Get off of My Cloud

Get off of My Cloud

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Get off of My Cloud”.
My cloud was down for five days: uh WD announced that it had suffered a network breach of some kind and they had to shut down some systems. In response, as of today, they’re still down leaving my cloud users locked out of their own data for an entire work week, so it’s it’s. My cloud has been down four or five days so far. Western Digital has been extremely vague, but has stated that some data was stolen, raising fears that the company may have suffered a ransomware attack, there’s currently no estimate as to when service will be restored. This is a perfect opportunity for me to talk about that investment that I made in the new Nas company. There’S no proper solution to this, yet whether it’s unread, whether it’s true Nas, there’s a there’s, a level of of user knowledge. Expectation that I think is, is not reasonable for me to just take my brother-in-law and say: hey, take some computer put this on it and just copy all your stuff to it.

It’S not reasonable. On the other side, you’ve got products like this, where, increasingly by abstracting everything uh, even on the hardware side away from the user, you are introducing attack vectors like what the crap right, and so the middle ground is supposed to be something like a Synology. But honestly, I find a the product itself kind of obtuse and B. Why am I paying like 700 for an Intel atom yeah with no proper expansion? Yeah, it’s ridiculous right! It’S the Apple model, pay way too much for the hardware, and you know what to their credit, the software is super cool, but it’s not perfect and what the heck. I could be running this on like a forty dollar crap box that I picked up on Facebook Marketplace, not this thing and I could put three times as many hard drives in it. I’Ve been legitimately waiting to like upgrade my Nas solution for whenever this thing comes out, because I’m actually like pretty excited, I think it’s gon na be cool yeah.

I hope so they’re they’re planning to do some kind of like pre-launch event and we’re trying to figure out sort of what that looks like because we don’t really support like Kickstarter Indiegogo type, stuff um. But the flip side of it is that these aren’t just strangers to me, like. I know these guys um. I I obviously believe strongly enough in it that, if I put in my own money, you mean like a a fundraising so it’d be a fundraiser like a pre-sale.

What I suggested um – and I don’t know what the ultimate form will look like – is some kind of uh like lifetime subscription like, but for real forever trust me bro, you will always have whatever version iterate. You will get the new, because that’s how people yeah I was. I was joking with uh with one of the guys there I was like you and I should make a show of like writing up the terms of the deal and then actually pricking our fingers and signing It in Blood uh like I I because for real, it’s Not it’s not that hard at the thing to do just don’t your most dedicated early supporters right like how? How hard is that um so anyway, one of the things but there’s obviously some stuff to figure out, because one of the things that they want to build in is like Cloud replication with encryption of Select, folders or whatever else, and they were looking at it. Going.

Okay, well, what if we include some base amount of cloud storage and perpetuity? I was like that’s Madness that doesn’t make sense, especially because I’m looking at this product going. This is the simple Enthusiast. If, if not, the scale you need to do is allow them to download the update file yeah, and it’s not that bad well, there is some stuff so they’re going to have to do some reverse proxy stuff. There could be some traffic there for negotiating a connection for certain features.

I think that’s manageable, but just cloud storage forever. I think Google proved that that model is a great way to make headlines, but it’s not sustainable yeah. There’S there’s some things you could do in my opinion, I I think you could have it be like a a in perpetuity very significantly reduced cost subscription, where it’s like at Cost, basically and like it’ll, have to be annually because you’d get so screwed over on the Oh kind of like the OG float plane tier yeah, something like that. Okay, so if you, if you commit now at a certain level, yeah your subscription becomes very cheap.

Get off of My Cloud

But if you need any more than that basic amount, then you pay as much as anyone does or something like that, but you’ll always have like or yeah the the scaling could be package adders. So it’s not a new subscription yeah so that at least you have to have base and then it’s whatever you else. You want on top of it, okay and then so. The whatever else on top of it is the same price for everybody.

Get off of My Cloud

But your base subscription fee forever is cheaper or something realistically. One of the big features that I’m pushing with these guys is Nas to Naz yeah like like, like like buddy backup, yeah um, and so this would make me want to install NASA’s everywhere. I don’t want my stuff in the cloud yeah I like. I don’t want that.

Get off of My Cloud

I want the cloud for me to be like your place. Like my place, your place, my my parents place and like somewhere else, far away and then that’s it and that other else far away would be like someone that I know exactly yeah, especially like in the gaming space. There is no reason that you probably don’t already have friends and acquaintances with whoever you both have an encrypted right.

It’S not like you can see their stuff. They can’t see your stuff there’s. No there’s no like you’re, not trusting access, nope, yeah, that’s cool yeah! That’S super cool, so you know from my point of view, a lot of the stuff. That’S a lot of the stuff, that’s really cool about this product and and what I want to help kind of guide it towards is not that cloud backup anyway. So if they build cool, reverse proxy stuff that can handshake between those systems, so you don’t have to open ports and there’s a little bit of overhead there that I think we can say.

Yes, you can have forever, because opening ports is like the most annoying thing, but if it’s just actual drives sitting in a data center that just has a monthly cost. I don’t think that I don’t think that makes sense, because everything that I am involved in I like to preach sustainability. It might not have that exponential growth that the Silicon Valley model requires, but what it is is still gon na exist yeah later yeah, because it’s sustainable instead of promising something that we can’t that we can’t keep up with right. What happens when their house is rated and your server data is available to the police military? Well then, the encryption on the drive that buddy, who got rated, doesn’t even have the key for uh, better, be secure for one thing, but okay, now they’ve got an encrypted Drive cool, they can hold it until they have quantum computers, I guess and then they can Find your gaming screenshots yeah, I don’t know um VW V wagon Jetta, says the problem with a P2P storage is that when someone else’s data is illegal and it’s physically stored on my drive, am I legally liable for holding that data? You don’t even know what it is um I I mean I don’t legal advice yeah.

I know legal advice, no, the answer to that. But if you don’t know what it is, I think it would be extraordinarily difficult to hold you liable for it allegedly allegedly, not legal advice, that’s something that should absolutely be explored and I would recommend only backing up with people that you trust. However, strong doubt I I I do, I do doubt that you could end up, might also be different for your country or your state or your Province or your whatever blah blah blah yeah. It’S not legal advice.
