We Can’t Keep Doing This

We Can’t Keep Doing This

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We Can’t Keep Doing This”.
What’S the longest you have ever worked in one shift, oh I mean there was. I knew that I would get a giggle from Luke peanut butter crackers, lunch 700 series launch, I’m pretty sure I was awake for like four days see. I don’t know I’ve done some pretty I’ve done some pretty dumb stuff, too. It depends on how we Define work like we didn’t used to classify sitting on a plane as work, but we apparently do now um yeah, it’s it’s complicated, yeah yeah, it’s complicated um, but I remember when David and I and uh someone from the business team came With us I can’t remember, but we went to and from Germany in like 30 hours like doorstep to doorstep yeah, so that wasn’t technically one shift, but good gravy uh was that ever intense because that’s like an 11 hour flight or something like that or like nine Hour flight, I can’t remember exactly how long it is we shot a video on the other side like we like we worked, and then we were back um. Those those Touch and Go trips can be pretty exhausting, yeah yeah yeah.

Ah, I think that trip to Germany was probably my worst. The worst recently was what we went through with the uh. The channel hijacking, though I think, hasn’t been that bad in a while. We try, we actually try.

People are constantly. Why do we have so many people on staff because we’re trying? Because we are actually we’re trying trying yeah it’s not always easy, because this is my this is I’m broken, and this is my problem because you’re like talking about how that’s a victory. But for me those are all like my favorite memories yeah, but then I have to remember that that’s not normal, that’s not realistic or that yeah, because I will break so I have to like, but I enjoy those so I kind of like it when it happens. Sometimes yeah, but I don’t like it probably shouldn’t happen too often or I’ll, I’m old.

Now I can’t do that all the time, but I do like this you’re old, I’m getting there I’m getting there, I’m starting to feel it. The recovery time from things is getting long. Oh yeah, oh yeah, it doesn’t get better. That’S the main thing that I’m noticing, I’m not a lot else, is really that you know, but if I, if I go too far, and it’s like okay, I need to rest I’ll be like I’ll, be good in like a day and then it’s like a week Passes and I’m like I’m still feeling it yep yep yeah, it’s not it’s not going to get better from here on out I’ll. Tell you that much yep 30s rough 35 is worse. Nice.

I uh. I had my my badminton training session last night uh my Thursday night session uh. I didn’t message you this because Luke was messaging me the week prior. I think telling me how much water he drank at one of his things. So in two hours and 20 minutes I drank two and a half of these. That is 100 ounces of water, and let me put it this way.

I didn’t go pee. I am annihilated right now, like I am so sore and so tired. I don’t know what he was trying to do to me.

I told him. I was like David, I’m going to Taiwan to play badminton every day and cover a trade show. Why are we doing all smash practice today? We’Ve been planning this video for a long time and things just keep coming up, but we’ll we will do it where we’re going to go to the gym, and I I at no point in time have actually known what the like point was or what we’re like.

Actually supposed to do so, I’ve had I’ve just in my head. I’Ve had these various ideas for like a while, just different like. Ah maybe we’ll do this. Maybe we’ll do that and then eventually I was like you know. I was hoping this was going to be a recurring thing and it’s not going to be so. I’M just gon na like hurt them. What I’m just gon na make it so hard that, like he’s just gon na wake up the deck today and not be able to move, and then I was like, I like enjoyed this idea and then I was like no. I can’t because, like we’re too old now, if we were back when we first started doing this, that would have probably been fine yeah. If this was 10 years ago, we probably would have both been fine, but now, if I do that, it’s like actually gon na be a problem and you’d probably make me do it with you so we’d both just be wrecked for, like ever like okay. Well, I can’t do that so back to the drawing board.

It’S like, oh man, all right. Ah .