Tesla Gaming: Is It ACTUALLY Good?

Tesla Gaming: Is It ACTUALLY Good?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Tesla Gaming: Is It ACTUALLY Good?”.
Oh more than one, oh, let’s go what’s going on guys your average consumer – and I don’t know how many of you know this, but the latest 2022 and up Tesla Model S and even the X now support hardcore gaming and I’m not talking about like the mobile Games you’ve got on your phone, I’m talking about the real deal. Now you might be asking yourself. Why would I even want my car to be able to handle some serious gaming? Well, I don’t know if you’re you’re, your spouse is doing some shopping at like Whole Foods or something, and you want to kill some time. You don’t want to go in there and do the whole shopping thing and you’re a gamer boom, or maybe, if you’ve got some kids and you know they’re gon na cause a Ruckus in the store.

Tesla Gaming: Is It ACTUALLY Good?

Have their butts sit down, play some games until you get back. There’S some really good reasons why you might want this, oh or if you’re living in your car and you’re still you’re too addicted to the gaming, but before we start playing some games, let’s quickly talk about what you’ll need to make this happen, like I mentioned before. Obviously, a Tesla Model S or X, from 2022 or later, as well as the steam Beta app. You can find this in the arcade section of the menu along all the other games that the car has access to all right. You guys, so this is actually going to be my first time trying this out uh. So I’ve got my steam Library over here. So, basically, all the games that I’ve purchased using this platform – you know on my computer – I got them all right in front of me and I went ahead and downloaded this game called Scarlet Nexus. Let’S, let’s get this going. Oh you’re boys excited what’s great about steam.

Tesla Gaming: Is It ACTUALLY Good?

Is I can my save data? Is here we’re getting in there? It’S going to be really important to see how smooth it runs. Okay, I see a few drop frames, but but I’m playing the game. That’S it actually works. It’S it’s actually working which is kind of wild.

Tesla Gaming: Is It ACTUALLY Good?

Let’S go into one of the basic training stages. Okay, I’m seeing a few drop frames here. Oh no, it can’t handle these Graphics. Let’S turn it down.

Let’S go mid I’ll, be honest. I I don’t even want to do mid. I think I’m just going to go low all the way. Okay, I mean it’s playable though, and even on low settings I mean it’s not looking bad at all.

If I’m sitting in front of this Whole Foods, I’m not complaining, you know: okay, I’m mad. This is Harry’s car. Now, there’s a few frames that drop here and there and for the average folk out there who aren’t like hardcore Gamers. Basically, that means the game Skips a little bit like you know.

You might see a few jetters here and there it’s just a little bit Skippy, but I was able to play that with no problem once I dropped the settings down, but we got ta try some other games. This is, I feel, like we just scratching the surface here, all right guys so like this is day two of trying to make this whole Tesla gaming thing work out sort of we saw how it kind of worked out with the first game that we played Scarlet Nexus, but I want to get more games on there so trying to get this SSD for some reason it wasn’t showing up on my Tesla or the Steam app. So I went ahead and formatted it with my Mac. Hopefully that works.

So let’s go plug it in see if we can download some more games, since we’re already basically ran out of space all right. So now we have 856 gigs of storage. When you format it it actually, I think dedicates 64 gigs to the dash cam. Now we can get some games on this bad boy. First things. First, it’s gon na be Apex Legends.

You already know probably take a couple years for this to finish downloading. Do they all like this inside some of it? So that’s a good question Jim, when you’re on Steam you’ll see this little check mark at the bottom of the game, art if it’s compatible. If it’s not you’ll see this crossed out Mark over here and then, if you see a yellow with an eye, that means maybe it’s compatible and for those of you who are familiar and maybe even own a valve steam deck, you got pretty much the exact same Operating system here even down to menus mentioning the steam deck and even showing compatibility that matches what you see on the steam deck for certain games. So that’s the experience that you’re going to get here and it makes sense that this is what they ported over to make gaming work on a Tesla all right guys.

So we finally got a bunch of games on our steam, Tesla deck thing and uh. She just made it yeah, listen, that’s what it is, but we got some games here. We got five different games, but you know I’m an apex Legends fanatic, so I’m really excited to see how this is going to play out so uh. Let’S do this! Hey Texas! In your car, this is insane no game. What what is this? What are you telling me all right, so we’ll have to do more messing around with this. Let’S play a different game. Tales of a rise is a game. I played a lot on my steam deck got it downloaded here, let’s give it a shot. Okay, I see some drop frames here and there okay for the most part, it’s not bad. I want to mess with the graphics a little bit, though, because of arise.

Graphics, Escape system settings Graphics. What how do you? What button is escape? Oh okay, maybe I can make this the menu you did it guys. We did it Joe Shadow quality. Let’S turn, let’s, let’s turn that to low motion blur Ry yeah. Okay, this is officially playable. You guys we did it, it’s like a little finagling, but we did it the bit. The speaker system in here is just nuts. It’S like we saw with Scarlet Nexus.

You turn a few settings down. It still looks amazing on the screen, so you’ll be okay and it’ll. Get you a much smoother experience guys bear with me. I’M gon na try Apex again. It’S finally happening you guys so after I don’t know how many days we’ve been doing this. At this point.

I’Ve lost track of the days, but we finally got my favorite game Apex Legends playing on this Tesla. So basically, we had a bad install and everything we tried to do to make it work, just didn’t work, reinstall the game and it seems to be working. So if you ever encounter any issues where a game should be working, it might have that green check mark and it’s not try uninstalling, it reinstalling it.

If that doesn’t work, I’m not even gon na attempt to have high settings here. I’M just gon na go low because we see that’s the theme right that we need low settings in order for things to to work. Well, we’re on Wi-Fi.

We are going into an online game, so we’re going to be playing against other people. Uh we’ll see how well this thing can hold up in an online experience. I have no idea what to expect here.

Oh look: a little choppy might have to disable a few more things in a few more settings might have to bring down okay, we’re in the game. This looks horrendous. Let’S try and drop some more settings.

I’M going for the Bare Bones here, still not great. My teammates are like fighting already, but first of all, can we just like take a second to see how amazing this is and just in general, to even have Apex running right here, although not very well, oh, I got a kill. Let’S go, I I don’t care. Oh more than one, oh, let’s go. Oh, you tried, oh man, that was insane, so it really wasn’t an issue. So we didn’t really have too many issues in terms of like Wi-Fi. It’S just the game is so like it is not built for this system. I mean I feel, like I saw what I needed to. Should we drive somewhere and see how it plays on the go. Can it do that yeah? I think I think we can use the premium connectivity to get on the cars Network all right. Let’S try it we’re here to try all the gaming things that this Tesla can do. So, let’s see all right so we’re back in that Whole Foods parking lot uh, let’s see, um we’re gon na see if we can get Apex to a run again, but we’re also gon na see if we’re gon na get Apex to run on the net Tesla Network see how it goes.

Oh you got ta be I you got ta be kidding me, so I thought we resolved all of our Apex issues. Apex doesn’t run around on this car for some reason, so we’re just gon na move on uh. We think that Guilty Gear has like an online component. Maybe you can fight someone online, we’re gon na, go ahead and play this game and see how that goes. Okay, so we’re online. Let’S see how smoothly this uh! This goes damn all right, so they got me, but it’s working.

I don’t know about like more intense games, but like a fighting game like this, I’m playing online and it works just fine, okay, so now’s, where we get into some fun stuff. We try to do some two player, so let’s, let’s try a couple things out all right guys, so we just plugged in our USB hub. This thing is absolutely ridiculous. It’S way too big for what we’re doing here now. Unfortunately, Xbox controllers will need to use a cable, no Wireless experience for you, Jay, I’m controlling it. Jay are you controlling it all right? We both so we’re both in there. Oh it immediately knows when oh that’s, cool looks like we’re pretty set like our SSD is. Reading fine, the game started: it’s like a fighting game, control, right, yeah, it’s a fighting game, oh yeah, so jaina Jane and I have always been like this. It’S our first time going against each other in anything.

Oh, are you serious hey? What what’s going on man? I guess yeah okay come on now can’t let this guy catch up razigan get out of here all right. That’S all! We need to see here so two player works. If you want to play against somebody in the car, you want to let the kids that duke it out uh, you can go ahead and do that now.

There’S one more thing I want to try out. I heard that mouse and keyboard support is a thing here. So uh we tried the controllers: let’s see if we can go full PC mode with a mouse and keyboard that was actually kind of fun. It’S not bad right. It’S not bad! Okay guys! So, as you can see, we’ve had some developments now. Tesla has stated that you can actually use a mouse and keyboard with steam. We haven’t gotten that to work so far, we’ve tried lots of different mouses. We’Ve tried tons of keyboards different cables, all the things you can imagine Bluetooth, all that nothing’s worked so far, but if you guys get it to work, let me know with a comment down below, but good old, tried and true controller, as well as even a wired Controller will be able to work so far, I’m not mad.

This has been a pretty sick experience. It’S made me sick a few times trying to get Apex to work uh, but overall this is just mind-blowing stuff. I I couldn’t even imagine your car potentially being an entire console for you, so it’s really cool uh valve what they’ve done with the Steam OS trying to get that over on Tesla uh seems to have worked so far and it is just mind-blowing stuff. We are in the future, you guys.

Can you game on a Tesla? Absolutely it can be done and uh it’s pretty cool for this video guys. Hopefully you enjoyed, if you did be the cool guy girl that gives this video a thumbs up, we’ll catch you guys in the next one till then it’s your average consumer face time to dedicate a few more days to trying to get. That’S! That’S! What’S next .