Luke Did Not Go To Space

Luke Did Not Go To Space

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Luke Did Not Go To Space”.
I went to NASA at Houston last last technically sort of weekend and also earlier this week. I wasn’t going to say it because I wasn’t sure if you were going to talk about it for whatever reason but yeah. I know it sounds like a sick trick. Absolutely amazing absolutely incredible the the people that brought us down there, the the like two main people that that well, the main person who reached out is a part of the like Mission Control Center Design, Group sick. It has a different name.

I believe it’s called flight operations, but basically they design. So each Mission has a slightly different Mission: Control Center because they’re going for like these crazy efficiency levels and there’s different demands and all this type of stuff. So they will design a new Mission Control Center for every mission, and I sort of thought that there was like one and, like I know like SpaceX has one, but I thought NASA had like a mission control center. I don’t know why. I thought that I just did no there’s like a bunch, oh they’re, all in the same building, but there’s a bunch and when you walk through them, they are they’re a little bit different because they’re slightly different demands and these people have to try to push new Tech onto these operators that will have to Now train on this new tech and use it so they this might be someone who has worked this one very hyper intense. We talked about like the things that they have to do.

Luke Did Not Go To Space

You have to listen to The Loop of all conversations going on and pull out keywords that might involve something that you have to do so. You’Re, constantly listening to multiple conversations at a time and have to be operating at like really really high level life critical level. Yeah yeah, just your whole shift, really really intense so like. If you want to push uh a new keyboard, setup sure yeah yeah, like there’s, probably going to be a lot of resistance and with pretty good reason. You might have good reasons too right. This is more efficient.

Luke Did Not Go To Space

We think you can do it this ways. You can get this thing done with slightly less clicks. You can do whatever blah blah blah blah. This mouse is faster whatever, but if something is Battle tested already there’s a lot of resistance, because I mean it’s not broken and like lives are on the line, lives and billions of dollars. So, like it’s tough, very, very interesting conversations, I think you should absolutely go. Make videos there I met a PR person talked to them about it, they’re interested.

Luke Did Not Go To Space

What I really want to do is the first manned mission to uh, either to go around the moon or to land on the moon. I want to have you work with these Mission Control Center Designer Guys to make a video on how you design the like computer and electronics and networking and video feeds and everything for a mission control center for a manned launch, which is like way more intense than An unmanned launch to be clear: um Luke is not a moon landing denialist. He meant the first moon landing Mission. Oh yeah, yeah! Sorry, sorry! Well, okay, what I was really talking about was uh the first one where they set up a base.

I I just I’m sure I said it poorly I’m a little bit too excited because it was an extremely fun trip. Yeah, you guys um, but yeah. They were talking about like the difficulties there, but also the understanding that, like there’s reasons why these people would push back – and it is actually a good thing, because you kind of end up in the middle and they are constantly like they have this one display, which Is a like control center from like uh, I shouldn’t, say: control center uh, an individual person’s control unit in a mission control center. They have what like three of them from three different Generations. Yeah and like you can see the similarities between like the first ones that they have and the ones they have now yeah, but they have made a lot of thin evolutionary changes. Yeah yeah I mean I guess, having that push and pull is a very natural thing.

Like it’s kind of like how you know, we have departments that are incentivized that are given incentives that are opposed to each other. You know, for example, the business team has the objective of generating as much sponsorship Revenue as possible, but the content team has the objective of getting as many views as possible. Well, surely the most profitable thing would be to just upload sponsor read after sponsor read and the most viewable thing would be to have no sponsors whatsoever and just make whatever you want. So you got ta kind of you need this back and forth to land in the right spot.

So it’s it’s very interesting and the writing team has output targets, but then I have quality targets and so does the editing team, and so it’s like well yeah sure we could output more. But we can’t output that so you’re gon na have to go back to the drawing board. Then yep yep Luke denies Luke lunar Landing confirmed yep 100. I just said it wrong.

So leaving the moon wake up, sheeple Samsung proved it’s fake. Captain Rand info plane, chat, said 75 of the planet is water and none of it is carbonated. The Earth is flat. I thought that was really funny. That’S the first time.

I’Ve heard that that’s that’s amazing, okay wow, but yeah. That was an actually incredible trip. There’S a few other ideas that I have for for Content pieces.

You might be able to make around that uh, but we’ll we’ll talk later, but they’re all like super cool. I was trying to pitch av1 um because, like you know, network connections can be kind of rough uh, but there’s like a lot of issues he was talking to me about, and this totally makes sense, but radiation in space is like way more of a problem right. We have issues down here when there’s like a solar flare, you might have bit flips yeah. Well, they have those problems like just all the time right and they have they have like space weather experts that can try to predict this stuff coming up, but it still doesn’t help you from a bunch of bit flips all happening at the same time, right, um And, like there’s also Cosmic radiation, that comes from not just the Sun, so you can’t necessarily see it coming uh and they they set up systems where, like they’ll, have three computers doing the same things and they’ll vote on a result, instead of just having one computer Control it so like if two of them agree or hopefully all three of them agree, then you can be pretty sure that it’s good, but it’s decently, common, that one of them will be like bit flipped and just be like. Oh this other thing, so I I just very interesting the type of problems that they have to deal with. You, which you might not necessarily expect but apparently av1, is an issue because of Licensing agreements. All this type of stuff right, I don’t know anyways yeah, Dan and Darren um – were working on an X-ray machine.

Your what for the lab? Yes yeah, I want one. Thank you, awesome kind of sick yeah .