What happened to Linus’ “Lambo?”

What happened to Linus’ “Lambo?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What happened to Linus’ “Lambo?””.
Question for Linus what happened to your Lambo? Did you ever do anything fun with it before getting rid of it, loving the show and we’ll try to be at LTX next year? Okay, for those of you who don’t know the story of my old Lambo, which was a 2003 Honda, Civic that ended up with a pink paint job that ended up with green Racing, Stripes, courtesy of Nikki V and the channel super fun team and then ended up. Looking like absolute garbage, courtesy of the attendees of LTX 2018. yeah, that was not the goal yeah. I didn’t expect people to just dump bottles of glitter glue inside the car, but they definitely did do. I actually did drive it for months afterward.

What happened to Linus’ “Lambo?

Just I don’t know. We constantly have little bits of glitter on them and I’m not kidding it was at like for months. The reason that ended up at LTX 2018 was because I showed up the night before the event was supposed to open, having not really seen anything and started just kind of freaking out about how um light on content it was with. That said, I don’t want to throw the team under the bus it they had very few resources. They had very little time.

What happened to Linus’ “Lambo?

In fact, it is largely the same team that is still planning LTX, so they are. Can we just get like a round of applause for foreign? That’S what I’m talking about. Obviously these guys are capable of putting on a proper Expo. We just needed a bit more experience, a little bit more resources, Hey, look, it’s Colton ignored he and uh, and his wife’s uh stirf have that’s her real name by the way he and his wife stirf have worked tirelessly, uh Chase. I just want to give a massive shout out again to the team.

What happened to Linus’ “Lambo?

This is absolutely incredible. Um anyway, back to LTX 2018, I show up the night before and I’m like. Oh, my goodness, one of our main attractions is Ivan’s collection of old gpus, which is basically just some outdated graphics cards um. We are here and not on the internet, like we are actually screwed for tomorrow. People are going to ask for their money back uh. So I came up with the idea just to have some kind of interactive activation uh.

Well, first, I I like kind of altered some of the booths and kind of went around with the team. It wasn’t just me, we all brainstormed together to try to level things up a little bit and I was like okay, um um. Okay, what? If someone just hits the dollar store tomorrow morning and we’ll we’ll? Let people interact with the famous Lambo? They can like help decorate it. They could, you know, write their names or where they came from, they went a little off.

They went a little off the rails with that covering it in glitter splashing it with paint not not a square centimeter of it was left untouched inside or out. They even covered the windshield. I had to hang around for like an hour after the show to scrape off my windshield, so I could drive home um so anyway. Long story short LTX, is way better now, which is good and um that car was pretty unpleasant to drive like the seat. Upholstery was crusty; ah, it was actually really bad yeah, like it kind of it, would kind of poke into you through your shirt. So what ultimately ended up happening to it? We had wanted to do something cool we wanted to do like uh like enter it in a demolition derby, or something like that on channel super fun or you know blow it up with a tank or do something like that, but unfortunately, the costs associated and the Red tape associated with getting any of that done just made it unrealistic.

You know it turns out to participate in a demolition derby. You are actually for liability reasons. No matter what waiver you sign, not allowed to say yeah. I know it’s cool, I’m not going to reinforce it or put a roll cage in at all.

I’M just gon na go for it. I’M gon na pilot it with my Logitech 710 controller and whatever happens happens. They will not. Let you do that yeah.

That would have been really implosive yeah, so we ended up, so we ended up just um, taking it to like a a recycler and they presumably recycled it or you know, took Parts out of it that were that were needed for other 2003 Honda Civics, and hopefully It’S its pieces are living uh, living a better life living a better life somewhere. .