This Chair Has a Spine – Cougar Terminator Chair

This Chair Has a Spine - Cougar Terminator Chair

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Chair Has a Spine – Cougar Terminator Chair”.
The unprecedented revolution of the gaming chair – that’s right: we are unboxing the cougar Terminator gaming chair, which has this written right on the box. This thing’s, pretty nuts I’m gon na. Let let’s open it up. Oh combined with functionality and ergonomics. Cougar Terminator, is a unique machine.

This Chair Has a Spine - Cougar Terminator Chair

Aesthetics gaming, chair and excellent ergonomics that Gamers and Esports players are Keen to use that’s nice, excellent support for natural, curb of spine Optimum lumbar support, ventilation, backrest, Ultra stable and ultimate durable. This is what I was hoping for instructions right on the back. I thought it’d be kind of like dramatic number. One got all of your bits, nicely organized, which is good.

This Chair Has a Spine - Cougar Terminator Chair

I always appreciate that holy crap. This is this is Hefty of this. Chair is for tall people, I’m not the demographic pillow, not magnetic casters. Oh broken plastic.

In there that doesn’t look good, oh wow! It broke right off. Oh crud! Well that shouldn’t be like that. I’M not sure if this got damaged while shipping or if it was something that happened while we’re here, but this side piece completely broke off.

I don’t think. There’S anything we can really do about that, so that sucks assembling instructions, so we are going to attach the casters to the base of the chair. These casters aren’t the nicest things I’ve ever held in my hand, step one complete step, two accessory kits, so it’s actually are these labeled or you just kind of got to guess. So it’s not labeled on the plastic, but it is listed out here so number one is the eight screws which are these. Why are they divided? We know what we’re doing we got this.

We just did attendance and now everyone’s just they’re mingling. I need four of these for step two, because we’re gon na put this guy on the base. This guy yeah goes like that really wish. I had an screwdriver right now. The instructions have been really clear, but I actually really also appreciate when they write front and arrow right on the parts that you try and install as well. The armrest caught my eye and the latch to like change. The armrest looks so premium and it feels so premium.

This Chair Has a Spine - Cougar Terminator Chair

We are on chaos, step three put the base of the chair onto this part. We can do that online. It was like you might want two people on this.

It’S like nah you’re, good, but everything’s, fine that wasn’t even that crazy, easy step, four put the little uh the little washer guy into the other guy, and then you screw it into the guy goes together and this big cloth. This big, like fabric washer, would go against the thing and then like this guy, would stop it yeah yeah! That’S right! Wait! I pre-installed them hold on I’m actually very confused. Yeah put the back on yeah yeah. Okay! I will actually need help for this. Ah, my good friend Bell co-worker my favorite, my good co-worker here. Sometimes you have to like bend them a little bit so we’re good here, yep that good.

I don’t even know how you would do this with one person, so huge pain, yeah, exactly and one pro tip is, do the top screw of both sides. Then you can at least have your helper Frick off okay hold on no. This is why she started with the top one I’m not even following my own advice, anymore. Well, how’s, your family. One thing when you’re screwing these in is that you really don’t want to over tighten the bolts, yeah wow. Look at this thing Terminator ready to terminate whoa wow.

I don’t know why. Why do I think the spine looks so cool? Maybe I’m just old and out of touch where I think this looks kind of sick, because I think there is one last step here I’ll just attach the pillows thanks instructions thanks Belle you’re, the best friend I could have. I need those back.

Oh, I think I have the pillows mixed up. I think I have the pillows mixed up. Let’S take a look at this hold on yeah yeah, ABS, apps, Absa, freaking, lutely baby. This is the head pillow, oh man, this is cute actually and then you just tighten it hold on. I need those back again give me this. Give me this one give me this. These are not so big, okay, guys. I understand we got it, we got it. We got it so you see where the headrest is on the chair, I’m not putting it on the right part of the chair and the reason that there’s so much room for you to clip it in is because you need that rope because it goes on the Like backrest, not on the headrest, this one goes here.

Oh, I have a meeting right now, that’s something just like our sponsor fessi that wasn’t as good damn thanks to vesi for sponsoring today’s video it’s summer, but that doesn’t mean you need to pack away your vessies. Even though it’s stretchy enough to easily do that with their signature, dimatex technology vesti’s stylish shoes are lightweight and breathable letting heat and sweat escape and with their claim of being 100 waterproof they’re great for walks along the beach so head on over to forward. Slash short circuit and use code short circuit for 15 off your entire order today. Actually wait. I must do I not need these are. These are just extra there’s no shot yeah right, yeah right did I just miss this unit.

Let me know you watching you. Everybody step five I didn’t put the covers on. It, goes on like that and then we’re gon na screw it in you, don’t even know it’s there.

The side’s broken, but we’re still gon na put this on, and then this one where I was really confused as to what this was you just you just put it right in the middle, you just got to terminate it into place there you go just like that, And uh with that, it’s time to sit finally, ah, not much tilt which tilt do I look imposing let’s go over a few speeds and feeds for the chair. The first is weight rating. This chair can support up to 297 pounds. You turn the armrest. They go up and down.

The armrests are pretty hard, there’s a little bit of give but they’re not as flexible as I would personally like um and I’m actually realizing it is summer, and you can actually remove this thing for better airflow. Like I said before, I actually like the look of this: it’s not really doing any support for you. I don’t really feel my back caving into it. Actually, yeah, that’s terrible if I actually lean back and you try to like relax for a second, this gaping hole in my in my life.

Cougar calls this hyper durable leatherette. It’S still leatherette honestly. The leatherette feels decent enough, but time will tell how durable it actually is. I was talking about how cool the spine looked earlier.

It seems like it just looks cool. I don’t think it really does anything for your spine that you have in your body. I feel like the base of this chair, like ends a little prematurely like I slide off this thing. I don’t know if it’s just me, maybe it’s the lumbar pillow, which the lumbar pillow I mean yeah.

It supports my back, but I don’t really like it. I’M Gon na Take It Off. Oh okay, that’s better! That’S all my problem, my back’s still supported but uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. The chair itself weighs about 80 pounds.

So it’s not going to be the easiest to kind of move around, not the greatest thing for Mobility. You’Re going to want to build it and just have it one spot, I’m going to test the casters now yeah. Those are nothing to write home about. The other crazy thing about this chair is that I think it’s about 800 US Dollars, which is pretty nuts. You might be able to notice this on camera, but I’m only like five foot, five, five foot, six on a good day, so we’re getting somebody tall to experience this chair and I’d like to introduce you to Hoffman: hey! Are you a gamer sit in this chair? Tell me what you think of this chair, honest opinions, wow you! Actually it’s like they built this chair for him, so you got ta, be six feet tall to be late. He feels supported like my mom, this chair is going to his workstation.

I think it looks great for 800 dollars wow that is so cool right, okay, okay, I’m not out of touch hopman’s cool; he likes it. I think it’s worse, so we got a tall person. Now we need a gamer and for a gamer, we’ve got David Gautier. Here David, this is the cougar Terminator.

What do you think of the look of it? It looks cool. It looks like it should have like an interface that goes right into your neck. Let me know what you think of. Like the sitting experience yeah. I have thoughts.

Hoffman had very positive thoughts, how’s your back right now. My lower back feels like pretty secure and supported, but there’s definitely like where whatever is up here is definitely uncomfortable, like it kind of presses into like the muscle, just above the shoulder blade, and it does not feel do you feel the hole, because I felt the Hole like I guess, when you’re really leaning back, if I’m leaning back yes, yes, but but not otherwise, yeah, it’s probably not too bad yeah right, okay, okay, cool yeah, all right all right, but but you think the spine’s cool right. I think it’s three for three yeah, I’m cool! Let’S go since this is a gaming chair.

We’Re gon na game come along with me, ah so bright. That’S how I like the game. I think a lot of the problems that I’m having is just because I’m five foot five, all of the support of my back – is just like in the wrong places. So even this lumbar like here is hitting like the top of my back, not my lower back. My lower back is just like feels unsupported. My back is resting in this giant void.

That is my life here, which sure, maybe it’s got good ventilation, but I don’t sweat that much when I game I’m not I’m not gaming. That hard, I’m not you know. I love the cougar gaming sofa, but this this one, this chair, just isn’t for me. Another thing I’m noticing with this chair too is I’ve, got it on the lowest setting and my legs are hitting the base of the chair, no matter how. I guess if I turn the legs like this, but I think it’s the design right this design, because it’s so wide my feet are naturally like, no matter how I sit unless I sit absolutely perfectly like this. My feet are gon na knock against the base of the chair. One of the reasons I wanted to check out this chair in the first place was the marketing materials.

Okay, we’re gon na look at these things together. I got sent this chair right on the product. Page, you can see the beautiful spine of the chair. I was like oh that’s, interesting design. Then I read Terminator Rage Against the Machine aggressively assimilating style, into functional design.

The Terminator redefines the gaming Throne, its unique properties, raise the bar for ergonomic support and comfort to unprecedented levels, letting nothing in the way of the full spectrum of Gamers from the hobbyist to the elite doing what they do best play. I don’t want to harp on this thing too much, but I just had to read that tagline it was just so epic and over the top. So unfortunately, this chair isn’t for me it’s priced around anywhere between 750 U.S.

All the way up to I’ve seen it as high as 950 U.S if you’re in that price range shopping for a good gaming chair, I’d, recommend something from secret, lab or Razer, or even an ergo option from somebody like a you know, steel case or something like That confirmed this chair is for tall people and I’m not one of them. So that’s it for this video. Let me know what you think down below and uh we’ll catch you on the next chair, video .