Well, That Didn’t Last Long

Well, That Didn’t Last Long

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Well, That Didn’t Last Long”.
Meta has canceled the quest Pro and reportedly stopped our reportedly canceled. The quest Pro and reportedly stopped all development on the quest Pro 2.. Their plan is to continue to build Quest Pro headsets only as long as current stock lasts uh when they launched it in October of 2022. It was criticized for its awkward fit along the forehead, its cheap feel and its underwhelming software platform. Apparently, by January, meta had already told its suppliers that no further components for the quest Pro would be needed even before dropping the price from 1500 to a thousand dollars in March. Our discussion question is: what’s behind the lack of enthusiasm for meta’s, more expensive, VR headsets, and I think the answer is that they just didn’t offer a compelling value. Add over meta’s entry-level headsets.

I also think they’ve just been going in the wrong direction, really um. What would be better, I think Apple’s approach is going to be better. I think Apple didn’t go quite full bore enough for what I would personally like to see, but I feel like they are prepping everybody for it adequately by having that attached battery, but stacking. All of your battery in your compute hanging off the front of your face is just like actually stupid. Why are we still doing this, like with the amount of money that you’re investing in this? How did you not know? This was dumb like come on and I I am very appreciative of Apple, which is a statement that I feel, like I don’t say all that often um, but for having this tether, which is not going to be very annoying because it’s tether that is contained on You yep um and moving that battery weight off of the device, that’s a huge benefit, and eventually, if we can take compute off as well fantastic, that’s one of the reasons I still use my index yeah, because most of the new headsets that have come have taken Advantage of the lightening of the displays and the housings and the uh lenses and then gone yeah. Now we can put more other stuff still in front of your face. I haven’t seen a genuinely compelling enough device to move to from the index this whole time and like that, that’s a problem. That’S a mistake. I think they’re just absolutely going in the wrong direction. Big screen Beyond has a lot of potential um.

My problem with it is that I can’t get it working um I sent them. I think I sent them now that I think about it. I haven’t heard back in a while, which is pretty unusual for something like this um. Let me just see if I actually ever pressed send on this.

Oh, oh! No! I never! I never sent the email. Oh crap, you know what I think it was is normally uh or it used to be. When you uploaded a YouTube video um, you could get the link to it before it was done processing but um. Oh wait! This has 33 views, though, did I did I not send it uh? Okay, I don’t know you link it internally, uh. I don’t think so.

Um, okay! Well, I will send that to them shoot, so I’m the one who wait they emailed today. How was this not uh um yeah ever since they cut ties with with Palmer lucky. I oh wait. I don’t think they’ve really been going in the right direction. Oh shoot: no, they replied to me what the heck.

Well, That Didn’t Last Long

Why are there? Their emails are getting automatically marked red uh, okay, uh! Oh, this is awkward shoot. I just sent them the same. Video again ignore last email. I will try tonight shoot um I’ll mark that on red uh, cool anywho, uh yeah – I just can’t get it working, so I sent them this video of doing everything that they told me to do. Supposedly it’s supposed to just work and then the first time.

Well, That Didn’t Last Long

The first headset I had it worked other than that whenever I had OBS active, the mic wouldn’t work coming out of the headset and I was like well. This doesn’t work because I wanted to stream because it was still under embargo for reviews, but you were allowed to stream with it. I’M like how on Earth am I supposed to stream with it they’re like we’ve, never seen that bug before no idea, they sent me another one. That’S apparently better in some other ways as well and they were like okay, try this one and then it just didn’t work at all, and so I sent them um this video that I recorded, where I’m basically like yep here’s my drivers, here’s um, the latest version Of steamvr here’s the headset definitely plugged in correctly.

Well, That Didn’t Last Long

Here’S me doing absolutely everything you told me to do and it doesn’t work at all um So based on their email. It might be something to do with some kind of Bluetooth, wake something something Lighthouse trackers V2, something so hopefully it’s, hopefully it’s fixed and it’s pretty promising. I have some concerns. I have a bunch of notes on it already, even though I haven’t managed to actually um like a game for an extended period of time with it uh like the the rubber I feel like they need something a bit more breathable. They need at least a breathable option, especially because quite a few of the VR experiences that people are, as far as I can tell right now, really engaging in are like Fitness ones, especially if you like, if you have a reason to spend a bunch of money On a super lightweight, headset, there’s a good chance, it’s because you’re moving around yeah um, because if you can, if you can attach work or health to something the amount that people are willing to spend on it just cranks if you’re like oh this, could this can? Oh you’re, having a hard time getting out of the house, but you want to be physically active, but you find a lot of the at-home like calisthenics workout stuff, really boring. Well, you could like do the VR boxing or or beat saber or whatever.

Okay. This is going to help me shed weight or do whatever else now. I will spend a bunch on this product if it’s just for gaming or whatever else depends on the person, but I think your higher likeliness, if you can attach something else to it.
