Worst. Re-Brand. Ever.

Worst. Re-Brand. Ever.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Worst. Re-Brand. Ever.”.
Twitter has officially begun rebranding itself as X hilarious. The letter X in the new logo is the monotype special alphabets, four font, which also looks similar to a standard character. Added to Unicode in 2001 sure does the new the second I saw the logo. I was like wait. I’Ve seen this before. Okay, I’m just gon na keep talking through the discussion question but like the new branding has been criticized for being awkward to integrate into normal speech. Okay, it’s also been criticized for its similarity to those of pornographic websites.

On Monday, a worker on a cherry picker began dismantling the sign on X’s San Francisco headquarters. However, it appears they failed to inform the building’s owner of the change who called the police. This left, the sign simply reading or highly applicable initially X, was unable to use the at X handle uh because it had been in use by photographer Jean X, Huang since 2007, and then as of Thursday.

Worst. Re-Brand. Ever.

They just took the handle offering Huang some merch and the ability to meet with their management team once as compensation. Huang declined any meaning any meaning feeling that it would be awkward. I feel like this has kind of been beaten to death over the past week, but yeah do you have any thoughts that you feel are kind of unique? Is there anything? Oh? No. I just think it’s hilarious. I don’t care at all. I just think it’s really funny they took literally literally one of probably I don’t know top 10 top five with how much it’s talked about in the news and stuff, most recognizable Brands and just yeeded it for like no reason at all and like he’s talked about How he wants to make x.com a thing he wants to have the X app.

Worst. Re-Brand. Ever.

He wants to do this, AI stuff. Why wasn’t it just something else? Why was it the same platform? You bought effectively a name. They were super negative. The tech wasn’t all that special. You bought a name and then got rid of the name, which is the funniest possible thing he could have done.

Worst. Re-Brand. Ever.

In my opinion, I think this is hilarious. When I first saw it, I thought it was a joke. I thought it was like an onion article and then my actual app actually updated, and I was like no way this is real. Ah, and now I just use it even less, which is great honestly over the last few weeks, the like relatively few amount of people that I need to use Twitter for to interact with through DMs, but just going off of Twitter yeah. So the amount that I need to use it just keeps going down. So can we talk? Can we talk about the intention of turning it into an everything app um? That’S worked many times in the past yeah, so I mean it’s it’s. It’S sort of it’s sort of not the stupidest Vision ever sure. You know people using it for payments using it for communicating and while I’ve said that sarcastically uh is WeChat not effectively that in in China, yeah sorting everything out right, yeah pretty much it’s it’s kind of like in every it’s an everything app it uh you, you Use it to communicate with people, you use it to get news, use it to pay for for groceries.

You use it to make sure that uh big brother can keep track of your Social credit score. All that good stuff, yeah yeah. It’S everything cool um, but the problem. The problem with this is that X isn’t even a good name for that yeah it.

It feels like a placeholder, because it objectively is a placeholder. I don’t know. Uh project project X will come up with a name for it later. Nobody ever actually launches Project X, except Microsoft, who I think we can all agree that other than Elon Musk is the one entity worse at naming anything really, especially in relation to Xbox 360.. That was okay, one. That was bad series that was worse. It went downhill fast. I thought 360 was okay.

I just thought the progression would also make sense. They started with X and then they actually managed to get worse. So where is Twitter headed from here? I also think X as like a a thing that people say used to kind of be a thing X. Factor X marks the spot like there was.

It was actually a thing that people used and now it’s like not and now we have to use it again, but for the worst reason yeah I mean. Is this really as simple as he’s just still butt hurt over the whole, you know uh PayPal originally being x.com, and then it like became PayPal and then it he ended up like ousted or whatever. It was like. I know there’s some bad blood between him and PayPal and then he like, for sentimental reasons, bought x.com from them like ages ages later like.

Is this really going all the way back to when my former employer net link computer incorporated it changed their website name from pc97.com in 1999 to ncix.com netlink computer incorporated x x because x x is cool yeah, like that’s kind of gone. Now it’s been gone for 15 20 years about when he got the domain in the first place, so we’re really just going back 20 years and I’m supposed to trust this platform to find out what’s hip and cool. Oh, I don’t trust it for anything, which is why I just think it’s funny. I don’t know, okay, no, no! No, no, the audience said LTX, because [ Applause ], if it was LTE that would have been very confusing Linus tech expo spelled correctly, would have caused all kinds of problems. There’S also precedent set from Pax Penny, Arcade Expo being Expo. We were followers yeah. We we weren’t trying to like boldly name things X and we have a history of naming things pretty stupid things too.

I mean Channel super fun channels, super fun, it was super fun and it was a channel. Okay, Tech quickie is just a sex joke. So as fast as possible, which is on Tech with you, I guess yeah [ Laughter ] go ahead.

What does it abbreviate to printers uh fast as possible? No, it doesn’t it’s a joke. Oh I get it. We got there yeah good job. .