Sony Unveils the Wii U

Sony Unveils the Wii U

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sony Unveils the Wii U”.
Do you want? Can we talk about this? This Sony thing, yeah, Sony, PS5 announcements at the their PlayStation showcase Sony announced their new handheld uh projected to come out later this year called project Q. The handheld allows Remote Play of PS5 games via Wi-Fi at up to 1080P and 60fps. It has an 8-inch LCD screen. We have no idea how much it will cost and it’s unclear whether it will do anything else, other than stream PS5 games or whether it will be able to use cellular networks considering they specified Wi-Fi, I kind of doubt it but we’ll see yeah, that’s one of Those things where the answer is no yeah, also lossless wireless earbuds, okay, the PlayStation showcase also highlighted a number of upcoming games. Sony announced showed off several standard PS5 games, the only notable exclusive being Spider-Man 2 uh; okay, some notable non-exclusives a remake of Metal Gear 3. A reboot of Bungie’s Marathon series – that’s, I know right Sony. Owning Bungie just makes my brain hurt yeah, but it’s non-exclusive, which is also the whole thing, is just like uh, it’s weird, but maybe really cool. I haven’t been able to look into uh any of that. Yet because I had a very busy week, but I’m pretty interested in the idea of them, rebooting Marathon we’ll see um Alan Wake 2, a Splatoon, a like called foam stars and the one Riley is most excited about the Talos principle. Two. I think quite a few people are gon na be excited about that.

It’S a PVP extraction, shooter! Oh, I think you’ve got his attention. Oh my Bungie, making a PVP extraction shooter is extremely exciting, like the division. Okay, that part makes it a lot worse. Okay, hopefully it’s not like the division at all. Uh division was terrible in my opinion, but I don’t know I’m sure, someone liked it.

Sony Unveils the Wii U

Okay, I want to talk about this Wireless console thing. Is it just me or like very little use for this? Why don’t you just play on your TV? You know, I don’t know how to feel about this. Okay.

Sony Unveils the Wii U

So, first of all, here, let’s flip over to my laptop this is this – is apparently what it’s going to look like. I think it looks cool yeah. It looks it actually looks like it’s probably comfortable to hold and stuff too here’s. My problem, I don’t know how to feel about this, because I’ve been kind of all over the place.

Sony Unveils the Wii U

Yeah, I loved the Nvidia Shield. Yes and yes, Android games did exist. That could be played with a controller, but at the time they were way less common, so it was fundamentally only a device for streaming. Your gaming PC to a handheld form factor, and I was crazy in love with that thing it was it was how I played games when I had infant children, because it basically had the kid kind of in the thing in your arms, and you could play video Games there was no way you could considered a computer, so that was it. That was how I could play video games, love that and then you know I was less bullish on the steam link, which is basically the same idea, except that it allows you to play your gaming PC games on your TV with a steam controller or some other Controller or whatever else, and then I’m trying to think of kind of what came what came next here, I never really used the Nvidia Shield console for that for that function. It just didn’t really appeal to me and then, when Logitech, okay, when Logitech announced the gcloud, I was looking at it going well.

This is just kind of stupid because you could get a steam deck for like a hundred dollars more. That actually has a full computer. In it, but then I reviewed the gcloud, and even though I was a certified hater of the thing I actually really liked it like. I really liked it. I’Ve got nothing against the concept of this.

I’M a little bit concerned about what I expect the price might be. Then there’s a Wii? U did you ever use the wireless controller pad function of the Wii? U did you ever even look at that screen? Yeah! Really. I am a rare Pikachu Wii? U enjoyer! I really liked the Wii.

U, I was, I actually genuinely very much like the Wii uh, even loved okay, so the Super Mario Bros, whatever it was, that came out for the Wii? U new, Super Mario Brothers! Wii? U it had a four-player co-op feature. Yes, it did with a fifth person that use that main controller had their own screen and you could put down like emergency platforms for your teammates. You could also troll them by while they’re, like mid-jump put a platform right in front of them. They smack into it and fall down.

You could like try to fight your own team from actually completing the level and all this kind of stuff, extremely fun. That’S very fun, that’s very unique experience too. That’S fair and very fun. I played a bunch of different games on the Wii.

U they’re all really good! I am deeply convinced that the only reason why the Wii – U didn’t do well was because no one knew that a it existed or B what the hell. It even was. My group of relatively techy friends, when I first bought it, I invited them all over, because I wanted to play the five person Super Mario Bros thing or uh yeah Superman, yeah um, all of them literally all of them thought that I bought some expansion for my Wii, none of them knew that it was a dedicated car Swedish made. What did I say? Did I say something wrong? No, no! You just an expansion for your Wii, I’m asking! If it’s Swedish made enjoyed the Wii? U and that controller one. That sort of there is his bag baby. That controller was actually very comfortable.

That’S true, yeah yep, it’s true like more comfortable than the switches by a lot, in my opinion, okay um. I do want to keep talking about this Paradigm, though, because I had another opportunity to look at a device. That’S basically this and I have to confess I kind of blew them off, because I just didn’t really care uh, so you always expect it to suck, and then it’s actually okay. Well! No! It’S not that because I was so jazzed on the shield right.

So here hold on a second I’m just gon na jump back over to my laptop for a second here uh. This is from Peak dough of all people. Uh, remember, remember these guys. They had the this like low latency, uh HDMI, streaming thing uh, so it’s millimeter wave, which is a problem because that means the range is gon na, be pretty Fubar but 60p uh, 1080, 60p, so 60 hertz and the the pitched sort of the pitched sort of Use case for this thing was actually streaming your PlayStation 5 to it, compatible with PC, Playstation, Xbox Windows, switch, Etc. Two and a half milliseconds delay up to 30 meters or whatever and three hour battery life, and I kind of looked at this – and I went that seems really niche well and Sony just laid down a big fat. I think you’re wrong Linus yeah because they are releasing a first party accessory.

That’S just this. If this thing could work over cell networks, it would be sick, it doesn’t it. I know it. Doesn’T you don’t want see people keep asking for this? You don’t want to game over a cellular network, yeah, fair enough, yeah and okay. I I know some games would be. I know I hear you.

I can actually hear your keys heating up as you furiously type. A message about how much you love using moonlight over a cell network or whatever steam link. I know there are certain types of games. You want to play like a puzzle, game or something no problem by all means play over a cellular network. But wherever you live, a your cell network must be a lot better than mine, so maybe you’re in like Tokyo or you’re in like Seoul or something like that. Yeah sure.

Fine, a your cell network is a lot better than mine B. You must have a really great data plan. Both of those things are true in a lot of places in the world Apple run their house internet’s off sale. Absolutely, however, even under those ideal conditions, there are certain genres of games that are just not going to be fun with the additional latency, and I I just I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t compromise on that. I just wouldn’t um I I love what Sony’s doing right. Now, though psvr 2 is awesome.

Yeah this I don’t know if it’s awesome, it looks cool, but it’s cool yeah, it’s different yeah. It’S not just. I am 100 certain.

Well, it’s not necessarily for me that some people will love this thing like Microsoft, how how hard have they lost this generation of gaming? At this point, you you could play Playstation games in the bath. Yeah, that’s pretty sweet. I won’t, but I could, but it’s because not necessarily 100 for you, but like someone could fit that use case, that’s pretty cool.

I I do. I do wonder and Conrad’s echoing this in the in the chat uh. How much is it gon na cost them not announcing? A price is like a little sus it is, it is a. It is a wee wee bit sus. I think it’s not. I think it’s not going to be cheap.

I mean here here you know what I I can get you pricing for that Peak dough thing, because realistically it’s the same same Hardware, um. You know what I don’t know if I ever got a final price, because I think it was a Kickstarter or something right. That was one of the other reasons that we didn’t cover it.

I don’t I don’t like covering kickstarters, speaking of which we should talk about that sponsor spot fail this week on techwiki I’ll, we’ll address that a little bit later. Don’T let me forget um, no, I I don’t have. I don’t have a price for this thing. So if I had to guess I’d say it’ll probably be similar to the gcloud, so in the 250 250 us to 299. I think this is going to be a very expensive accessory.

But again I do think some people will eat that. But that’s something that Sony has demonstrated that they’re totally willing to do. I mean the PlayStation. Vr 2 is an accessory that costs as much as the bloody console yeah. That’S not cheap by any means at all. But like it’s not it’s not 700 bucks, because it’s not dedicated handheld yeah you’re, not you’re, not buying a you’re, not you’re, not buying an accessory you’re buying a completely different experience, yeah and yeah. That’S something that Sony has done. A really good job of here is creating different experiences and it’s not going to have quite the mobility of the switch, but man I got ta got ta take a moment and just appreciate how crap the switch is. These days I own a switch OLED, a top of the line. It’S old now switch.

If you will and I own tears of the Kingdom, you guys saw my copy that I bought on the short circuit and I am currently in the process of getting my uh. My Yuzu all set up for the trip that Luke and I are going on so that I can start tears of the Kingdom on a platform that doesn’t suck yeah yeah. The switch is over six years old yeah and it was garbage when it came out. That’S the worst part by the way uh Jake from the lab is, is talking in the float plane chat about what I said about cellular networks and and game streaming and he’s like yeah. The problem is not how many gigabits per second or whatever you can get in a speed test. The problem is that this is real-time data and latency matters, and so, if anything arrives even ever so slightly out of order, it’s going to be garbled and that’s something you simply can’t control on a cellular network.

It’S extremely challenging um and yeah yeah people are talking about like what what Ping time I get or how many megabits I get that that is not the point. It’S just a very very, even though it feels the same to us. It’S the same thing with frame times right yeah.

I click, link and Page load. It feels the same to us, but it’s a really different technology. .