Instant Regret

Instant Regret

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Instant Regret”.
What’S a decision that you would initially regret it, but in hindsight turned out to be a great idea initially regretted. Usually I don’t get like instant regret, because I usually make pretty okay decisions. Um instant regret turned out to be a great idea. Gee, I don’t know it’s got, there’s got to be some kind of see most of the things I regret turn out to be bad ideas like buying those stupid. Blackmagic 12K cameras like that was instant, regret and a bad idea, like I uh, turned out to be a great idea. I saw this one early and have been trying to think about it like this whole time and I’m in the same spot. Usually, I’ve thought about it enough that once I purchase it my opinion on it isn’t going to change or I guess it’s not just purchases right but like once I do the thing or whatever my opinion on it isn’t really Gon na Change for probably quite a While trying to think if there’s anyone, I hired, that was like wow what a disappointment, but then they’ve turned out to be great. Now you took a lot longer to disappoint me. Foreign did I. I was sleeping on the job like immediately yeah, but I wasn’t disappointed that was kind of my expectation for what you were being paid fair enough.

Yeah, yeah, um yeah. I don’t I don’t know yeah just for I have to regret it instantly and then I had it has to turn out to be a great idea. If I regret it instantly, why don’t I get a refund like? Why? Don’T I undo it? Yeah yeah exactly yeah like there’s there’s.

I can’t think of very many things that fit this. Someone said it would be the Crowbar hammer for Luke and it’s like well, no because it turned out to not be a good idea. Yeah so like that, doesn’t fit like it’s more like a cold feet thing like, but I never regretted you know getting engaged right. So if I’d regretted that, then that would have turned out to be a great idea or like having kids, you know.

Maybe you instantly regretted it, but it turned out to be a great idea, like that’s the kind of thing we’re talking about here, but I didn’t instantly regret having kids, I I instantly hated it, but I knew I was gon na hate it. I can’t stand it. Definitely things that I dreaded like I did it and I was like this sucks. I don’t think this is great. I don’t really necessarily have a another option, but, like I don’t like this one and then in hindsight, or down the line or whatever it’s like. Actually, that was really good for sure, but like there was no, I instantly regretted allowing the crowd to decorate my car at LTX, oh yeah, but that did not turn out. That was a great idea that was just bad yeah. Look in my defense that year there was a significant lack of activities. Oh there was definitely and I was trying to save it. Okay, I was sacrificing. Do you remember our miscommunication doing that show? No! You like it’s.

Probably epic, though, because I was extremely you were kind of all over the place. I was extremely upset when I arrived the night before it was starting and realized some of the things that were going on, and that is not a knock against the team that was working on it. We were understaffed underfunded.

We had kind of no idea what we were doing. It was only our second attempt at this and it was a much bigger space. Just it was no one’s fault, but I was like holy um.

We need to fix this. What can we do? Yeah and I will sacrifice my car one of the things I thought of was decorate, my car booth, and so we put out pens and glue and glitter and googly eyes. Definitely you know it was memorable, kept people busy yeah, but that car was actually undrivable.

People covered the windshield for crying out loud. There was so you were up in like some bleacher section thing and no one could ever hear you. Do you remember this? Yes, so if you were in whatever the thing was that you were talking to, people in people could hear you. Oh, like people yeah, there was a little like stage whatever it was yeah yeah and they had bleachers around it.

Instant Regret

If you were specifically in like those bleachers or that area whatever you could hear Linus, but if you were outside of it, it didn’t matter if he was like leaning over the edge and yelling at you. You could not hear him at all just how the Acoustics of the area worked, yeah whatever I got a really high ceiling so like this, and this I think, like cancel each other out effectively the sound bouncing it was pretty wild yeah. So someone gave me these like Sharpies or something, and they were very unsure about why they were giving them to me. But they made it very clear that there was not very many of these and, like. I should be very careful with them, and I was like.

Instant Regret

Okay, this is really weird, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with these and then you like yelled something over the thing, and I thought you said like keep them away from people or something. I don’t remember exactly what I thought you said, but I thought you were like this is like a you. You can’t like let the random attendees get your Sharpie and like.

If someone gets your Sharpie, they like get something or something so I was like. Oh so I have to like run away with these, which is not at all what he said, but I thought it was what he said so I just started running around. It was more of like a collect. The Pokemon thing. People were supposed to try to get signatures in all the colors right, something like that. What I thought was going on was they were supposed to collect the Sharpies and I remember being like this – is really stupid, but okay yeah and it makes sense because that wasn’t what was going on, but yeah communication during that event was a huge problem yeah.

So we can do better. We have done better, it’s been four years since we did better um. Hopefully we remember how to do better, hopefully we’re not just like yeah.

Instant Regret

I forget how to do this. Let’S start from scratch. No, they assure me it’s going to be really good.

I’Ve been less involved in the lead up to it, though, so I don’t actually know that, but I do trust the team that’s working on it if it was as good as last time. Would you be happy honestly yeah if you’d asked me that right after ltx19 I’d have said no, I expect it to be bigger and better. But given the momentum that we lost in four years, if it’s on par then we’ll come back stronger 2024 and we can set our sights on that yeah yeah makes sense. Okay, we’re nearing the end of the time here, but we’ve had a lot more to get through.

Companies are currently not liable for abandoning software support for physical items. Oh God, sorry I just wan na I wan na interject, something I wasn’t the only person that misinterpreted that way, while you were talking, random fans started trying to grab the Sharpies from my hands and then I remember being mad at you. At the end I was like: why did you give away the Sharpies? We don’t have more of those like if we want to continue to have people collect the thing yeah yeah yeah? I had red marks all up and down my arms, because people were like clawing at me trying to get them and stuff hilarious. It was.

It was quite the racket. .