This Keyboard comes with EVERYTHING – Nuphy Field75

This Keyboard comes with EVERYTHING - Nuphy Field75

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Keyboard comes with EVERYTHING – Nuphy Field75”.
Who’S, the captain – I am the captain and I’ve got the field 75 from Newfie. This is Captain on the bridge right here, it’s pretty cool. I got my waifu back, I’m pretty excited. I wanted to do a number of Newfie keyboards, but there just hasn’t been anything super neat about the ones that have come out, but this guy not only looks super cool, but it’s got the ghost bar on it. One thing that I have been very interested in but haven’t had the opportunity to try myself.

We got a actually pretty sick, quick guide. This looks really cool. I’Ve never seen a quick guide so nicely packed. We got our gorgeous keyboard that we’re gon na also take a look in a sec anything else in here we got a q, a pamphlet.

What’S in the box accessory kit, I like how well oh it’s actually labeled here, four extra keycaps, four extra switches, one keycap switch puller and one 1.5 meter cable. I do want to say the box is pretty cool. It shows the keyboard on top here and then, what’s actually even better is the little shell that it comes in, because you’ve got my new fee waifu. I love this girl she’s great.

This Keyboard comes with EVERYTHING - Nuphy Field75

I love how it says: captain on the bridge, like I don’t know why, like why, captain of all things um other than that, it’s pretty nondescript, it’s just Newfie and Akira 40K. It’S got all the specs on the side. That’S actually really nice.

This Keyboard comes with EVERYTHING - Nuphy Field75

I’M a big fan of this. It’S got like 75 layout ultra low. Oh, it says latency connection. I think that’s a typo, I think that’s supposed to be latency or lag. I’M not sure.

Maybe maybe agency is a new word before I check out the keyboard. They also sent a few other things that you can buy along with the keyboard if you order it through their website, we’ve got their Newfie Studio, shine through keycaps for Newfie keyboards they’re for any keyboard really, but you know for Newfie, specifically compatibility field 75. That’S actually really cool a lot of the time. You’Ll buy a keyboard and you’ll just buy a random keycap set online and it won’t fit properly.

It’Ll be really close, but you might have some issues like there’s a little bit of a gap on some keys or whatever, and I do like how it tells you like. No, this one will work exactly with your keyboard. So that’s great.

The other thing. I’M really excited for is this two-tone wrist rest. It lists these as aluminum acrylic and rubber for the feet.

This Keyboard comes with EVERYTHING - Nuphy Field75

I mostly see the acrylic I’m guessing this part’s, the aluminum, but honestly, it’s a pretty nice little wrist. Rest I’ll use it with the keyboard in a sec to give a much better impression on how I you know feel about using it, but so far it looks cool. I want to check out this this field guide, though this quick guide. I don’t know how much of this footage we’re going to use but uh. This is probably the nicest little quick start guide. I’Ve ever received. Oh my God, the whole thing. Oh my God, it’s a poster! [ Laughter, ], let’s go! Oh! This is mine. You know.

I’M keeping this focus on the phone on in function, Akira, 40K, 2023 only fun products are worth creating. That’S awesome. This is great on the back, you know in all seriousness, it’s got a whole bunch of Quick Start information and all that really cool really really well done too.

I love how big everything is super easy to read. The layout is very clear: it’s just a white cable, 1.5 meters, long yeah, that’s about right. It comes in a variety of colors and I don’t know if you get a different color cable, depending on which keyboard you buy.

So that might be an issue depending on you know how they ship it. I’M not sure, because we only got the one. Let’S take a look, it comes with a handle, pretty sick.

I don’t know if I would ever use the handle for literally anything aside from maybe like Defending Your Place from an attacker or something throw it at something. Wow that actually held on. I was actually really worried. It was gon na just come off and the whole keyboard would fly all over the concrete there.

What’S really cool, especially here. Let me get the wrist rest, okay, so one minor issue. I really wish that they had magnets on uh the front and back of the wrist rest on the keyboard, while it’s probably not going to go anywhere, I’m a big fan of how a lot of the other keyboard companies will just like magnet attach to each other. It feels good acrylic doesn’t get too hot or too cool and it’s comfortable to sit here and type on it, so yeah. And then, if you don’t like the angle, you know you just don’t use the wrist rest. These do cost extra. It’S another! Thirty, four dollars. If you want to wrist rest, but they also come in a variety of colors, so you can mix and match it with whatever keyboard you buy.

I really like this white aesthetic. They got here with these, like blue purple kind of keycaps. It’S a hot swappable keyboard.

There are a bunch of foam layers in here, and the one thing I’m really curious is about is apparently this is the ghost bar that I’ve really been trying to get my hands on. I just haven’t personally bought a keyboard with one. Yet, aside from all of your normal keys that you’d find in a similar layout, you’ve got up to eight little macro Keys, G1 through G8 and they’re all along the side here, the first four and then the second four. I don’t know how to feel about these. I mean they don’t interrupt anything they’re, not in the way in any way um. So honestly, why not? Oh this roller knob also feels really good and sounds really good. I was worried to be plastic, but it feels heavy enough to be aluminum and they’ve got another one. This tiny little gear here is like totally a selector knob or something probably I don’t know what each one is set to right. Now.

That’S a button this all this does have a button as well. Aside from that, we’ve also got a little toggle switch here for whether you want to have it in USB wired mode, 2.4, G or Bluetooth. In Bluetooth, it’s only going to do 125, Hertz polling rate.

So I’d kind of avoid that if you can wired it’s a thousand Hertz and 2.4 G, it’s also a thousand Hertz, which is pretty standard. There are faster keyboards, but the reality is that, like a thousand Hertz pulling rate is totally fine for the majority of people. Unless you’re, like Esports level of gamer, it’s it’s totally.

Okay, honestly, while the G switches aren’t switches, they seem to just be buttons. I don’t know if there’s like a tiny little switch in there somewhere, it’s a very satisfying click. I don’t know if you heard him, but Sven said it sounds like a bumper on an Xbox 360 controller, and I absolutely agree – and it feels just like that too, like that tight little click uh, that they’ve got, and you know I kind of like them. As for the typing experience pretty good just out of the box, this thing comes with a number of switches, which is great.

If you like options, Polaris fleeting gold, Cherry speed, silver and Cherry Ergo, clear you get a lot of options so pick wisely, but since it’s hot swap, if you don’t like them, that’s okay, let’s take a look at the ghost bar. I really want to see this and then at that point we’ll see what switches are actually in the board. Wow, it looks like we’ve got Polaris in ours. These are nice. I like them. So now.

I’M especially excited about this ghost bar, though so. Here’S the difference right. Normally, you would just have the center post and then the side posts on your space bar. So what this is doing differently is it’s got these two middle posts right here then they’ve got this insert that’s made of polycarb, and it just goes on top like this, and I guess that’s supposed to help with sound, I’m not 100 sure we’ll find out more In the typing test below that, though, they’ve also got these two little pieces of silicone. I actually really like this.

That is definitely deadened. At the very least, you can go a couple steps further, probably, and you can foam the inside of your spacebar, but I don’t think you need it. This thing is like really nice now I do want to honestly. I wanted this thing as soon as I saw it. I there’s something about this crazy chunky layout that I’m just a big fan of they’ve got a hub, so you can do a USB hub on the top, otherwise it just connects through USBC at the top. You can turn it on turn it off. My only problem with this thing so far is that if you don’t get it with this keycap set, I don’t know if you can ever change out the G switches. So if you’ve got like – I don’t know all black keycaps or something this might still look good, but there’s that blue purple and white color scheme on here and it might not match with everything. So this isn’t the kind of keyboard that I think you’re going to want to change the keycaps on too much, but that’s okay before we plug it in. I want to take a look at the bottom here. We’Ve got adjustable feet, always a plus and not something that you tend to find in more premium.

Mechanical keyboards we’ve also got a little plate here. It says Newfie and Akira 40K. Now we’re going to plug it in type on it, but not before a word from our sponsor thanks to Miro for sponsoring today’s video Miro is a collaborative online visual whiteboard that helps teams stay organized and on the same page as we’ve grown, to surpass 100 employees At lmg, keeping track of who to report to or ask specific questions can become tricky with Miro. We can clearly organize our entire workflow into one easy to understand space for everyone to refer to start organizing. Your workspace today check out Miro at the link below remember when I said there were other colors. We got the green and black one as well.

We also got the wrist rest and we got the super cool desk pad that they’re also selling the white one did not work. We don’t know why. I promise you that you can just send it back for warranty if that ever happens and they’ll reimburse you or RMA the product and send you back a new one. It doesn’t happen frequently, but with electronics.

Sometimes you just get a dud, you know, I don’t know what else to tell you, but the good news is the black one works. Here’S my only problem. I really don’t like the tactile switches that are in the green one. I don’t know which ones they are. I haven’t opened it up. We literally just reset everything and started shooting again.

I really prefer those linears that were in the white keyboard, but it’ll still make for a perfectly fine experience. So let’s try go 112. 98. You know it’s not great.

I started making some mistakes I kind of got in my head and slowed down, but do really like it. I definitely prefer the other switches. That’S for sure I do love the RGB, and one other thing to note is that now I can tell you for sure you do get a different, colored, cable, depending on which keyboard you buy. I can’t guarantee they do anything other than black and white, but you know the black definitely matches this guy a lot better.

I want to find out what all of the different knobs do. The roller knob by default is just a volume adjustment. I’Ve never had audio on while doing the test tones. This seems to be the brightness for the RGB I’ll crank it all the way down.

Then I’ll crank it all the way up, yep, not sure if it does anything else, but that’s what it’s doing right now. Oh F5, on the G5 love the little test tones. That’S great.

I’Ve never had audio on while using [ Applause, ] wow incredible. Oh one thing, I’m noticing now for the first time, though, is that they’ve kind of separated their afro a little. Interestingly, here there’s a clear break in between escape and F1 and then there’s a clearer break in between F4 and F5, which makes a lot of sense.

Alt, f4 and F5 are two very common uh keys to press, whether you’re, trying to close a program or refresh something. But then there’s no break after f8. They’Ve got a different color configuration on the keycap so that you can quickly tell visually but you’re not going to have that same, like feel, tell we’re like.

Oh there’s a break: okay, there’s F9 or there’s f8. So it’s a pretty minor thing, but it’s something that you might want to take into consideration. As for the rest of the layout, it’s pretty bog standard. You know you’ve got like a print screen up here.

This is probably delete. Yep delete home and page up page down those all work. Fine, arrow keys, navigation cluster does caps lock light up in any way. No, that would be nice. I do like uh visual indications for caps lock, even if it’s just a little RGB light might be there, but it doesn’t shine through on these keycaps super well, so it’s hard to tell I’m not sure what these indicator lights are up here.

These change, when I change modes yeah, okay, so red must mean that it’s on USB wired mode and the green probably just indicates that it’s on it’s really hard to see. I actually don’t know if you’ll get to pick this up on camera, but you can barely see the lights, so it is ever so slightly transparent on the bottom. Here it’s a little more noticeable in person, but only if I’m looking at it like directly um, then I can kind of see the shine.

I would like if this was more transparent, like if you’re already going this far. Why not go a little further, but that’s a pretty minor thing and you know to each their own. Maybe it’s like you look at the back of a keyboard that often anyway, so it’s totally okay, it’s supposed to be 1276 grams, that’s probably just for the boards! We’Ll see how much it is with keycaps and switches and everything yeah 1300 grams for our entire keyboard here actually right on the dot, which I mean, don’t get me wrong.

Scale could be off by a few grams, but that’s pretty cool. It’S pretty chunky when we did the last Newfie keyboard. It was the air 75 and that thing was like razor thin.

It was really light, it was, you know, meant for portability. This is definitely while it’s wireless. Don’T keep that in while this one’s Wireless and it has a 4200 milliamp hour battery in it, it’s not really also meant for portability like the air 75 is like it’s got some heft.

It is a plastic shell. That’S kind of my only complaint so far. If this came with an aluminum case, even if it cost me an extra 100 bucks, I’d be a lot more sold on it.

You wouldn’t be able to do the transparent back as easily, but you know you could do like a top case aluminum and then do the bottom in plastic and that would probably be okay. But how much does it cost? Because you know a Corsair or a Logitech? Is going to cost you like 150 to 250, or something like that? This guy runs anywhere from 159 to 169, which isn’t too bad at all. That depends on the switches you choose, so you know you’re, probably paying a little bit more. What’S the more expensive switch, plus the cherries, really, the Cherry switches are the more expensive ones. I don’t know why, but the Cherry switches are the more expensive ones.

You pay an extra 10 bucks for Cherry. If you want them, I just like the other ones more. I think they look better, I think they feel better. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what material the switch plate is made out of they just say metal on the website and considering how heavy this is.

It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s steel instead of aluminum, it’s a little less premium in that regard, but the reality is, it looks pretty cool it’s hot swappable still. So, if you don’t like the switches you buy, you can swap them out. The keycaps aren’t bad enough. Definitely not the best I’ve ever touched, but they’re double shot PBT and you know honestly. I really like this thing, especially because it’s got the USB hub. That’S not a super common feature that you see on more premium mechanical keyboards.

I think that if you’re looking for a something, that’s a little different uh, something that looks cool, something that has a bunch of macro keys on it still, because you just can’t get rid of your old Logitech keyboard, then this is probably the one for you. I mean it’s got a battery. If you want to go Wireless, it can do uh, Windows or Mac no problem.

It just looks sick, like I can’t get over how cool this thing is. I will be frank everyone as soon as we broke to try the new keyboard, because the other one wasn’t working. Everyone came over and tried the knob. Everyone loves this knob. I think the only thing I’m not crazy about is the handle they could have.

Probably just ditched the handle, I think it’s just plastic too, like it’s, not even anything crazy good. So would I buy this thing? Would I buy the new fee field? 75. You know just for the keyboard, maybe not, but I’m telling you when you’re getting the poster. It’S a lot more appealing, otherwise you know if you want to check out other short circuits, maybe look at the first time I looked at a Newfie keyboard, the Newfie air 75. It was pretty cool. .