Let Me Buy Your Product.

Let Me Buy Your Product.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Let Me Buy Your Product.”.
We need to just have more there’s zero reviews. No, no Luke. We need to just have more products, because people are obviously just looking for something to throw money at at this point, yeah really RT, okay, okay, the earrings are cute. The earrings are pretty cute. The charm bracelets, like that’s probably all right, oh so fossil is like not premium then like.

These are okay to be clear. 500, 600 for a while. Obviously, that’s like a lot of money but watches yeah, so they’re not as far as I can tell they’re not like insane, but they’re, not cheap, either yeah. Okay! 250 purses. That’S not! I don’t know. I don’t know anything to be honest, yeah about that stuff. No! No idea got it anyways, that’s some BS! You should not be able to just like turn off someone’s ability to change the time on their watch. Yeah. This whole thing, this whole thing is just okay, fine! Here, let’s talk about the Badminton Center, some more because I think that it’s a waste of life to just mop a giant floor. I wanted to look into getting a robot, sweeper and vacuum and and mop flake thing. I I assume that has to be a thing.

These days you know, given that I don’t think anyone has one manually mopping airports yeah, but you have like a consumer grade, one yeah, so I want a commercial grade, one that could do. You know thirty thousand squares right, yeah exactly um, so I rightly assumed that this is an actual product category that does exist. Naturally, the I. If I remembered the brand, I would, I would name them because it’s kind of hilarious and stupid um and they deserve to be called hilarious and stupid. But naturally you go on their site.

There’S no information whatsoever about pricing, because why would there be you have to contact someone? This is great. You contact someone so that you can get on a call with them. That person cannot tell you anything. Their entire job is to set up an appointment for you with someone from the sales team.

Let Me Buy Your Product.

I was like okay well, this was a giant waste of time. Thank you very much. Um sure fine schedule me another call, because if you can’t tell me how much it costs, then I guess we’re not having a conversation right now. So what’s the point of talking about anything? Is that better than a robo caller? Would you prefer Robo color in that? In that situation I mean it might as well, but if you already have the online scheduling thing that I use to set up the first call, then it’s just online scheduling with extra steps right like it yeah.

Let Me Buy Your Product.

So anyway, they set up they set up. The second call with me and um: we got we got as far as price and the price is about like to outright buy because they they offer like a subscription service or an outright Buy price. And the price to buy is about like a mid-range car uh, which honestly could make sense it could you know compared to paying a person. I then I guarantee you for five years or whatever.

Let Me Buy Your Product.

What you just said is exactly how it’s priced. Of course, it’s not priced based on the actual Hardware, it’s a mob right like it’s. It’S it’s priced based on the the value that it provides, which is not a wrong way to price something but uh, it’s a little frustrating that was so high, but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t considering it. I was considering it and then I asked you know what the process is like: okay, so uh, how does it handle like Vision? How does it navigate the facility and they go okay? Well uh we come out and we help you set it up.

We get the the mapping configured and the routing configured and everything and then uh and then it just like it runs on on your schedule and it goes and it does the thing and I’m like okay, super cool uh. What if I need to update the map, for whatever reason we reconfigure it um, you know how is that done and they’re like? Oh, we can help you with that remotely you log into our Cloud thing and I go okay hold on a second. Can I just clarify something: does this run on site or does it run in the cloud like? Where is the processing actually handled, they’re like that all runs on site and I’m like okay, so the thing is actually like: it has the processing built and they’re like yeah yeah. It uses the X sensor and Y sensor and whatever else I’m like okay, great um, but you said that the reconfiguring was done through the cloud and they’re like yes and I’m like okay.

So in the event that you guys were to disappear. For whatever reason would I be able to reconfigure it without your cloud service? Well, we’re not going to disappear and I go right, but that isn’t what I asked if you were to disappear, would there be any way for me to reconfigure this myself like? Is there? Is there a web portal built into this unit that I can access through an Ethernet Jack or something, and they basically were like? Let me get back to you and I got an email back that was like you know, based on your requirements, I don’t think we’ll be able to move forward and I’m like based on my requirements. I think you guys are idiots because you are selling what will effectively become a sixty seventy thousand dollar paperweight in the event that yeah, maybe you won’t go out of business yeah. They kept assuring me that their business was growing really well, I’m like that’s, not my concern, I’m concerned about this tens of thousands of dollars, investment that I, that that is just junk if you just arbitrarily decide at some point that you don’t feel like supporting it Anymore, just unbelievable, and it doesn’t matter if they plan to be around what if they get acquired and whoever the new owner is, wants to extract more value. What if they decide to just brick them.

I just can’t. I just can’t man yep yep, that’s pretty brutal yeah, just frustrated we’re not going to disappear, accompany doomed to fail so Andrew in full plane chat, yeah exactly because this is the kind of thing that it’s Industrial Equipment. This is not something I expect to run for three or five yet so someone in full playing chat said 20 years down the road. You can still be using it. That’S a long time, yeah a long time and you’re, not both right you’re, not GE, no offense.

When you are GE, I will still tell you to off, because that is still stupid. I just I can’t I can’t I can’t handle it so like honestly and and that this is another crazy thing for seventy thousand dollars I mean, could we make our own? Maybe actually there’s yeah, I mean because someone someone Linked In float, plane, chat, yeah, apparently there’s this scrubber that’s made by a YouTuber and it’s a scrubber that looks to be marketed towards people that have aircraft hangers, okay, best scrubbers, because your hanger deserves it. Is the tagline okay hold on hanger scrubbers? Now, just a second here uh, it looks like it’s manually operated, oh yeah, no, but like. If you took one of these things, I’m sure you could convert it to not be manually interesting. Well, how much are these I have no idea, there’s a contact us button, get good scrub yeah. I think it’s like give us a call type of situation, yeah figures, uh click, release, squeegee vacuum protection and easy feel yeah like it looks like like maintenance would probably have to be manual and like uh, I am assuming like draining the tank and whatnot would have To be manual where I bet you with the other solution, it would be automated and automating that part of this thing would probably not be very feasible, yeah um, so I don’t know you’re, probably not going to be able to get the whole way there, but yeah. Okay, Army of roombas – I was thinking like my my thing that does floor, scrubbing yeah, if you just had like, I don’t know 12 of them or something and you just zoned them all out, so they just at a certain point of night.

They just all at the same time, maybe I mean they, they cycle their own water. They do mopping like they do all this type of stuff exterminate at the price difference between the 70k. For that yeah and whatever you’d have to pay for these things.

You could just have like three of them in the back just in case one dies um. I don’t know someone LinkedIn auto scrubber yeah Pacific Floor Care, s28 disc 28 inch, auto scrubber, fifteen thousand dollars. I mean that seems pretty. This looks like someone’s pushing it yeah. That’S not the point yeah.

I wanted an autonomous one, yeah yeah, it looks like a handle. That’S definitely a handle almost certainly a handle. So anyway, you know what I I guess we might just have to have mops or something but we’ll figure it out.

Walmart has automated versions, I don’t know if we decide to do an automated one, then it’ll definitely be a video. So remember how I said: hey forget about the automatic score, keeping with the Machine Vision team. We might need a Machine Vision team anyway for a floors for one floor scrubber well, because that sounds so much less worth it like wow. It sounds a lot easier like way easier.

Can’T you just put Roomba brains in it like just rip the like Motors out of a Roomba and just glue it to the top of it way heavier. If it doesn’t matter, it’s the same control system. No, I no! No! I I see what Luke’s doing.

No. We couldn’t do that, but that would be such a cool business for like Roomba to expand into so you’ve got like you’ve got the dumb thing, but then you facility, but you just get brains. Oh, I see what you mean: yeah yeah, so they just so because yeah I I might want new sensors in a new brain, but it’s a freaking mop. I I don’t need I I I I don’t need a whole new body that would actually be like a modular approach to this could be kind of cool legitimately use a spot to do it. It just walks out with an actual mop and bucket.

That would be amazing yeah, instead of an arm on the top. It’S a mop yeah. How much is this thing great idea? Oh man, people are just linking me like random. Just like every push Pusher this one.

This one looks to be actually automated. Oh okay, um miles from Karcher, I had a pressure washer from them from Costco. That’S all I know about them.

Literally all, oh, it looks like you could push it. I guess which is fine. That’S whatever this device requires instruction sure does request quote: all of these things are request quote this video is like it’s a lot.

I want to see the video all right, I scroll to it. At the exact same time, nice we can just skip. It is a three minute: video wait, no way, no way what oh, oh, that’s, battery charging. I thought that was like replacing fluid. Oh I’m sure it will oh shut up no way. Okay, that’s awesome! My little Roomba thing does that well yeah, but this goes right into the wall.

Yeah yeah, yeah that’d be sick. That would be kind of sick. Does it refill it tell me it refills it. I hope so.

Yeah wait, wait. It cleans the tank. That’S pretty cool! Okay, how much does this Karcher thing cost? We don’t know because it’s request quote and do I need a subscription service for it. Do I have to configure it with their Cloud there we go. It fills with fresh water.

Oh this is kind of awesome. I love the the the hydrophysics they got going on all right. Okay, all right y’all takes off on its own I’ll, get in touch with these guys and figure out if they have a. If, if this will be suitable for my needs, I’m gon na turn. This channel into an automated cleaning Channel.

I know right. What’S the thing I love about LTT? Is you can kind of do you know whatever interesting? Things are interesting? Yeah, interesting Tech right, yeah pre-sweep function pick up coarse dirt while scrubbing. Thank you little robot yeah. I just hope it’s actually any good. It does detergent dosing. That seems neat. It has a warning Beacon, just in case it’s gon na roll over someone playing badminton wow and it dries yep. There are options all right. Another thing if people want to just throw Links at me like they currently are another thing that we’re trying to figure out is how we want to do uh like memberships and uh Court, rentals and stuff, like that and there’s been a few there’s been a few Things that I’ve kind of found, but I haven’t, found one that I think really fits perfectly yet so if you, if you go to like a local Court gym because I I have found stuff for like weight lifting gyms, but I guess we’re gon na need both At this point, um, but being able to rent specific courts and being able to rent like multiple Courts at the same time and also having your membership potentially play into that, we don’t know how that might work. Yet maybe you get a discount on court rental, maybe something else I don’t know um being able to have a membership on this other platform.

All of those types of things we want to ideally not make this stuff um Court reserve for tennis boom. This is why this is why Court Reserve Court Reserve Court reservation software amazing. I will look into this.

Thank you, people. This is kind of cool. Apparently, you teach it by just manually driving around the perimeter of the area you wanted to clean, but it has to be free of obstacles, so I don’t know how Nets yeah would factor into that. Well, we’ll we’ll figure this out! Yeah .