The Amazon Basics CPU Cooler

The Amazon Basics CPU Cooler

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Amazon Basics CPU Cooler”.
From keyboards to cables to oh paper, Amazon Basics is consistently not great but good enough and in the case of their newest, offering that might actually be a good enough reason to pull the trigger. Assuming that you can find it like anything, you actually want to buy. On Amazon, we found the Amazon basic CPU Cooler, buried under four pages of sponsored crap and, curiously, completely devoid of an Amazon’s Choice badge. So what are you hiding? Jeff? I mean Andy. Well, we found one thing between two identical units of this cooler.

We found a stark difference in performance, so much that if you got a bad one, your system could run measurably slower, oh, and we found a second thing. This message, from our sponsor moment from vloggers to photographers moment, offers a vast catalog of products and courses to help you capture your vision, get the right gear, learn new skills and get creative check out moment using the link below. Thank you. This Magnificent Tower of aluminum and copper is the first internal PC component that Amazon Basics has ever made from scratch, and corporate wants you to find the difference between it and this competing cooler.

They’Re the same wrong Pam. My Keen powers of observation detect a subtle difference: two Cooler Master logos and a third backwards; Cooler Master logo. But how can this be alright? The explanation that was given to us from cooler Master’s thermals team was that, based on the h412r, they approved the design and technology for the Amazon Basics, cooler, which is a very vague and roundabout way of saying we’re the ones manufacturing it for them. Which is why we didn’t sue their asses, but we can’t say that directly because we signed an NDA, which kind of makes sense.

I mean Amazon, Basics doesn’t manufacture anything, they just take an existing product that meets their standards and slap their label on it or they make some changes to make it worthy of the Amazon Basics name. So, let’s see what changes if any they made to the h412r. The first one is obvious: printing, like this adds about 50 cents to a dollar to the cost of each box, which is totally unnecessary for a product that will never need to stand out on a store shelf.

So Amazon went for the own natural look then, as we were unpacking the heat sinks, we found the same accessories box, identical packing materials and even the included thermal compound is identical, just Sans logo. Maybe if we look closely here at the cooler itself, ah, the stamped geometry of the fins is slightly altered and perhaps, more importantly, Amazon literally cut corners on their branded unit. Hopefully that doesn’t affect performance too badly, and this is interesting despite having identical part numbers. The fans are not the same: Amazons has RGB and a different sticker. Speaking of big differences.

Our 64 ounce water bottle is three times the size of our 21 ounce for the same price,, so lower price, more RGB and seemingly manufactured by an expert, a master. You might say in the cooler space so far so good, but remember how I said: Amazon isn’t even spotlighting their own cooler as Amazon’s choice. They don’t disclose what makes an item their choice, but for CPU coolers, the be quiet pure rock 2 for 45 bucks is their current recommendation. Alright, Amazon I’ll play ball, but we’re gon na.

Do it my way, damn it with a Roundup of the most popular coolers around that price point we’re gon na have them all linked down below. We settled on a core i5 13600k for our test, since it doesn’t include a cooler in the box and it shouldn’t overwhelm our value-oriented coolers here, starting off with Far Cry 5.. The Amazon Basics matches its Cooler Master cousin, exactly with peaks of 73 degrees Celsius and averages within half a degree of each other. However, when we add in the rest of our contenders well, we immediately see two things.

The Amazon Basics CPU Cooler

First, the reason that Intel doesn’t bother, including their piece of crab cooler with the 13600k and second, the reason that Amazon won’t play its own kid when the game is on the line. If you were thinking the situation might change in other titles. The sad news is no no and no, but that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the whole story yet moving to our heavier multi-threaded loads. We found that, while our system performance was identical in handbrake and both coolers reached the same Peak values, The Cooler Master variant managed slightly lower temperatures on average and then moving into cinebench.

The Amazon Basics CPU Cooler

We’Re looking at a Three Degree difference and our first impact on performance. Whether it’s the fingiometry, the missing corners or just a slight difference in the RPM of the included fan our Amazon Basics. Cooler falls behind by anywhere from five megahertz to a hundred megahertz uh. Wait! That’S a pretty big range.

The Amazon Basics CPU Cooler

What’S going on here, ah funny story, we accidentally bought two samples of the Amazon basic CPU Cooler, and since we had them, we figured that wouldn’t hurt to test them, except it did hurt, it hurt Amazon, it hurt Cooler Master and it hurt our poor CPU. In most of our tests, they performed identically to each other, that is to say, worse than just about everything else in the same price range. But in our cinebench test. Our second unit thermal throttled over a minute sooner pushing our CPU clock, speed and therefore our performance measurably lower, but why, in a word, quality control? We found multiple issues with our weaker sample. The flatness of the base left a lot to be desired. Look at the way a fingernail catches on the gaps between the Heat pipes, the Press fit aluminum fins, don’t seem to be making perfect contact with the copper heat pipes, they’re, not soldered, so they’re just stuck on there and while the rated RPM of all of our Fans was the same. The recorded RPM of this unit’s fan was about 5 lower, that’s still within spec, but it’s clear that all of these things together can add up to a lesser experience, not that it really changes the conclusion, because the bigger issue here is that even looking at the Better unit of the two, I don’t see any reason to consider Amazon’s offering when the cheapest one we tested the 20 ID cooling S. 2 14xt outperformed both of our Amazon samples in every test. It also has RGB and it uses a much better knock to inspired mounting system compared to the flimsy Amazon, slash Cooler Master one. I think the kindest thing that I can say about this thing is that it’s better than a stock cooler and all I guess to their credit Amazon, also has a pretty good video showing how to install their cooler on both Intel and amd’s platforms. Ultimately, though, I can’t help but feel like this was a missed opportunity. The Amazon, basic CPU Cooler performs like a subpar version of its aging Cooler Master cousin, which was clearly the wrong choice for Amazon to use as a template for their own cooler.

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