TV vs Projector in 2023: Don’t make a mistake!

TV vs Projector in 2023: Don't make a mistake!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “TV vs Projector in 2023: Don’t make a mistake!”.
Portion of this video is sponsored by yuffie. We’Ve got two Flagship sets here. This is the Paris Rhone laser. U, this is using LG’s mini LED technology, nebula Cosmos, laser 4K projector. So if I can prove anything that I have looked at a lot of TVs uh over the past 12 months, I’ve also looked at like a lot of projectors as well, and I think when it comes to buying a new TV, most people are not considering a Projector, ultimately, I think people go to Best Buy, they look at all different TVs and they just buy it on Amazon, but there’s a whole other side of watching content out there. I think projectors deserve a spot in a lot of homes that they’re just not getting. They are definitely not perfect. So what I wanted to do was sort of compare TV technology to projector technology, as you guys get to the point where maybe you’re looking to get something new hope you make a decision, or at least maybe consider something that you didn’t. Consider before then, I’m gon na break it down into different categories: talk about budget mid-range and premium and cabera projectors and TVs that are most comparable in those categories all right. So, let’s start with the most affordable options. So when it comes to the budget side of project TVs, talking about mainly just two types of Technologies, LED projectors and LED TVs, I think there are upsides and downsides each.

TV vs Projector in 2023: Don't make a mistake!

I think the big upside for both they tend to be much more affordable when it comes to LED projectors. They can get in like the sub 200 range, but cheap doesn’t necessarily mean that they aren’t good. They tend to be pretty lightweight much smaller types of projectors. Far less fan, noise they’ve got extremely long lamp life around 30 000 hours before the lamp starts to degrade or needs to be replaced, and not only that you’ve got various screen sizes too. Some Led projectors get you a wall filling 100 to 120 inches. You have to buy an LED TV that was that big you’d be spending upwards of 10 plus thousand dollars the biggest downside, though so, don’t get as bright as more expensive counterparts.

TV vs Projector in 2023: Don't make a mistake!

So unless you are in a perfectly dark room, the image can look very washed out or faded, not only that some of the cheaper, LED projector brands are notorious for misrepresenting what the projectors can do, setting to get thousands of lumens when they don’t. You go on Amazon and look you see these projectors that are like 50 bucks and they’re, like 9, 000 lumens and you’re like you, are lying, I’m not saying that all projector companies are lying, but I would say if you see something in the projector World, it Seems too good to be true, probably too good to be true. Now, there’s a big thick butt that goes along with this you’re able to control the light in the room 100 at a time, so you got a room with like no windows and you invest in a quality projector screen. That is ambient light rejection. That will go a huge way to make even a budget. Projector look really good, but if you’ve got a room where there’s a ton of light, LED projectors almost become unwatchable, even with the added benefits of an ambient light. Rejection screen so, unless you’ve got a complete, controlled environment, think of sub 200 LED projectors are probably not the way to go and Shop instead from LED TV and as far as those go not all that dissimilar, they tend to be a little sort of lower in Price, the brightness isn’t as high as more expensive TV Technologies generally and they can look a little bit washed out in bright room settings they’re also, obviously like fixed size screen. It’S not gon na.

TV vs Projector in 2023: Don't make a mistake!

You know grow in size like a projector wheel, so every size you pick you’re stuck with that for some people, that’s exactly what they want. Uh, plus, what LED TVs are cheaper. There still aren’t as cheap as led projectors are, but overall, you’ve got a very bright room.

Led TV is going to fare way, better LED projector on average. So that’s probably the big determining Factor. At least it would have been for me if I was comparing these two technologies from my house, but if you got the ability to darken the room completely or you’ve got a room with no windows. Either of these is going to look absolutely awesome, whether you decide for projector or TV, it’s to make your home life better and to take you a bit of a glance inside of my home, my daughter just turned four just at the phase where she only will Have cereal and three out of five days a week or we’re up for school? She throws that bowl on the floor, but usually I had to get a towel and wipe it up and clean it, and then I get to mop and clean it up, doesn’t get sticky and gross if only there was a solution that could do all of that. For me, and now there is meet the mock V1 Ultra and it does exactly what you’d expect it to do. It is a vacuum and wet mop and clean up dry, wet, sticky, messes and take care of it absolutely easily and do a really good job doing it. It’S got what they’re calling Ultra cordless Steam Wave technology. It’S a continuous flow of high energy steam. It’S also TV certified, so it’ll scientifically clean and remove 99.9 bacterias on the floor for generally healthier environment. It makes life a lot easier there. It also has 16 800 Pascal units of suction Powers. Other things to know it’s got ecoclean ozone jet blade technology. It’S going to promote quick drying of floors as it mops you don’t get a gross little snail Trail there as you are mopping. It also has perhaps my favorite name Tesla valve, mixing it’s going to automatically mix cleaning solution with water, reduce for tanks without manually blending. To give you the right amounts of cleaning solution it’s produced for about 30 days, like you probably think something like this might be like a giant chunky, thick boy, it’s actually a pretty light thin package, especially when it comes to like a vacuum.

It’S not going to be an eyesore in your house; it’s also not going to take up a huge amount of space either and because we’re all relatively lazy humans, this thing will take care of all the work of cleaning it afterwards for you actually, a triple cleaning System so it’ll clean itself, it’ll disinfect itself and it’ll dry itself, which is more than I could say for my daughter most days. Uh. This thing does absolutely incredible job at doing what it is supposed to do and to show you how well it works. I am going to reenact my breakfast in the morning. Let’S do a bowl of cereal on the floor. Show you guys how well this thing actually works.

That example is just one, but I guarantee you, you spilled something gross on the floor. You’Ve watched somebody spill something gross and kind of laugh at them. While I clean it up with a paper towel, but now you can say friend or more likely, parents.

I’Ve got a solution for you because I love you. I bought you a mock V1 Ultra to help clean up all the messes that I make. If you want to learn more check it out for yourself put a link to it down below so that’s kind of the the budget level, but there’s a lot of steps from there and sort of the mid-range is probably the sweet spot on the budget side. The price difference between the TVs and the projectors was can get pretty vast. On the mid-rating side, they tend to get a lot closer. So on the projector side, let’s start talking about the lamp based projectors they’re generally pretty sought.

After because of higher picture quality, they provide for the price, but there’s also a pretty big trade-off. With these on the plus side, they’re civically brighter than LED projectors, you can get away with having more ambient light in the room. They don’t have to be in just a totally dark room so plus they offer the deepest blacks and the highest color accuracy over some of the premium models.

When you see someone’s an in-home theater, these are often the projectors that are being used. The price of these, though, can be all over the board from like 600 bucks to like tens of thousands of dollars, and you can get a really high quality one for like 1500 to 2000, it’s probably a sweet spot, and these are really for people who want To create a in-home cinematic experience, if you put these in the right environment with the right screen and the right screen size it’s about as close as you can get to sort of a movie theater like experience in your house, however, the biggest downside these projectors is: They don’t live very long they’re like hummingbirds, they can average around 3 000 hours for him to replace these bulbs. While these bulbs are usually a few hundred bucks, some can be as high as 800.

So you have to throw away the whole projector, but there certainly are high maintenance costs. These are not for people who want to use it as like a TV, it’s sort of have on all the time. These are people who want to create a cinema experience. They go and watch a movie and they turn off and probably go watch TV somewhere else on the same price point on the TV side. If you watch a lot of stuff, you don’t want to really worry at all about how much light you have you just want to sit and watch your stuff mini LED is probably gon na, be an awesome choice for you, you’re getting some of the brightest sets On the market at mid-range prices that seem to be coming down like every time, there’s a national holiday and the sale happens.

Yeah you’re not getting perfect blacks like with lead, but these sets are so bright. Oftentimes, a dark is a version of gray, looks black to pretty much everyone’s eye due to the contrast, well, you’re, not gon na get these sets above 100 inches. You can still get them above 80 for a pretty reasonable price. Plus you have to worry about replacing any bulbs or burning with these sets, and you can watch these TVs for as long as your buckets in the couch, many LED TVs were sort of an emerging TV tech a few years back kind of from here going forward.

They are super commonplace and already in a lot of homes, dude amazing picture quality and features that they offer for the price. But if you’re wanting a really immersive at home Cinema experience, it’s still really hard to beat a good lamp based projector. Thank you. Sorry. It’S time to go, uh Elite, you got money, burn hole in your pocket and you want things to look good. This is the peak of projectors and TVs. It’S on the projector side, we’re talking about lasers and on the TV side, we’re talking about bullets. So if you want the best version of each of these Technologies like this is gon na, be the section for you.

So when it comes to laser projectors, they’re two major types, so there are long, throw projectors and Ultra short, throw so both of these offer. The brightest image you can get from a projector, these are so bright, you can set them up and it brightly lit room and you can see them perfectly fine. Not only are they the brightest, but they also have an extremely long lamp life around 30 000 hours. Just like LED projectors do so no need to worry about replacing expensive bulbs here so much like I mentioned earlier.

These come in Long throw they can be set up far away from the screen it kind of mounted on the ceiling upside down or the short throw. We can put these projectors really just like an inch or so away from the wall and get a screen size up to 100 to 120 inches. The great can you set them up on entertainment console like you would a regular TV. They don’t have to mount them on a ceiling or worry about sort of crossing the projector, as you might walk in front of it or your head, creating a shadow uh, the main downsides, though they are way higher priced over any other projector types and the black Levels aren’t as deep as lamp-based projectors, but the image is still really incredible. Nonetheless. So if you’re, the kind of person that just like puts a TV on a stand and sits back and watches short, throw is going to be a really awesome way to go, because there’s almost no compromiser, you can put the projector right where you would put your Tv just a little distance away from the wall and you’re getting absolutely incredible picture and again these are the best for any setup.

You don’t have to think about your lighting. Think about the room that it’s in think about the time of how much you’ve watched your bulb is going to blow on you. These are just really good for absolutely everything.

So, on the TV side, uh you’ve got oleds and the primary types you’ll see nowadays are W OLED and cutie OLED. These offer perfect blacks, vibrant, very bright images and, like past years with OLED, you can watch these in bright rooms without the ambient light washing out the image you still can’t really get them above 90 inches, but at that size, you’re filling up most walls anyway. Unless you have like a dedicated Cinema room, it’s not going to matter. In that case, you should go a projector regardless, so both laser projectors and OLED TVs can get very pricey. But at that price you are getting the most premium versions of each Tech. So I upgraded my TV about six months ago. I opted for the LG G2.

It’S a w OLED set. My TV is mounted on a wall. If I had had a console where I put my TV on, I think I would have really considered a laser projector. It’S just better value, I think more versatile than you get with an OLED TV. But having said that, I love my w OLED.

I wished that cutie OLED came in larger sizes, it does now still. The price premium is huge when it comes to larger OLED sets. I think if you are looking for a 75 inch or larger set and you’ve got space either mounted on the ceiling or your TV is on a like.

A console table check out some projectors. You might not think of them as a first thought. When you go to get a new TV set, you can still get HDMI 2.0 ER can connect all your stuff to it. Oftentimes they have their own smart, UI or plug in whatever box you want.

It is a really good option. I think a lot of people tend to forget about whatever you decide to get. Congratulations because it’s pretty awesome, you don’t really get a new TVs or projectors very often, but there are a lot of options available now that weren’t available a few years ago. Hopefully this helps you figure out, which one is right for you. .