Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Intel Nukes the NUC”.
Intel nukes Nooks until New Schnucks yeah, I mean what’s a bigger question: why is Intel nuking the Nooks or why was Intel making Nooks for so long? I was gon na say: are you surprised, I’m a little surprised, I’m surprised they killed it at this point yeah. I mean they’ve been when did they launch the first Nook I was like it was over 10 years ago. Wasn’T it until Nook? I’M pretty sure I covered this on NCIX Tech tips. Yes, I’m pretty sure, because I’m pretty sure I was there Intel’s Nook next unit of computing January of 2013..
This was over 10 years ago. Look at this guy ridiculous eat a sandwich anyway. The point is sorry.
When was what was you yeah? So I did this yeah yeah. This probably would have been shot by you yeah because they launched it around that time. Right, yeah right and I always got it from a like a uh uh from from a conceptual standpoint. It’S pretty cool they’re, really small, they’re energy. Efficient, you can kind of Mount them anywhere back of a monitor in a drawer um like business applications under a desk whatever. But the issue is that they use mobile hardware and, depending on the SKU, Intel, did or or didn’t deliver that at a reasonable price.
In the nook, and so the pricing often just didn’t, really make a ton of sense, sometimes it did and they actually had a couple really cool products over the years I forget which Canyon it was Hades Devils. Whatever I don’t know, I don’t remember anymore, but they did that cool one where they collaborated with AMD and used an AMD GPU, oh yeah, and an Intel CPU, and it was super skinny and it had Thunderbolts. You could use an external GPU if you really wanted to so you could like upgrade its capabilities down the road yeah. Remember that but then I’m looking at it going, who has room for a desktop for which the largest component is the monitor and doesn’t have room for a computer, yeah yeah, and I’m not saying that there’s nobody. There are certainly people who wanted a really small computer, but the gaming nooks in particular, I’m looking at going who’s the audience for this, where people want to spend that much more to have it realistically, not that much smaller and I shouldn’t say not that much smaller, Because by volume they were often a lot smaller than what you could build for yourself. The issue is that does the volume matter or does the footprint matter like? Is this actually bigger on the desk, then this like which what’s bigger? Okay, here, you guys can’t see this like. What’S what takes up more space, my phone or this water bottle right, and so I just am, I always just found it not confusing why they existed. They seemed kind of cool and Intel had the capability to build them, and they were often surprisingly performant for how small they were, but I didn’t understand why anyone bought them other than the budget ones for, like you, said, commercial use, yeah interested in commercial use the Whole time and yeah I never never understood anything outside of that. .