Overwatch 2 was a Rug Pull

Overwatch 2 was a Rug Pull

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Overwatch 2 was a Rug Pull”.
I’Ll talk very shortly about the OverWatch 2 thing: um, oh yeah! So what’s up with that, what you just promised a campaign and then just never deliver it. What you just you know, promised Halo, co-op and then just don’t ship it or what like I just who do? They think they are sorry, but we just annoyingly common uh, Jeff Kaplan, the pretty fantastic video game designer, hopefully hasn’t done terrible things. I don’t know whatever um Jeff Kaplan announced the single player um. Basically, everything Jeff Kaplan worked on was like awesome um, so people were really excited.

Oh, have you clarified that this is for OverWatch too yeah? Okay, maybe not I don’t know yeah. He announced announced single player stuff and like hero mode and all this other type of stuff going on uh with OverWatch 2, and they have effectively announced recently that it’s a lot of work working on single player and multiplayer and they’re. Just gon na keep working on single or uh multiplayer, sorry, hero, Mode’s, not coming, etc, etc. I don’t play OverWatch, so there might be some elements of it that got partially there. I don’t know I haven’t Dove far enough into this story, but I know a lot of the things that people were excited about are not coming and Jeff.

Isn’T there anymore, so he can’t make it happen, and that was one of the reasons why it was nice when he was around was because he would kind of make those types of things happen. So I had a bunch of interest in OverWatch too, because it was supposed to have co-op, and this is something that Linus and I have talked a decent amount recently where it’s like you look at the games that are killing it recently, they’re all single player games. Basically, the ones that I can think of and yet the games industry doesn’t want to build single player. Experiences they’re, like oh we’re, gon na make a bunch of games as a service. We’Re gon na make all these other things. We want to make a game that you literally play with 100 of your time for the rest of your life, one game. I don’t want that.

No, I want to play Tears of the kingdom and then have tears of the Kingdom be over and I want to play something else. I don’t want tears of the Kingdom to be slightly different if I log out for six months and log back in, and it’s like exciting when you do that, because then, when the next one comes out, you’re like oh cool, I get to go through a similar Experience again, this is one of the reasons why I like uh, getting people to play the TitanFall 2 campaign, because it’s like six to eight hours. Okay, I really do still need to do that, but, like I, I wasn’t even trying to rag on you for that. But it’s just like it’s it’s a good like I beat it and then the next night. I beat it again because I played it on the hardest difficulty.

What a chance I was like this game is worth going through again right and it was kind of too easy on the on the lower one. So I wanted to amp it up, but humble brag. Uh, it’s actually like the the other. People have commented as well they’re like regular difficulties, kind of too easy um.

But it’s it’s a fantastic game and one of the reasons why it’s so good is because they’ll introduce a new fun idea and then before you’re, tired of it, they take it away and they give you a new one. They’Re, like oh you’re, not quite done with this okay. Well, doesn’t matter! This is mine.

Now you get this other thing and it’s it’s fun and you get to the end of the game. You’Re like wow. That was cool for all its faults.

Overwatch 2 was a Rug Pull

It takes two. Did a pretty good job of mixing up the gameplay mechanics uh? It was really simplistic because it was kind of designed for a relatively casual players. So I didn’t really have a ton of fun with it, but I played through it and it’s one of probably only half a dozen games that I’ve actually played through start to finish over the last few years. Just because life is busy and that that really is reflective of how few of these types of experiences are out there, and so I can see why people were so hungry for OverWatch too, I mean part of it too, is to Blizzard’s credit they’ve done a pretty Good job of creating characters out of these classes, um that makes sense to have a single player for it, yeah it kind of does, but I mean I don’t know, should we criticize valve for never doing a campaign with the Team Fortress 2 Universe? Like I don’t know, probably it would have been sick yeah. Like I don’t know it’s I mean where’s, an RTS yeah where’s, the team anything. I I talk to people about this, the Team Fortress 2..

It would be awesome if you make a game that isn’t trash and it has Co-op. I will buy it like. I just there’s like no options, there’s practically nothing that comes out, and this is not just true for me. I I will sometimes see when we’re talking about something and we’re like.

Oh we’re not going to do that. It’S not a very good idea and you’ll see some people in playing chat, be like I’ll, buy it, and it’s like yeah or I’ll watch that thing or whatever right like I’ll watch that video and it’s like yeah, but we’re we’re competing against the algorithm. We have to find something that, like a huge percentage of people, are going to watch, not not a hardcore Niche Co-op is not a hardcore niche everyone. I know that plays games literally.

Everyone wants Co-op experiences, maybe not to play with me, but to play with somebody, whether it’s their partner or just another friend that they like playing games with or whatever and there’s like so few of them. Yeah someone in Philippines at Michael’s, like Portal 2, is another good single player games like yeah, but how long ago was portal yeah, it’s not wrong. We’Re we’re not angry with you, yeah we’re angry with the situation. The fact that I still recommend people go back and play Portal 2 as a co-op game is crazy because there aren’t a ton of like better newer Alternatives like what the heck and people will look at games.

Like you know, old Assassin’s Creed games used to have like competitive multiplayer yeah. Why and like no one ever cared, because why would you Far Cry had competitive, multiplayers yeah? Why and then modern Far Cry has Co-op, but just like a bunch of other co-op games, the co-op implementation is like so whack. Why can’t you just start a new game together like uh Joe and I were playing a game called returnal, but you CA. You have to like join the other person’s thing, so the person that joins in doesn’t get the progress. It’S Only the server host. It’S like why.

Why are you punishing people for wanting to play games together, stop having weird limitations of when you can play around because there’s like oh, you can play Far Cry, but you can only join for one Mission. It’S like what so my friend happens to be playing a game and I’m gon na be like hey. You want to stop what you’re doing and come play with me in Far Cry For One mission and then screw off, because you can’t keep playing. I don’t think I think that was one version of Parker. I think in Far Cry Later you can keep playing the whole time, but it’s just like. Why are there these weird, like just it’s? It’S just like trendiness right, like uh, you, you brought up games that unnecessarily had multiplayer.

One that blew me away was first encounter assault. Recon. Do you remember that game? No fear? Oh yeah, okay, okay, so it had multiplayer. I had no idea that game’s whole shtick was the bullet time thing, which obviously isn’t gon na work in multiplayer.

So it was just a super generic shooter and the atmosphere like it’s got a okay, that’s one that I would strongly recommend. If you haven’t played fear go play it. I don’t know if any of the other ones were good. I think I might have played fear too.

I didn’t play fear three, although I heard that one was good and I have no idea about fear four um. If there is a fear for even is there a fear, four fear three, we know it doesn’t matter. The point is, I played the first one. I really enjoyed it um, but yeah.

Overwatch 2 was a Rug Pull

It didn’t need multiplayer. Why can’t you just make the make one good thing and that some someone in the chat tagged me and said Call of Duty zombies. I know a lot of people play Zombies. I find it very repetitive and boring it’s a preference thing whatever.

Overwatch 2 was a Rug Pull

What I don’t understand is why can’t you play The Campaign together? There’S other Soldiers with you pretty much the whole time like. What do you mean? There’S? No. Ah man and like it’s so difficult to make good multiplayer games and especially when you make them competitive, there’s all this like hit registration issues and net code problems, and all this like crazy you’re not supposed to hit each other, then whatever who cares yeah the the Level of like what you have to get to is so much lower for a co-op experience. It should be so much easier it.

It feels it feels like people are like no. No, this is a single player game. You don’t get to have my single player games like what do you do? Why like come on, I don’t know. Destiny.

2 is a good co-op game. Destiny 2 is an MMO and on that note missions, but it’s not the whole game. It’S not the whole game. No, no, I no that’s not okay.

No. We can’t do that. The new con has Co-op missions sure, but it’s not the storyline game. They’Re canned experiences and they’re like weird like Speed, Run things Borderlands is so boring. It’S just. Ah it it’s diablo, it’s just Diablo. It’S first person I just the amount of just like looting garbage just drag. I liked the first one and then they kept releasing it – and I was like this is the same game with a new map which is okay, sometimes but yeah.

But people are talking Deep. Rock Galactic we tried to play Deep Rock Galactic. I think we just weren’t like into it enough.

It was pretty deep. What about Portal 2, then? Okay, good counter argument except Portal 2, is a is a new whole campaign. Basically, yeah Co-op is a new whole Campaign, which is great because if you played the single player by yourself and then wanted to play co-op with a friend now, it’s new puzzles yeah, that’s fantastic! The Cod! If you haven’t done it, the Cod Co-op missions is not a campaign.

It’S just it’s like playing uh. If you are an older gamer, it’s like playing Red, Alert or Starcraft on like scenario mode. You just like load into a map and you go and it’s like. It’S better than literally nothing, but it’s still bad. It’S still really bad and I was honestly very frustrated because I heard I heard that uh it. It had Co-op and I was really excited about it, and then I was so deeply disappointed with what the co-op was because, as like uh as like hyper generic, as Cod campaigns are my like gushy Goblin meat Brain still enjoys them so being able to play them In Co-op would be fun but they’re, just like no .