Warranties Are Broken

Warranties Are Broken

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Warranties Are Broken”.
Linus you’ve mentioned in a few videos that it’s important to never insult your fans. So what exactly was the trust me bro shirt? Then it felt very mocking love the show. Otherwise, thanks um, I don’t know, I guess from my point of view. I um. I didn’t think too much of the WAN show audience would be that off put by it, and you know – maybe I maybe that was a swing and a miss for me. Obviously, right um, you know, I thought that I thought that my track record of taking care of things was pretty clear. There were some things that I obviously didn’t communicate very well like when I was talking about like the number, the way that people misinterpreted what I was talking about with respect to like the warranty liability for, like my family.

If I passed away or something like that, I wasn’t actually concerned about the warranty liability. What I was concerned about was us coming up with a policy that made sense and was something that we could follow through on no matter, no matter what and figuring out what mechanisms we needed in place. So what would that look like well planning for the worst case scenario like in the event of my death, or something like that uh? Would that look like some kind of cache of backpacks and screwdrivers held by a third party in escrow or something like? I don’t know, I just didn’t know the solutions um you know as it was all people wanted was a piece of paper. That said this like standard boilerplate thing and then the whole thing went away and I’m looking at it going that’s meaningless.

You know that right and so yeah, I thought it was kind of funny and they did a trust me bro shirt like at the end of the day. All it came down to was my word. That was all you have now. That’S all you ever had and that’s all you’re ever going to have because I’m the director and primary shareholder of this company. So, at the end of the day, if I decided to fold up shop and not honor anything, I could do that, and so you guys either do trust me or you don’t, and it seems like for the most part you do. Thank you um, but yeah the whole thing in retrospect I handled it extremely poorly and it just if it just felt kind of ridiculous to me the way that it the way that it blew up when, at the end of the day, nothing I ever said was Actually incorrect, it was just upsetting um. Sorry, that’s that’s my Canadian conclusion to the whole Saga. I guess.

Okay, let’s get some more curated in here hello, lld, staying up late to watch you from the European Union. What’S your take on user Benchmark, people sometimes quote quote me: they’re insanely, wrong comparisons and anti-amd propaganda that they take at face value yeah. The lab is basically the lab’s job is to make it so that sites like that don’t exist anymore. Uh, there’s there’s another one that every time I try to compare like some laptop GPU to something I always end up on this site and it’s like worthless. It actually has no useful information whatsoever. I don’t care how many stream processors it has.

Warranties Are Broken

How fast does it go, and so the labs’s goal is going to be to make a database that you can actually trust database of real data, not just a base, and that was based Bonkers where’s. My bell. I’Ve had at least a couple Bells today.

Warranties Are Broken

No, you don’t have to do it, so I’ve been slacking on the Bell yeah, it’s fine you’ve replied to a lot of merge messages, hey Linus Luke and Dan Luke. I saw Theo thinking uh talking about how you’re a great developer manager. This is.

Warranties Are Broken

This is possible. Great stop stop crying wow. I started my job, I’m not crying you’re crying. I started my job as a junior developer four months ago and I was wondering if you have any advice for Dev starting out uh whoa. That’S really broad um wow! I don’t know wait. He started a job.

Is that what he said? So he has a job yeah, but they have a job. Yeah he’s been a junior developer for four months. Okay, been working for four months um. I would check in with your leadership, um yeah.

I would check in with your direct report and if there’s a person above that that you are able to comfortably talk to about this stuff, I would check in with them and just see what they think you could do better in order to advance um to not Being a junior anymore and you’ve only been a junior for four months so you’re like probably not that close, so don’t expect like. Oh, it’s gon na happen right now, um, but expect maybe some feedback of like basically ask them what it would take in their eyes. For you to advance to the next level what you would need to be displaying consistently as a as a skill or or whatever else to be able to get there and work with them to to grow internally. That’S what I would suggest hold on tar, fif 101 is still not getting the point over in float. Plane chat, if you got ta close the company to not honor the warranty versus just decide not to but stay open, because there’s no warranty that that’s not the same. One is better. That’S not what I said. What I said was. We would need systems in place to ensure that whatever we promised would be honored, even if the company were closed. That’S what I said it was always trust me bro. It was always we got this. We were always going to got this. We were never trying to get out of anything. I remember that era very precisely because I remember a plan that I had to try to come up with some kill switch where I could close your chat boxes.

I was so tired of you, reading chat and just like getting in fights with chat for entire streams. There was like at least a month there, where that was like all that happened. I was like this is so annoying you’re, just getting baited into just everything, but people still they’re still like I, I uh I’m not a perfect Communicator.

I don’t claim to be yeah, maybe maybe maybe I may you know what maybe we need to be Under New Management? Maybe they would do a better job, maybe they wouldn’t be Reckless and die, and then you wouldn’t have to worry about your warranty. Badmin related injury, yeah, the whole company goes under yeah man, I mean look, you can’t just eat an entire loaf of bread like that and then go exercise you’re gon na Keel over. That’S how you get cramps.

That’S what my stupid doctor said before I fired him. It’S raisins back and forth discourse, so I want to. I want to say that before I get into this, I’m not saying people shouldn’t be shouldn’t be critical or constructive um, but it it ties somewhat into the same concept that I brought up a billion times about the blizzard press conferences yeah, where, like when people scream At the developers on stage because they say something that isn’t PR great – that all that’s going to lean into is them not putting devs on stage anymore yeah and also we would have never had to do any of that stuff, because Shadow Slayer puts this really well. Historically, though, not Linus denying basically every warranty request is very viable. As a scummy tactic, we wouldn’t have to do anything.

We would just have to just deny warranty requests. It’S that simple and whether you have a written one or not, it doesn’t really matter. You could just deny it because pretty much every warranty has legalese cover your butt wording in it.

That allows you to just deny it at your sole discretion. That’S just that’s. That’S that’s life! No company is gon na go under over a warranty issue. They will try to weasel out of it.

Fortunately, we’re in a position where our primary business is not making products. Still, our primary business is still creating content, so we wouldn’t go under. That’S why I said at the time: if every single one of them got returned, it would suck, but it wouldn’t kill us so we actually can afford like.

This is like how I’ve talked about. Why the warranty and service situation is so bad in the tech industry, because the margins suck it’s actually not sustainable, to offer the kind of service that some other Industries do like when you buy a a pair of you know, let’s just pick on someone that I Consider to be kind of overpriced when you buy a pair of Lululemon pants, okay, Lululemon yoga pants those freaking things cost well yeah! Well, yeah! I expect a no questions asked warranty on this thing because you could have licked. You could literally give me six of them for what I paid you yeah by the time you’ve.

Given me, three you’re still laughing all the way to the bank right like, of course, they don’t have that kind of margins in Tech, so they tend to behave very. Very differently, so we’re kind of more like a Lululemon where we don’t actually make our money selling you backpacks. We certainly make money, but that’s not how we make our living. I guess is what I should have said. So we can afford to take back every backpack if we really needed to it’s a very luxurious position, because it allows us to behave in a way. That’S just not easy to compete with the trust me bro guarantee is freaking.

Awesome. We got you, I mean, don’t be a jerk about it. Obviously, but we got you yeah. Those customer support.

People are real people and they’re nice people and they’re cool people be nice to them. I am never curating another merch message. Thank you. Thank you.

I have learned my lesson. Thank you. We are moving on appreciate it for Linus and Luke. What aspects of your job feel like work and when does it feel like you are being paid to have fun? I mean really.

I think the most fun thing for me is talking about the trust me bro ones. I knew it. I knew that was going to happen. I was gon na slip, one into the merch message Luke’s face.

That really is the best part. I don’t know who I should give it to do. I upset Luke, or do I let Linus upset Luke? I can never pick. Oh my God.

I just like oh man at this point. It wasn’t even recent like it’s over. Oh now, Luke is doing it. What’S fun about your job? Is it this? You don’t seem to like this? No, I actually really like that.

I don’t. I barely consider Rancho work. The only portion of wancho that’s work is, I can’t technically do other things because I do Rancho, but, like I enjoy doing my show, I don’t want to stop doing my show. We’Ve had this conversation before there have been points in time in the company’s history, where wancho was an anchor yeah, a huge waste of time um these days, not so much it’s doing a lot better but like there have been times where we’re like wow uh.

If we look at this logically, we should really not do this thing anymore, yeah and we’ve kept it going because, like it’s just sort of cool, I don’t know .