No Hablo Frances

No Hablo Frances

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “No Hablo Frances”.
Uh greetings from Quebec, since the warranty of my z-fold three is now over, I’m afraid to break it. What would you suggest, as a user, to keep it as long as possible PS when uh ABC of gaming in French uh uh? Okay? So what would you suggest to keep as long as possible? I mean be careful with it um. As for ABCs of gaming in French, my French, not good enough um I mean. Maybe we could try and hire a transl man. That would be it. That would be a very difficult thing to translate and maintain the meter yeah because it like it Rhymes, Rhymes and stuff yeah yeah, it’s actually pretty rough and like there are songs that have been successfully translated from English to French and vice versa. I think that book would be really challenging having written the English one, it’s almost a whole other book. Well, it also just contains like technical terminology, for which the literal direct translation is just that word, but like um, like with a French accent. So I sorry what AJ one of our legitimately actually like francophone um team members, the legitimately, do we have anyone else there? Oh no there’s uh, there’s uh, there’s other um.

I think that’s it yeah. I think it’s a prime and demo yeah. Okay, all right, never mind um anyway. No sorry Antoine this, oh yeah yeah.

No Hablo Frances

He must be friends. So four, I think I don’t know. Oh David speaks French yeah yeah, see You’d think I would but no not even a little. He doesn’t even know what I just said. No, I do I do. I speak French and then my last name, okay.

No Hablo Frances

I know that much. That’S actually like brushing on the limit. I know Soda moose, okay, because it’s on packages. Okay, that’s why there’s? No other reason wait like cream sauce cream soda. I thought it was funny when I was a kid. How often do you even drink crime? Do not remember the last time, but when I was a kid I thought it was funny, so I remembered it: okay, yeah! That’S what you retain yeah, okay, we need to. We need to burn through some of these.

No Hablo Frances

We have like no time yeah, Luke .