primarily on CS. Go. He described this realization as frightening. I I don’t, how did apparently Elijah um, like our Elijah, said that some sell for over 100k? I think he’s talking about knives in CS go. What is this in chat yeah? What yep that’s wild, I’m just gon na google, most expensive CS go knife! Ah, can we go to your laptop uh sure all right cool? Let’S go the 10 most expensive knives.

This is on Red Bull’s website. What the heck! What happens? If I reject him yeah get out of here. Nothing apparently cool, okay, okay, features star track technology.

The crap is Star Trek that track. It shows on the on the I think, for the knives, if I remember correctly it like etches into the knife, how many kills you’ve gotten with it um? This has like nine thousand dollars. I don’t think this is uh.

I don’t think this is legit. I don’t know they get really expensive. I’Ll say that much my brain hurts. Oh, I might have actually gotten real answers here.

We go one. Second, why are we all allowing this to happen? Wait a million dollars. I think that’s kind of the question. Oh there’s! No way anyone spent a million dollars on a CS. Go knife. It says, reported price yeah, there’s no way, yeah, oh no uh! Apparently it happened. What reports are that the rare knives price came from own pixel, a famous CS, go YouTuber and Trader, who apparently served as a middleman for the expensive transaction, which makes me think it was a pump. But I don’t know right yeah.

Look how much value there is in this thing by the way sponsored by site, go! Do it here, yeah man. Have you seen the value of Jack dorsey’s first tweet nft? Oh, is it worth like a dollar hold on hold on? Let me see if I can find it so Jack dorsey’s first tweet sold, for I think it was like 2.4 million um. Okay, 2.9 Million. Okay. Uh now has a price of less than two thousand dollars. That’S a big yikes, because who would want it like? What does it even matter? Oh man, I don’t know dude it’s rough yeah anyways.

What do you think about twitch expanding gambling restrictions? It’S it’s weird to me because, like the if this was like 10 years ago, I’d be like oh yeah, cool, okay, but now like it means trouble. Sports betting is advertised on the like sports sports channels and like on all the boards around it like it’s. It’S everywhere, it’s the right thing to do, but they’re doing this at a time when Kik is embracing gambling and it’s clear that there’s a demand for this content, and I just I I I I I don’t really know what to say, because on the one hand, It’S like Yeah Yeah. We actually do need to stop.

Stop Teaching Kids to Gamble!

I I personally appreciate it. We need we need to stop grooming young people into becoming like whales, for these kinds of microtransactions yeah turned into turned into gambling that has become so prevalent in gaming um. Apparently own pixel is quite against stuff like this, so maybe that was legit. I don’t know it sounds crazy. However, you know it’s um, it’s clear that they’re going to be at a significant competitive disadvantage because of this, and I don’t really I it and it’s not just it’s not just the up to the platforms to care right like it’s up to the creators and it’s Up to the audience to care right, like everyone involved in this ecosystem, has to sort of decide all together that something is not okay, and it’s pretty clear that that’s not going to happen.

I mean look at look at something even as okay, fine, we’re gon na wade into this uh look at something, even as black and white as the controversy right now over uh react content that isn’t react, content that isn’t fair use that just obviously isn’t fair use. Afk from your computer, while it auto plays kind of stuff or just like eating, and not even responding and interacting in any way a big part of why it’s blown up this week is Dark, Viper and XK XKCD uh xqc are at it again. We knew Dark, Viper was gon na, be full well yeah.

We knew he was going to be involved, but I I’m surprised xqc is getting baited into this, because he’s been pretty clear about his. I can’t see it nothing’s happening. This isn’t wrong a kind of position in the past, but he finally said the quiet part out loud earlier this week.

Uh to the point where, like I is this in the dark or no it’s not, I I read his tweet and my jaw just about hit. My keyboard, I went okay if you’re gon na, if you’re gon na even pretend plausible deniability, I’m just a dumb guy haha. This is my Persona like if you’re even gon na, if you’re even gon na play that game you you can just blatantly say I do it because it makes money right because that’s no one ever said it didn’t that wasn’t anyone’s Point.

Their point was that that’s someone else’s money. That was the point and that’s like broken on my computer, I’m trying to find these tweets, but I can’t even use Twitter properly. So I don’t know, and and and no in fact um it is, it is not covered by fair use, and that is that is pretty plain at some point. It’S somebody is going to figure out that he just signed a 100 million dollar contract and come knocking, and I don’t believe, there’s going to be any statute of limitations for this, because it’s never been dealt with at any point like if you, if you robbed someone 10 years ago, you’re still culpable or five years ago I mean this is like it’s happening daily now so um at some point, someone’s gon na go hey. You know what this is a pretty big bag that we can get over this. But I’m abide my time. I’M gon na, let him keep doing it we’ll. Let them build wealth hope he doesn’t.

You know, lose a bunch of it in another failed relationship or gambling or gambling and I’m gon na go after it. I’M gon na get mine yeah, but then I mean I’ve been calling I’ve been I’ve been making doomsday predictions for you know years that haven’t come true. I mean where, where is the child YouTuber star apocalypse? That I’ve been predict that I’ve been getting a long time ago. Yeah I’ve been calling this for years, I’m looking at it, go like all these family Vlog channels out there and stuff.

At what point? Are these kids gon na go hey yo the millions of dollars that you guys made putting a roof over my head is actually the basics I need to be paid. Where is it I? It still hasn’t really happened. I don’t know, I don’t know man.

I don’t know .