The Checkmark Saga Gets Even Worse

The Checkmark Saga Gets Even Worse

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Checkmark Saga Gets Even Worse”.
Big accounts forcibly re-verified on do we want to even talk about it. I didn’t say the name yet all right, you do it and skip it. Oh great we’re talking about it, we’re talking about it. A bunch of big accounts are forcibly re-verified on the Twitter, including the at Linus Tech account yep and when we say forcibly like oh man, the the narratives that people are creating in their own heads about this, like that, celebrities were outraged that they don’t get to Feel special because of their verification check marks or that they’re just I don’t know that that this is uh that this matters it’s Twitter.

The Checkmark Saga Gets Even Worse

I don’t care yeah, Okay, carry on for no stated reason: Twitter has been haphazardly, re-verifying certain haphazardly, uh certain prominent accounts without the consent of the account holder. Well, okay, I want to jump in and say the reason that matters is because of what the badge said of what the badge says. The way that it’s worded makes it sound like you’re, a paying Twitter, blue subscriber, it’s it’s! It says you are yes, quite specifically.

The Checkmark Saga Gets Even Worse

Yeah these check marks still say that the oh there it is still says that the account is subscribed to Twitter blue, which seems unlikely in the case of figures, like Kobe Bryant, Anthony Bourdain Jamal uh, a journalist who was murdered five years ago. So yeah I mean that makes sense. Uh sometimes accounts of people who have passed will be managed by a team and stuff like that, but yeah, probably not that one, probably not uh. Some of the verifications appear to have been given out of spite prominent Twitter comedian. At drill who has advocated blocking account subscribe to Twitter blue was given a blue check mark several times, as he kept changing his profile name to get rid of it. I actually don’t subscribe to The Conspiracy Theory um or the well, the the the the the tinfoil hat theory about this.

The Checkmark Saga Gets Even Worse

I I I I well okay. Well, I was about to say I don’t think Twitter management is actually Petty enough to go, find individual users and keep re-verifying them. I don’t actually know that for sure, but my understanding is it’s. Basically, anyone with over a million followers – that’s just getting It’s Just Happening automatically.

It’S just getting re-verified. It just seemed like a bug to me. I don’t know um, probably some security thing back in the day to like fix other bugs where it’s like. Oh, this person accidentally lost their verification.

Let’S just reapply it yeah drill has 1.8 million followers and, interestingly, is not verified right now, probably because they changed their name slave to woke all right. Uh several fake accounts were also verified, including a fake Hillary Clinton uh and an account pretending to represent a Sudanese paramilitary group when these tweeted, falsely that the group’s leader had died. Um, okay, claiming that celebrities have subscribed to Twitter blue when they have not may qualify as in quotes false endorsement and expose Twitter to legal action. I suspect unless Twitter goes sorry, it was a bug and then the whole thing goes away.

Yeah I mean I don’t know I that could be the defense. They could also come up with something more creative. There was the uh Super Creative uh.

You can’t tell that that was me. It could have been a deep fake defense, for I don’t. I particularly try.

Not to follow this stuff, so I’m not really sure what you’re talking about uh. I we talked on the show about how this was gon na happen, though yeah like a hundred percent, because when, when the defect stuff gets convincing enough you, you cannot only not really be able to believe what is actually real, but you also, if something is real, It becomes hard, it becomes very easy for people to kind of be like nah, it’s fake yeah. This is uh. This is great uh Tesla defense lawyers tell the court that Elon musk’s statements could be deep. Fakes uh and this is in um. Do they just mean? Broadly, are they talking about one specific thing? The judge in the autopilot death case uh, where this is where this is being presented, says that this defense argument is deeply troubling.

I mean it is especially because they they weren’t like but they’re, saying what they could be. So anything that he’s ever said about the capabilities of autopilot or whatever else, basically they’re saying unless you were there in person, you have no way of knowing that it wasn’t a deep fake, so it should be just what inadmissible or what a wild time is. This a wild time or what Twitter sucks it’s convenient for connecting to people that you might need to talk to, because it has a lot of people on it. It’S my number one source of which celebrity died today, honestly found out that um oh shoot.

Now it’s escaped me. I I only know this because uh Bob Barker was trending and I was like no not Bob Barker and it was people being glad that it wasn’t Bob Barker um. Oh Jerry, Springer, okay yeah, it was Jerry Springer. I was gon na say that would make me feel really bad for who was, but then um wow.

I think that’s a too soon right there. I can’t say I was a fan of the man’s work necessarily, but I don’t know I don’t know him personally at all. It’S probably too far foreign, I’m not gon na start talking and get you out of this. I can.

Let’S talk talking about Twitter. .