This is literally e-waste – Porsche Mouse

This is literally e-waste - Porsche Mouse

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is literally e-waste – Porsche Mouse”.
I can’t believe it. I’Ve never thought I could afford a Porsche, but today that all changes I got it, it’s a Porsche Mouse. This beautiful little car is made by Porsche. How long do short circuits have to be? This is one of the cheapest feeling pieces of trash I’ve ever held in my life. This is like a four dollar child’s toy.

The plastic is crappy. The paint might not be, as you know, rub-offable as I thought, but overall the build quality on this thing is kind of embarrassing. I’M surprised Porsche releases this and has this on their website. I thought this would have been like an AliExpress knockoff thing, but that’s the Porsche logo.

They have three different colors of the white one, with kind of like blue and red Racing. Stripes is a black basic one and then there’s this one, that’s sort of colored. After the Porsche that won the Le Mans in 1970., I looked up what that Porsche looks like looks a lot cooler than this one. This doesn’t look anything like it that one is a much more angular, almost like a Ferrari. Looking car. This is more of a classic poor shape and it’s a mouse all right uh. What else is in the Box? Yeah Pixar guide, two Double A’s Porsche was also generous enough to send us over this mouse pad. Did we pay for this, even if they sent it for free, it’s a waste of money? This is a terrible feeling.

Mouse pad recently, I unboxed the pointer instrument from lunar artifacts and that had a similarly sized, almost exact same shape, mouse pad, and that was a very premium. Looking full grain leather uh with stitching – and this feels like pleather – I’m not even gon na give it the the vegan leather upgrade it feels like cardboard. It feels like 90 of this is cardboard with like a crappy foam in the middle. Let’S see how it looks.

This is literally e-waste - Porsche Mouse

All together, yeah, it looks like your six-year-old hit your mouse and put a little hot wheels on your mouse pad. Can I break it? I want to, I feel, like it’ll, be so therapeutic? Oh, what’s the return policy I’ll keep this mouse pad around? Let’S get back to the mouse on the top, it has a car roof and two buttons that might be the worst buttons I’ve ever pressed in my entire life. These are mushy. It takes a lot of force to get it down, but even then, I’m not like 100 sure if I’ve pressed it feels like there’s rubber being compressed and like it’s kind of hitting uh a little button at the bottom. They claim that this is an ergonomic design and you could use this for work all day to be fair. It’S light enough that it’s not so bad and the shape isn’t the worst shape I’ve ever held. It’S not super comfortable for my grip. I get no Palm.

This is literally e-waste - Porsche Mouse

Naturally, touching I kind of have to like, like choke up a little bit and where my fingers would naturally want to go the buttons feel, especially terrible there. So it’s certainly not the worst ergonomics of a mouse. I’Ve ever felt, but it is not great I’d, give it like a c minus. Then, when you put it with the cheap Plastics, it just feels like you’re holding a toy. That’S not a good time Elsewhere on the mouse, there’s no buttons, just the the printed Porsche with the 23 and tail lights that are actually gon na light up. When I turn on the mouse cool on the bottom, we have our battery compartment. We have our USB dongle storage.

This is literally e-waste - Porsche Mouse

I think that’s a totally okay spot to store it uh we have our on off switch. We have our sensor that they do not advertise the specs for anywhere on their website could not find anything. My guess is that this is a very cheap, older style Optical Mouse, and I don’t expect it to perform Super well. We also have these three small Glide pads. It’S actually not that bad from terms of smoothness. I’Ve definitely had a worse gliding experience. That’S actually not so bad.

How fast do you think this thing can go just like good job? I can’t believe I almost forgot to tell you about our partnership with Paradox. It was super cool of them to reach out and want to sponsor this video they’re, letting everyone play their hit game City skyline for free this weekend, starting May 18th. You can download the game and Jump Right In design a city grow out at suburbs.

Try to solve the ever-growing traffic dilemma or prove you can do a better job than your own mayor. After designing a few spaghetti Junctions of your own City, skylines will have you looking at the roads in your own City differently. Again, City skyline is going free to play on May 18th, so check them out in the link below or right on Steam. Now that we have the mouse on, you can see this beautiful tail light incredible, wow, okay from the angle, I’m looking at it from which I’ll show you here, it actually looks like that’s sort of simulating the look of you know a tail lights. It has a little sectioned off Parts. Uh almost you know simulating what a car would look like and then you flip it more vertical and it’s totally misaligned. So the ones on this side are fully visible. No one’s in this side are kind of squeezed down a little bit. That’S embarrassing! The input latency on this is insane. It’S like a slingshot, so I moved the mouse and then like it feels like it.

It takes like a second for the mouse to track behind it. I think I could get used to it. If I was someone at a car dealership – and all I was doing was you know filling out sales forms and I just have to click things or do you get used to using keyboard shortcuts for anything else? This is a terrible experience.

It feels like the mouse. Is defaulting at 1600 DPI uh, there’s no software or anything that Porsche includes. Not that I’m surprised. 1600 is fine, um I’ll, probably just have to turn down sensitivity in Windows.

I didn’t even talk about the scroll wheel, it’s tiny and it’s really far up on the mouse. If I’m doing the full Palm, it’s okay, my fingers rest right beside it, but where I want to hold it, it’s a bit of a stretch, not ideal, especially when there’s no other buttons on the side of the mouse. Also, why do they include? You know a sound if they’re gon na go for like a full stupid product, it should vroom vroom every time I turn it on. Oh, what am I doing? I’M not even using the Porsche mouse pad. I guess at 1600 dpis, this small of a mouse pad makes a little more sense. The leather feels very rough against my hands, like I’m catching like it’s kind of almost it’s not sticky, but it’s definitely not a good experience. Having like 20 of the mouse pad be, this text means that this already tiny mouse pad is even smaller. This is really for people that love Porsche, that rep Porsche or people that have never used a proper Mouse. I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever used a mouse that I want to use less than this one. This is horrible.

Obviously, no liftoff sensor, it’s when you’re gon na land, it’s gon na move every time you lift off it’s. This is terrible. My hands already hurting on this corner tail light spot. There’S like a hard Ridge where the tail light is, you know just for Aesthetics, but my palm right below my fourth finger is resting there and I can already feel it rubbing and getting tired.

Even in terms of details, this is a a poor effort, a Tesla level effort, you might say, um the gap between the shell plastic and the base plastic here is small and then, where the buttons are, you can see that it’s it’s got an angle out. You could say yeah, so it can click down, but there’s ways they can mitigate it and there’s still a gap. That is, you know about right. If I press on it. Oh, oh, oh you see that oh, no, that’s bad! The tracking is like feels so inconsistent.

Like sometimes, I have to move far to like make the cursor go, and sometimes I it’s so sensitive, and it’s not this desk pad this beautiful desk pad from LTT I know that I let the mouse sit for a minute or so, and it takes a second for it to wake up, not a huge deal. They also say uh you’re, going to want to manually turn off the switch on the mouse, I’m guessing that it doesn’t really have a good standby and it’ll just chew through batteries.

Oh, it’s all rocket launcher, that’s so fun! I don’t know if this game was the best testing Precision, but I mean to be fair. This mouse isn’t the most precise one either in a pinch, you know if you’re trying to get away with getting in a couple games of of Halo in between clients at the Porsche dealership like I guess this is fine. The sensor is clearly uh underwhelming sensor. Sometimes I move a little bit and it just keeps going almost like when it’s a bad Bluetooth device and it’s like it loses signal, so it keeps sending the input and then once it finally gets there. It’S done it 100 times. There’S not much else to say this.

Mouse sucks, uh, let’s open it up and see. If we can see why this mouse doesn’t look super hard to pull apart, there’s only the one visible screw, I don’t think there’s any more under the Glide pad. It was designed to go together very cheaply. Oh there might be another one.

Oh it’s probably under this. Is it okay? If I destroy the manufacturer label thingy, oh it wasn’t. I screwed up. No, I really don’t want to take a Glide pad off, but it seems like I’m gon na have to it’s.

Okay, if I take the black pads off okay, these are switches, it felt very much like rubber, but it has little switches. So yay Mouse is pretty easy to disassemble. There’S this little daughter board, I’m guessing just for the LEDs, uh and the main board is here with the sensor, looks like it’s not impossible to replace overall, don’t get this mouse unless Porsche gives it to you for free. It’S a complete waste of your time and money. It’S a little more than a toy. It’S a bad Mouse.

It doesn’t even look good if you’re making you know an aesthetic, expensive product it has to, at the very least, not look like a two dollar children’s toy, and this does not succeed at doing that, and so this is probably the product that I’ve hated the most On this entire run of short circuits, how much does it cost 120 dollars? You can buy so much with 120. You can buy so many other mice. You can buy a good Mouse. You can get a G Pro for 120 bucks.

You can get like 24 lattes uh. I would highly recommend getting 24 at once. Chugging them throwing up feeling sick for a week and still having a better time than using this mouse, the mouse pad dollars. No, are you kidding me so combined? If you want the full Porsche Mouse experience, it’s 220 dollars that is so much money. What are they thinking? I guess they know who Their audience is. They know that this is a niche product. There’S going to be people there that just want it for the collectibility of it, don’t get it it sucks. It looks bad.

It feels bad. It’S a terrible Mouse uh, it’s a piece of garbage and it’s literally E-Waste, even before you’ve taken it out of the box. Thank you for watching short circuit like And subscribe uh. You should also check out uh our recent unboxing of the lunar artifacts pointer instrument for another.

You know Aesthetics Focus Mouse, but one that didn’t make me quite as mad and after this maybe I like it a lot more than I thought. .