

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “www.PhishingAttack.zip”.
Okay, Google, new dot, zip and Dot mov domain extensions. Google released eight new Internet domain extensions, most have been uncontroversial, but two are being criticized to their for their similarity to existing file, extensions, uh, dot, zip and Dot mov. In case you were wondering which ones they were uh. The concern is that users, especially less technically Savvy users, may be maliciously uh tricked into clicking on a web link.


They think is a file and vice versa, I think even fairly. Technically, Savvy people are going to get owned by this because, like unless you read the whole domain, it’s not necessarily all that obvious. I think, Google’s justification for this TLD is phenomenally stupid. What is it I’m trying to find it um because, like this is going to be a problem, 100 dot, mov um, I’m having a hard time finding it? It’S not in our it’s, not in our links here, man. How are you even gon na like look at this? How are you even gon na search for anything, google.mov justification? What like what even is any of this? This is nothing.

This is ridiculous yeah. If anyone has a link that talks about it was something to do with like dot. Mov was supposed to be for like like the moving moving pictures or movements and dynamism, or something like that. It was just.

It was just stupid and I just couldn’t uh I’m trying to find that, like I’m trying to find the example, because it’s not just there, it is Boom. Okay, uh, my laptop! Do it here we go. This is the issue, so you see github.com right.

So most people uh most current Internet users, are gon na. Read this and be like okay, this is the website that I’m going to it’s github.com, and then these are the pages that it’s jumping through right. So the dot zip at the end here traditionally would just be a file right. So it theoretically, you jumped through these various pages, and then you clicked on a file, and you could share this link to someone and if they clicked on the link, it would just download it it wouldn’t actually direct them to the page right. That’S how that’s how things have have worked for a long time. The problem is now because of this at character. As far as my understanding goes – and someone might um correct me on this – but because of that little I’ve highlighted it here yeah because of that little character. That means what you’re actually going to is just this. Oh so you’re going to one dot, zip uh! Oh yeah get wrecked; they go so like I haven’t seen things like this personally but like that’s, that’s that’s rough now so, like you, everyone’s gon na have to like sniff their freaking URLs for this little ad symbol, and like that’s that’s.

This is why I’m saying like the whole technically Savvy thing doesn’t even really fully apply, because I don’t know pretty much anyone that looks for that right now. So, unless you’re you’d have to be technically Savvy and also paying attention to the news which doesn’t necessarily coincide with each other now, do you want to hear why they did it? According to ARS Technica sure Google marketers say, the aim is to designate tying things together or moving really fast and moving pictures and whatever moves you respectively. I go after Google on this show for just not doing things, but then the second that they do something. I’M always just like how did no one look at this like it’s either they move like no one saw this and we did it or they never do anything like there has to be an in-between.

How did no one see this as a problem? You can’t just release dot, zip domains, like God. I know this is so frustrating because, like I can absolutely see someone at this company getting tricked by this, you know what that and then like it would be really hard to the dumbest part. Is that they know. Obviously about the association: why would anyone other than a highly technical person, dot zip has anything to do with togethering anything yeah and Dot mov really moving pictures? Is this just an Fu to Apple like what was the point of this really okay? I don’t really have anything else to say about that: really: okay, yeah and like I need to read on this more and I’m sure there’s some like weird nuances and stuff, but people are gon na get owned.

This is gon na be a problem. This is going to be a cyber security problem. I a bunch of different I.T teams around the world. Are gon na have to educate their users on checking for ad symbols because, like it, it means there’s something about URLs are so long.

It’S not even practical, especially with the way that browsers, abstract the URL. These days, like it’s and trackers, and all this other type of stuff like and you’re gon na, have to hunt for this little ad symbol because and you’ll have to hunt for it in like a mouse over like uh pop-up, uh, hyperlink freaking. What what are they called tooltip? You have to hunt for it in like a tool tip or something, because the text doesn’t necessarily match the hyperlink. Remember the old days of the web walk that domain.

Yeah. Honestly, I bet you. A massive amount of companies are just gon na block these domains, anyways, which means they’re, gon na, be stupid and useless. Sorry yeah.

They should just do that yeah, we definitely will yeah. I was gon na say the old days of the web before you actually had um schedule me a message. What you need, I need. We need to block dot, zip and Dot mov from ever being accessed like it was. Maybe maybe it was possible. I don’t know.

I was a kid, but pretty much any link was the actual like full URL. You didn’t just have hyperlinks, but you would click on all like some other text or whatever yeah like so this I guess might be. This would have been fine. Maybe then, when it was normal for browsers to display full URLs and for the text to contain a full use and then honestly training everyone to look for those ad symbols is weird because, like and and as far as I know that that that’s already been a Thing because it means what’s before the at symbol is your username. But but I do think that if people saw dot zip at the end of it and they weren’t expecting to be downloading a file, that would be something that they would sniff out easier and because the dot zip is at the very end. You look at like the beginning and you look at the end and you kind of know: what’s going on now being able to just slap this at symbol somewhere in the chain yeah and then it’s like yeah man yeah.

I hate it. .