2023 Nissan Pathfinder – Day In The Life

2023 Nissan Pathfinder - Day In The Life

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “2023 Nissan Pathfinder – Day In The Life”.
What’S up, y’all welcome to the day in the life of the brand new 2023 Pathfinder in The Scarlet Red colorway, which pretty much looks more like a maroon red, you have the split headlight design that Nissan has been doing lately. I personally am a fan of it. I think one of the coolest things about the front of this vehicle is this kind of like vent looking system here it looks really cool and it stands out in the dark. Nissan’S new logo, blacked out Grill fog lights on the bottom, and let’s take a look at the back of this car now we’ve got Pathfinder and raw Creek badging back here.

2023 Nissan Pathfinder - Day In The Life

You have this black bar that connects the tail lights, roof rack, which we’re going to utilize. Today, because we’re going kayaking and tail lights, that’s pretty much it! I’M gon na head over and get some fuel and you can follow me throughout the day today. The off-roading capabilities can be turned on with a knob here on the center and you’ll see that the camera system comes up here on the screen. So you can see the front of the vehicle as well as one of the wheels, which is very useful now, as far as how it feels on here. It is a little bit on the stiffer side, especially coming from the Forerunner, where the suspension on there was very soft, and you can barely feel anything, especially when you’re on bumpy roads, but with this car, since it is slightly tuned for off-roading, and it is slightly Raised yeah, it is better than other Pathfinders. However, it’s not going to compare to something like the 4Runner since they’re, really not even in the same class foreign all right made it to the gas station, so this has an 18.5 gallon tank.

2023 Nissan Pathfinder - Day In The Life

It pretty much says that premium fuel is recommended which okay, fine we’re gon na put premium in it, because you guys got on me last time for not putting premium all right. Let’S turn on the car and let’s see how many miles we’re getting on a full tank animation is loading and it says we have just over 450 miles which isn’t bad at all, but stay tuned to the end of the video. So you can get an idea of how it handles as far as the mpg throughout the day, but now we’re going to go back to the office and get some editing done. You’Re, not this big Tech guy. But I kind of want to hear your perspective.

2023 Nissan Pathfinder - Day In The Life

What stands out to you personally, Tech, wise, um, honestly, the shifter, so it’s it slides it’s one of those electronic shifters. I find myself always just putting it into reverse, rather than part, because you have to actually press the park button. This Pathfinder has an eight inch display, I’m not a big fan of this giant bezels around it. However, I do like the addition of the buttons, because some of us still prefer that over a fully touchscreen system, foreign to the river, now we got ta unstrap everything here we are so like I mentioned, we have a roof rack here. How many pounds does that hold again? 220. 220..

So that’s not bad at all, not a lot, but hey it’s a kayak! It’S not gon na weigh much yeah. It’S still. It gets the job done. It does what it needs to do.

So let’s go ahead and pull out this baby since we’re still outside. Let’S talk about this trunk space, oh might as well. It’S not automatic, unfortunately, real big con, in my opinion, yeah, that is a big car, especially on a price like this.

What is it? 54? 000, something around that price around that range like at least something you know. Obviously, we’ve got a big light in here: um seats fold down our lighting equipment, which is very nice um. This one is spec with weather mats, which is really cool to have Rock Creek weather maps.

I feel like that’s a nice. Oh yeah, Pathfinder this year has an auto start and stop feature. Listen to this real quick cut off instantly as soon as soon as you stop. That is insane now, what’s a little bit annoying about. That is that when it cuts off the steering wheel, locks and it feels a little bit awkward and then how fast it shuts off, is I’m not a fan of it? I’M not either it’s way too soon, just to barely you just barely come to a stop, and then it does now we’re going. You see that it’s a little too abrupt and you can hear things kind of flicking in the background all right: Victor you’re, the everything technology guy.

What about the tech in this car I’d say my favorite piece of tech in this car is Nissan’s Pro pilot assist because we’re on the highway right now or just under a minute. It’S gon na start beeping at me, and let me know that, and you put my hand back on the wheel. It’S doing it right now, so I’m gon na do that now, and on top of that, I really like the digital gauge. It’S not fully digital. However, Nissan does a really good job at integrating this digital part within the. What is this, I think it’s called analog the analogs two analogs, I’m living in the future. Here I don’t even know what the word analog is y’all check out this backup camera system. You have a bird’s IV on the right side and then on the left side, you have the actual backup camera.

Now I want to nitpick this a little bit because the bird’s eye view car is not actually this vehicle we’re missing a sunroof. It’S not a big deal, but I would have loved to see that attention to detail here. The Pathfinder is a versatile SUV, and this off-road Rock Creek trim allows adventurous spirits and families alike. More flexibility.

Nissan did an excellent job with the interior by turning every corner into a practical space for compartments, I enjoyed seeing the reliable 3.5 liter V6 here with a 9-speed automatic transmission. A much welcome change from the previous CVT stay tuned and hit the Subscribe button. We’Ve got a ton more to share about this car in our upcoming shorts and on our Instagram and Tick Tock Pages, I’m Victor kamanga and I’m Grant Lewis. Thank you for joining us on this Everything Automotive Journey bye. Welcome back to another, it’s 20 20. What 23 and there’s no wireless charging? It’S not even an option. .