Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴BLOCK FIRESTICK UPDATES 2023”.
So here we are on my 4K fire stick mags. As you guys know. A few days ago, I applied the new fix on how to keep launcher manager permanently running on my device. One of the parts of that fix was to disable the sleep.


So, as you can see in the background, my fire stick is still running. If I press the home button, let’s see exactly what happens because a few people said that they were not able to get this working or it was working for a day. But again, the next day launcher manager seemed to be disabled. Well, if I press home key on mine, we can see it goes straight to the custom launcher Stills, so just to confirm that that figs definitely works and if you also applied the exact same figs. There’S no reason why your 4K fire stick mags or your Fire TV Cube or even the older 4K fire stick devices running fire OS 6.

There should also have the exact same experience, but what, if you want to take you to the next level and completely block updates, and what that basically means is that your device will just now no longer connect to Amazon to download those updates. Now, of course, some of you want the latest features you want to see what Amazon are offering, if there’s any new programs or new applications or new changes that you may like. Obviously, if that’s what you’re interested in then blocking updates is not for you. However, if you are somebody that is happy with their fire, stick or fight TV and doesn’t want Amazon to make any more changes, they’re happy with the way things are, they don’t want any extra features or or any extra changes or extra updates pushed to the device.


If that’s you, then you may want to follow the exact process in this article now you know that the process has worked on your device, because if you long press the home button – and we can see now – if I go over to my settings – let’s click on That, if I now go over to Mifi TV and we can see, there was an update error there, but if I click on that again give that a second and basically, in the background, what’s happened now is my device has now blocked those processors, so they can Now no longer communicate with the internet. If these processes can’t communicate to the internet, then of course they can now no longer download any updates. I can continue using my device exactly how I like it as soon as I press home I’ll always be taken to my custom launcher, and I can go ahead and keep my device exactly how I like it without any changes being forced down my throat from Amazon.

So in this article today, let me show you how you can follow this process on all of your Amazon devices and now stop Amazon, sending updates to your device. All you need to do is just hit that, like button make sure you hit that subscribe button. So all of that being said, let’s again, if you’re new to the channel – and you want to stay up to date with the latest tech tutorials, the latest fire stick Android and Android TV tips and tricks. Then please do subscribe, hit the like button. It’S a small click from you, but it makes a big difference to me.

Thank you now before I start the video. Let me just show you one quick thing which maybe I missed in my last video just to ensure that if you were to follow the previous video, how you can use launcher manager to once again use a custom launcher and that script that runs in the background. Firstly, ensures that if anything was downloaded from Amazon it gets cleared out, it also clears The Blacklist and, lastly, it terminates the standard stock launcher. I think every five minutes and just to confirm everything is okay.


So if I go to other settings, if I now scroll down into where it says ADB command, we can see the command I put in if I just press the select button on that that actually executes the commands. So maybe, if you type this command in and just press the home key, that command will not run until you select it once like I’ve done now or you restart the device. And the reason for that is. If I long press the select button and set the option to edit, we can see, we had the option enabled execute on boot. So, even if you didn’t select this once to activate the script when the device restarts, because this is set to execute on boot, it will then start processing a script and it’ll be running in the background, which will then clear out anything downloaded from Amazon and also Clear out the Blacklist and click on save, so my device is okay, okay, so for me to now actually block my device talking to the Amazon for those Amazon updates. I just need to install one program now to do that.

I just head over to my website by opening up downloader. I can now make a quick connection to my website, which is just techdoctoruk.com or you can always type in the short code. 534. 02. Let’S type that in and click on play – and this will take you directly to my website now when you get to myself head over to the hamburger menu, which is one of the three lines.

Let’S click on that, then click on tutorials and the latest tutorial in the list will be how you can now block these Amazon updates from coming onto your device. Let’S open that up. Okay, so block update Amazon updates. We can now see some step-by-step instructions. Let’S scroll down now, this will basically use an application called netguard, which is a free application which does not require you to have router access and through this application we can now select which applications or which processes are allowed to talk to the internet.

So if I scroll down, we can see, we have two things to download the first one is netguard, which is the application we’re going to use to block those processes, and the second one is my previous application. The update wiper – and this is basically a backup in case something happens and for whatever reason, an update does get sent to your device. How do you quickly clear that update before your device goes ahead and install it, and this is basically one of the lines in the launcher manager script, whereby it will clear out anything downloaded on your device before your device gets a chance to install it? But maybe perhaps if you’re not using launcher manager – and you just want to block updates that would recommend downloading both netguard and the update wiper, just to give you that extra layer of protection, so so we now have both applications installed on this device. Click on install – that’s now all done.

Let’S now press the home key and we can see on this device. The home key always takes me back to my custom launcher and let’s now open up netguard for the first time. Okay, so we can now click on agree. Let’S do that now we can see at the top it says.

Netguard is disabled, uses switch to enable netguard. Now before we do that, just to show you what happens when netguard is not running. If I press the home button, if I go and try and check for update – and we can see now – my device is actually downloading and updating. So this is actually a great, very timely test.

We can prove that the tduk update wiper will actually remove this downloaded file. So let’s give that a second okay. Now we see the option to install update, but I don’t want to install update I’m going to press back, I’m going to open up the tduk update. Wiper and I’ll set the option clear, OTA database, so basically clear anything, that’s been downloaded over the air, OTA and clear everything out.

It’S not my device. Anything that was downloaded will be cleared out. If I now press back when I go back to check for updates – and we can see now, it says last check never because that OTA database, all of those downloaded files with the update, have now been cleared. So that’s now actually block those updates coming to my device in the first place.

So when I open up netguard, so the first thing you want to do is just change the settings because we want to enable the system options. So if we go to the top right click on the three dots, let’s now click on settings, I can now go down to where it says Advanced options and we can see this option at the top, which says manage system app. So this basically means we can now block system applications from accessing the internet. Let’S enable the option. That’S now done. Let’S now go back back again and we can now see these system processes, so the ones that we want to block are the adap fos.

This is basically what manages the Blacklist of what applications get blocked on your device. So I press the select button here and also here. It basically means that this application now has no access to talk out to the internet, keep scrolling down, and we should have one more for system updates, and here we can see system updates.

So, let’s now also press select button here and also here and that’s now also selected, so we’ve now stopped the Adept, fos and also system updates from talking to the internet. The only thing we need to do now is to enable netguard now to enable, if you go to the top left scroll to the top go to the top left, and I can now turn this on now. We can see it says for consistent results.

I can just select the option here: do not warn me again and click on. Ok, OK! So that’s now running in the background now in case you’re wondering how does this run because we don’t have root access? So how can we block these system applications from talking to the internet? This is because this emulates, a virtual VPN and through the virtual VPN it allows us to control these processes from talking to the internet. Now one obvious issue with this is you can only run one VPN at a time, even though this is a virtual VPN, if I Now activate ipvanish or expressvpn, that will then obviously disable this, and this is where, basically, you have to use this in conjunction with The tduk update wiper, so if you are using a normal VPN and an update does get downloaded to your device, you can quickly clear that out by opening up and running the tduk update wiper, but you can see now on this. These processes are disabled.

I can now press back. If I now go back into it, we can now see the disabled things at the top, even though we selected two things it actually disables three in total automatically. So now, if I long press the home button, we can see now in a couple of seconds when it detects that this process now can no longer talk to the internet and there we have it guys. So now my device will no longer get any more updates until I choose to disable net guard effectively giving control of my device back to myself again.

So I really appreciate your support. Do leave me a comment below. Let me know you think about this process and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .