Everyone’s Coming to LTX

Everyone’s Coming to LTX

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Everyone’s Coming to LTX”.
Ltx 2023 brought to you by Asus Rog. I don’t know if that was announced before, but that’s a thing now for creators. We have a bunch more creators confirming their attendance to LTX 2023. I can bring it up, but I feel like you probably should, if any other creators are interested and are currently hearing about LTX and want to attend reach out to info at ltxexpo.com, here’s our creators page a bunch. We have a pretty big Creator budget this year.

Wow see any big names yeah, you see a lot of names, yeah and a bunch of them are big yeah, you do yeah, you do you do heck yeah? Is this freaking awesome or what I’m just excited to like meet up with a bunch of these people? I know right one of these people I want to meet for the first time and a bunch of them I haven’t seen in years because I haven’t been out yeah. Is this sick or what yeah it’s awesome? Yeah? Oh I’m super excited. It’S gon na be awesome. Other than meeting very cool creators there’s a bunch of other things. You can do. There’S booths for a 3D printing Workshop, a build your own screwdriver, with like different colors and all this kind of stuff, a Sim racing setup with four to eight rigs. Wow um an NZXT case toss with three lanes, yeah three lane case stuff. The line was so long.

It was and we’re gon na have more people this year. We I think we have almost as many tickets sold now as we did last time, but wait for it. We haven’t published a main Channel video announcing it yet oh whoa yeah. It definitely did last time.

Oh yeah wow looks like people want to get out and hang out and see things and people. I’Ve also talked to a bunch of people that are just very excited because they went last time and it was so good and they want to go again like there’s a lot of hype of like we could. Finally do it. I got um, there’s an epic games.

Uh collaboration with PC Building Simulator 2 uh. They sponsored a water cooling Workshop super cool, Google pixel will be sponsoring the meet and greet area neat, MSI, kyoxia, the gaming stadium, London, Drugs, DD, mics and ridge, wallet and Silverstone and more are coming on board to be sponsors of the event. Uh whale PCS. We announced on Twitter that starforge systems will be building our whale PCS and LTX merch reservations, Reserve merch for pickup during the Expo.

Oh yeah. So here is what it all looks like the sweater and the shirt are so sick, yeah, they’re, so cool, I’m pretty stoked. Um now there is a way we we talked about this uh before where we had said that LTX exclusive merch, so this stuff was not going to be available online. We have found a way that maintains the you know the the Integrity of the exclusivity of event.

Everyone’s Coming to LTX

Merch, but also makes it available online. So what we’ve done is we’ve created a digital pass and it’s as simple as subscribing on floatplane at the 10 tier. So if you’re subscribed on float plane, uh you’ll get a whole bunch of content from the event. So all the panels, any of the games that we play on stage we’re going to have our social team, which is like three or four people now yeah yeah. They do a great job yeah.

They do a great job, they’re going to be running around filming stuff. Basically, just going straight from SD card to float plane throw a title on it: they’re gon na they’re their directive is upload pump content. Upload no delay go shoot something walk back to the computer press, upload title it walk away and shoot something else like. Let’S go um, so all of that will be going to the 10 tier all that LTX content uh, some of it may be available at the five dollar tier. I think live streams. We have no way of differentiating right now. It’S just not a feature that the platform supports. So if we were to do anything live that might be available – and we might do you know – maybe a more produced summary video or behind the scenes or something like that – that’s available to all float plan subscribers. But what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be treating the float plane. Digital pass as the 10 tier and the 10 tier will include the digital uh, the LTX digital pass, um yeah yeah. We thought about just doing it as like.

A one-time like like digital ticket, but the reality of it, is that um that would be development work, and this is too, but this is more useful for, like other things and kind of scales and stuff like that, so it makes sense yeah. So this is. This. Is this makes a lot more sense and for those of you who are like upset and worried that this is going to be like a cash grab or whatever else you could just subscribe for the one month like that’s fine, I don’t care like do do whatever Works for you! So then, if you’re not subscribed at all it’s 10 bucks and if you’re subscribed at a different tier like if you’re at the three dollar, OG tier, for example, it’s seven dollars and then, if you’re an OG once you’re an OG forever.

Everyone’s Coming to LTX

So you can always yeah. You can go back to your downgrade back to your three dollar tier, so yeah, hey there, you go right, cool, not too bad, not too bad. Your OG can theoretically rot if you unsubscribe and cancel your subscription entirely for a significant period of time. Oh really! Theoretically, oh okay, if people email customer support, we usually just honor it anyways. Well, that’s because customer support here has the make it right directive yeah. So, like trust me bro, it’s fine um, but it doesn’t.

It doesn’t go away. If you like, move your subscription to your round like your your flag. Is I love all the people that are looking at stuff we’ve done lately and been like yeah? I think, with you know the things that lmg and the store and everything I’ve been doing lately. You know, I think that I think that you know they can say, trust me bro. Now it was never different. It was always the same yeah.

Everyone’s Coming to LTX

We were just sitting in a very like potential energy state with like a bunch of things not released yet and stuff like that, but it doesn’t mean that things changed nothing changed um. Oh people are asking what, if they paid complicated. I just saw that that is complicated.

Boo, um Luke will figure that out and get back to you, sir uh got him. I can’t pick up my phone or else I’ll buzz the stream. Can you schedule a message for me on Monday Dan about that? If you were paying attention, thank you, huh yeah, that’s uh! That is complicated, really good question.

Could we just we’ll figure something issue, a partial refund like prorated, and then they could sign up for an annual I’m not committing to anything we’ll figure, something out all right. Cool yeah because the accounting Department’s gon na have to sign off on whatever it is. We do let me, oh man, let me tell you figuring out how to handle being able to take Canadian cash at the event and multiple currencies for um for, like for pre-orders or for reservations, very challenging, very, very challenging, because the last thing we want to do Is create a situation where, as as exchange rates fluctuate in the months leading up to the event, people who Reserve before paid more or something compared to when they get there, and but if we Peg it now, how do we avoid that um? How do we do the accounting for these fluctuations? If we took the money then, but then the value of that money Changed by x amount between now and then it’s like really, it’s really bad. It’S really dumb cool anyway. This is the LTX exclusive merch. We’Ve got the three designer series desk pads, all of which look amazing.

I think the toughest decision here is which two to buy um then yeah we’ve got the tie-dye shirt, the tie-dye hoodie uh the flag. So the idea with the flag is that it’s it’s not huge. It’S more for carrying around and, like you know, writing messages on friends that you meet there really cool thing to get signed.

Yes, exactly yes, and then we’ve got the gradients enamel yeah, because these shirts aren’t super signable, no, not really, whereas some previous year ones with a silver Sharpie were so yeah. That makes sense. I’Ve got people in twitch, chat, good old, twitch chat.

The fluctuations wouldn’t be that big, yes, they would what fluctuations between the USD and CAD I mean we yeah traditionally no you’re right lately. Lately I mean I might still have a tab open with it, because I’ve been watching it really closely. Lately, um yeah in the last one month, it’s gone from uh a dollar 36, all the way down to almost 1.33 all the way up to a dollar. Thirty, seven: okay, that’s huge in business terms like three or four cents on the dollar over a span of a couple of weeks. How on Earth are you supposed to plan around that? It’S wild! Try, try to hire people that want to work remote in other currencies. Oh yeah cool and negotiate trying to figure out wages and stuff. It’S a nightmare. Absolute nightmare, anyways, that’s LTX! It’S coming soon. Super excited genuinely super excited. .