I don’t normally Pre-Order stuff… – AVerMedia @ Computex 2023

I don't normally Pre-Order stuff... - AVerMedia @ Computex 2023

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I don’t normally Pre-Order stuff… – AVerMedia @ Computex 2023”.
We’Re at the AVerMedia booth at computex 2023 to show you guys something really special. These are the world’s very first HDMI 2.1 capture devices and they’ve got two of them: internal external. Whatever you want, let’s start with the internal one. This is like a traditional pcie based capture card. They call it the live gamer 4K, 2.1 because, as I’m sure, you can see HDMI 2.1 on the back here.

It’S just those two HDMI ports you’ve got in and out like any gaming capture card. That way, you can have your monitor, still visible, while you’re recording on the front here not really too much. You got some some cute venting. You can see the internals of the card there on the bottom pcie gen 3 by 4 connection. It’S not pcie Gen 4, because really honestly, even this connector is a bit Overkill.

There’S not really anything else on here, there’s no external power, which is nice, but I wouldn’t really expect it with something like this. It’S pretty low power device and, on the top, you’ve just got a diffused, RGB kind of triangle bar thing: it’s configurable in their Rec Central software, and I think they said it was also compatible with MSI stuff, which makes sense because this computer is just full of Msi stuff behind me: that’s pretty much it physically RGB really isn’t what’s important. Here, though, what is is those HDMI ports? I talked about before their HDMI 2.1 and if that doesn’t mean anything to you, it probably should, if you have a PlayStation 5 or an Xbox series X or really any modern, GeForce computer, that you want to capture separately from the computer itself.

You’Re Gon na Want HDMI 2.1 and if you have basically any other capture card, you’re going to be limited in theory to 4K 60 pass through which, if you have a high refresh rate, 4k, monitor it’s going to kind of suck and then depending on Lower resolutions. It’S going to kind of vary, but I imagine most of them are kind of like you might be able to get 1440p 60-year 120. Maybe, but this thing, 4K 144 Hertz variable refresh rate HDR pass-through. You can do 1440p 144hz variable refresh rate pass through. You can do 1080p, 240Hz variable refresh rate pass-through, basically, whatever you plug into this thing, be it your Xbox or your PS5. You go into the set settings and you look at the resolution thing and it’s going to be like check.

Mark check mark check, mark check mark As long as your display can do it. These things generally will support it, but pcie capture cards are kind of annoying unless you’re fully static, and this is like your streaming PC or whatever having to put this in there and not be able to be portable with it kind of sucked. But they know that. That’S where this comes in this is the live gamer Ultra 2.1. On the back. It’S got the same, HDMI 2.1 in and out ports, but we’ve also got something a little different here.

It’S a line in and out there. There is a spelling mistake on this one. It says Min in, but it’s meant to say line in it’s pre-production, one don’t worry about it. This is used for party chat which, if you’re a Nintendo switch person – and you want to be able to capture your party chat very useful for that. I did find out that the party chat and the HDMI get mixed into one audio stream, which, if you’re recording or streaming can be a little less flexible. You can independently change the volume between the HDMI and the party chat in, but it is still recorded to one track.

They said they might be able to do a firmware, update or something like that to make it so they’re separate tracks, which they really should do, because it gives you a lot more flexibility when you’re, editing and even when you’re streaming. But for now it’s all in one and then over here is what I’m really excited about. I understand it’s a USB port. It’S not that exciting! It’S just it’s 10 gig type c whatever.

I don't normally Pre-Order stuff... - AVerMedia @ Computex 2023

But if you look at the market, the only other capture cards that can do 4K 60 recording like these use Thunderbolt. But this is just USB. If you don’t have a laptop that has Thunderbolt, which I mean a lot of the modern ones do. But some of the other stuff doesn’t or if you’re using you know a computer, a lot of them don’t have Thunderbolt, but most of them these days have USB 10 gig. So that means this is much more flexible than the previous generations. And if you looked at Thunderbolt capture cards, AVerMedia actually has one there’s something like 500.

This is not 500, but we’ll get to the price later around the front, RGB, of course, but other than that. There’S there’s nothing really on here I mean size Wise. It’S a little bigger than their previous capture cards. They found one of their live. Gamer minis! You can see the new one is a little bit thicker, but nothing crazy.

Honestly, they found one of their previous gen capture cards. The live gamer Extreme 3. Just to compare the size here, it is a bit taller, but nothing much and then in terms of like width and height.

I don't normally Pre-Order stuff... - AVerMedia @ Computex 2023

It’S almost the same so still super portable, which is great, but what’s a capture card without some capture, so let’s try it they. Actually. Let me take it out of this computer, so I’m going to put it back in this computer they’ve got this like pcie extension here. So a little more finicky than usual.

I don't normally Pre-Order stuff... - AVerMedia @ Computex 2023

I forgot how much manual screwdrivers suck lttstore.com. I couldn’t bring it on the planes too long. There we go whoa, it does like a did. You see that that was so cute. It does like a little like boot up sequence.

The LEDs go slow, so fast, I’m a child. You know, okay looks like it’s on. It definitely can capture HDMI.

I don’t know if it can capture this segue to our sponsor thanks to Moman for sponsoring this video. Are you a creative looking to make sure you have the best gear to capture your vision? Moment is here to help offering photo and video equipment for every occasion moment works with only the best Brands, such as Sony, Fujifilm and Leica. They even produce their own high quality gear click, the link below to check out moment and they’re carefully curated catalog of gear.

Hey look it’s working! Oh! This is um. What is this game? Ah, what the hell is, this guy called Devil May Cry there we go. I played this game before I just don’t remember what it’s called: I’m bad with names, oh God! Oh God, that’s not good! I mean you can look at it right there. It’S variable refresh rate. This is the monitor, showing what signal it’s getting we’re going through the capture card they’re over fresh rate.

It’S working. They said it’s a 4K 120 hertz monitor. So, let’s see, I don’t really know how to PlayStation. Also it’s in Chinese, so okay HDR is on 4K and I guess 120., let’s check out the display settings here.

Test 1440p output. Variable refresh rate is set to automatic 120 hertz. It’S automatic HDR, always on hey. Look at that and the next screen test will be run.

It’S working on all of them, which is great there we go 1440p 120 hertz variable, refresh rate working as well, also with HDR. Now, in 1440p the max you’re going to be able to do is 144 Hertz for pass-through at 1080p. You can do 240Hz variable refresh rate, but there is a bit of a caveat there. That is the pass-through resolution, because these cards are relatively inexpensive, you’re.

Looking at 300 for either the pcie version or the external version which, compared to the other stuff on the market, is pretty reasonable, you’re not going to be doing 4K 144 Hertz recording, which, to be honest, is there’s not a lot of use for that there is Professional equipment that can do higher bitrate video, like 8K 60, but that stuff is professional and also expensive and also doesn’t have pass-through so for faster. This is the best you’re gon na get right. Now they did say it is possible to make a card that records at 4K 144, but it would be pretty prohibitively expensive and at least for the market right now, there’s not a lot of demand, so maybe Post in the comments. If you want a thousand dollar capture card, that can do 4K, 144 Hertz and maybe they’ll make it, but for right now, let’s see there, we go 4K 60fps.

I can’t go higher, which makes sense okay, so you can do 1440p. 120.. That’S good! Let’S see, how are we capturing it? Yeah look at that cool there’s like black bars, because OBS is set to a 4K canvas, but this is 1440p 120 recording which is great and then let’s try 1080p.

This might break stuff because the PlayStation is outputting at 1440p, but I’m just going to try it anyways highest FPS. That’S the option. I guess it makes sense that it can capture the different resolution than the input.

There’S 640 yeah. Let’S try. 640. yeah. I mean that works. It just looks like crap, it’s very fast.

I feel like when you’re usually screwing around with capture card resolutions and frame rates. It’S like gon na shut off for five minutes and turn back on. You got ta wait for it, but this is just right away because the recording is decoupled from the pass-through.

This doesn’t even flicker when you change it, which is pretty sick cool. Let’S try their software and change the RGB. I lied, we’re not in Rec Central.

This is their gaming utility. We can go in here, RGB control, so by default it’s in third party mode. I think they said it supports MSI and gigabyte for now, but they’re working on adding everybody else, but you can also just go in here and change it. So right now we’re in Rainbow mode what about glowing yoyo rainbow flash? That’S rainbow Flash got comment.

Oh that’s! A seizure! One static, ah static! That’S what I like this is very early software. I think I broke it. Oh there we go much better. I unbroke it.

I get the input video signal: 1440p, 120 hertz, 8-bit HDR, the audio signals there shows the firmware version shows all the max capture versions: USB 10 gig. They have a performance test tool in here. So, if you’re, having issues with your capture card, say like you use, not the proper, USB, cable or your computer is not fast enough. It literally says if performance is poor, please upgrade your computer. This will test to make sure that the proper resolutions are supported and that it’s working, I think it’s still pretty early, because it’s in kilobits and it’s a very long number you might want to update that to like gigabits. Maybe it already supports multi device, which is great.

Oh here, look, you can change the headset volume for party chat on the USB one, so you can change the volume separately, but again it’s still just going to be one track. They’Ve got RGB control same thing with the scaling in here and then the performance test, hey yeah there we go. All of our resolutions are supported because the last thing to do is to try the USB one and switch it to the ultra and there we go we’re in business. Let’S try 4k on this one too, because I set the resolution.

We’Re 4K 60 reporting sick. Oh, I want one of these I want one of these. Can I take one home video only 120 hertz monitor, so we weren’t able to try out 144 Hertz, so we’re just gon na have to take their word for it.

While this is loading, there’s a few more things to mention they’re planning on releasing white and pink versions of both the internal capture card and the external one, these won’t be available at launch. If so, if you want them, the best you’re going to be able to get is black they’re targeting pre-orders in Late July, and the cards are supposed to come out in August. I wouldn’t recommend pre-ordering as usual, wait for independent reviews to come out, but, based on this first look and my previous experience with AVerMedia capture cards, I’m very excited whoa.

The fact that this is USB and has feature parity with the pcie one so sick and for only 300 bucks. I want one. I can just take this one home right, something I forgot to mention earlier. Is you don’t actually need the software for these um? You probably want something to capture with you can use OBS or Rec Central, which is their software, but in terms of drivers, both the pcie and the USB one are driverless they’re, just UBC plug and play on Mac.

It’S a little bit different story. You will probably need software or driver, and they told me that the ultra 2.1 is not yet supported on Mac OS, but it is coming soon they’re just trying to focus on getting the windows one like 100 up to Snuff before they work on that. So, thanks for watching, if you like this video, like it get, subscribed, do whatever and maybe check out the Mini’s Forum video. I did. I think that had USB 10 gig, you could plug this into the minis for them, and that could be like your streaming.

Pc huh yeah because it had a GPU too. You could use the GPU to encode. You don’t even need to build two computers. You just have like a little one. .