The WAN Show Now with a live studio audience!

The WAN Show  Now with a live studio audience!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The WAN Show Now with a live studio audience!”.
Hope you all are having fun Linus. How fun is it to do? The WAN show in front of a live audience? It’S really stressful, oh, oh, oh, but but I have powers. Okay, okay, let’s do the thing. We rehearsed something before you guys all got here. You you online okay, ready, okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, they need to switch Yeah, they got ta switch to.

They got. Ta switch the camera okay. So I’m gon na do this thing and then you’re gon na watch, you’re gon na you’re gon na see you’re gon na see it grab you. Nobody need the crowd. Feed do picture in picture use the technology.

Okay, here we go ready, guys, show them give them our best Your Best Shot. Here we go. Oh you right, there didn’t stand, these are blinding, but I can smell it. I don’t know pretty fun, pretty fun. Actually, um really nerve-wracking.

The WAN Show  Now with a live studio audience!

You know it’s. It’S a funny thing how you can get used to something, and yet you throw at the smallest variation at it and you’re all of a sudden like okay. I remember this one time I ran into my kindergarten teacher at the at like the fruit and vegetable store, and I she had me for she had me for like one and uh like a helper years like she was a second and then she was my like. My my my main teacher – and this is only maybe uh like I’m in grade two and she had me for like K1 or something like that so like I have been, I have not been out of her class for that long and I run into her and I’M just like couldn’t even say: hi myself, what happened at the badminton match my dad’s made conversation.

The WAN Show  Now with a live studio audience!

No, that was just uh. I’M awkward people found that video yeah. I know yeah uh anyway anyway, so I so so I so you so you see someone uh. You know a little bit out of context and it can throw you for a bit of a loop. I I ran through I. I went through this really weird thing in the early days of LTT store.

The WAN Show  Now with a live studio audience!

Obviously you know you have to have pictures of your merchandise and you know a because I I think it’s really authentic for us to to model our own merchandise. You know a because if it’s not good enough for us to even bother to put it on once, it’s probably not good enough for you and B, because it’s kind of like the ultimate who was it Dove. Who did that? Um that thing campaign for real Beauty? Whatever, where, where instead of having models with you know, super unrealistic, Barbie movie levels of physical Perfection, they just like used real people, good movie, I think it was them yeah. I actually really enjoyed it too um, so so it it’s the it’s the ultimate that this is really us like.

Really us. The people who worked on these products, who designed them like you’ll, see you’ll, see folks like Sarah or or Lloyd, or you know, olamide or you know the the rest of the team that actually makes these products. You know the the engineering team. Even you know, we don’t like hide anybody away.

If people volunteer for Merch photos, we we try to accommodate it, and you know we don’t always have room for everybody, but you know we we we just. We try to have real people there right and that’s super. That’S super cool and then the other main reason is because I’m cheap hiring models is expensive. I do think it’s better.

This way either way. No, I do think I do genuinely think it’s better this way so anyway, that was. That was why we came up with the idea of having our own people model all of our own products, and the problem was that even this is even before the first underwear shoot, which is one of the times that I think I have been most uncomfortable at Work like it is, it is, you know every once, while I’ll go in the store for like a legitimate work reason and I’m scrolling through and I’m like. Oh there’s Linus in his underwear, [ Laughter ] and it’s such a.

We we talked before the show. He was like how many people in the audience do, you think, are wearing LTT merch. We started looking around for like shirts and sweaters and stuff, and I was like we don’t actually know it’s a funny thing, though, even before I did that first underwear shoot what I discovered was that oh he’s doing it now he’s coming off. You know I’d put on it: ha ha, okay, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! I was kidding we’re streaming to Twitch. We actually can’t yeah, there’s no pool no hot tub next time.

Oh actually, since I have your guys’s attention, we don’t have a hot tub, but we do have a dunk tank tomorrow. We’Re going to be yeah, we’re raising money for charity. So you can, I don’t remember exactly how it works, but you can buy. You can buy balls and then you can hunt them at the dunk tank and I’ll be I’ll, be in there for an hour tomorrow. So hopefully I see you guys out there yeah, I think, there’s Raffle winners, gon na throw as well, okay, sure we’re gon na be broadcasting it here and to the BYO yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, so we’ll so we’ll get with you guys about that.

But anyway, it was such a weird experience for me, going through my First Merch shoot, because I’m like standing there in the shirt and I’m like, I have spent the last decade of my life in front of a camera. It feels weird, very weird why all of a sudden, because it’s you flip a dial to photo mode instead of video mode. Do I just have absolutely no idea where to put my hands yeah, you put a video camera in front of me. I could talk all day, no problem, you see him shift into presenter mode, but you tell me don’t talk and I’m like dude [, Laughter ]. I just don’t know what to do with it and like massive props to our team. Most of our merch photos are taken by Hoffman and Maria. If I recall correctly um, I might have missed someone and I’m so sorry if I did uh, but you know massive credit to our team, they really do a great job of making the experience more comfortable. Uh, like the the couple’s underwear shoot that I did with Yvonne. It was great that Maria was there to kind of you know, keep the mood really light because you know just you know casually two of the company Executives just like stripping down to our to our underwear in the office, and you know: there’s people there and everything. Yeah, it’s such a weird thing too, stripping in front of her would have been super weird, but standing in front of her now in your underwear was normal tonight sure it’s just it’s bizarre.

So, anyway, coming back to the original question um something about the live audience really does feel very, very different, even though this is the same. Wan show with the same producer and the same tardiness. No, you weren’t late, that’s true! So it’s not actually it’s tardiness. New different tardiness: yes, we’re like we’re like 24 hours late, it’s a it’s! Oh come on! It was rescheduled 30 minutes he’s just trying to defend it because it was him.

I got it down to 30 minutes and you’re complaining about 12 hours in 30 minutes. What we can all agree on is that this is it’s. It’S a very tardy, show: okay, yeah! Sorry, my my sincere apologies! All right. Do you have another Rich message for us sure I do let’s uh, let’s get a couple and then we’ll move on to one.

You know for someone who had another life as an audio professional. This is driving me absolutely crazy for the love of God keep your mic close to your mouth. It’S too close. That’S too close.

Okay, that’s what he said, but I couldn’t understand it. You keep doing this. It’S a personal pet peeve drives me absolutely crazy, which is why he’s doing it? I don’t want to talk into it here. You heard me ranting earlier. Didn’T you no? What what what oh, I was going off about this when I was talking when I was talking to Luke earlier, just like like how impossible it is for people to hold a mic up to their mouth, I’m holding it to my mouth when I’m talking and I Move it away when I want to breathe to be fair right now, this thing literally does not fit on my head. Oh no! Not you not! This is better! Okay, all right all right! Okay! Here we go! Oh my God, damn it [ Applause, ], .