Why Linus + Luke are Besties (Starring Dan the Producer)

Why Linus + Luke are Besties (Starring Dan the Producer)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why Linus + Luke are Besties (Starring Dan the Producer)”.
Question: what’s your favorite thing about Luke and Dan? Oh, is this to me? I think so, my favorite thing did you really curate a question asking my favorite thing about you. Apparently apparently I love your dry wit and your uncanny uh willingness to do whatever the you. Damn well, please, there [ Laughter, ] get owned. It’S addressed to all of us, so I think Dan has to also say what his favorite thing about blue containers yeah. I don’t even want to know mine. Just just what’s your favorite thing about you, I don’t. I don’t know I’ve never been.

I’Ve never had to think about this before wow. This is getting like deep talk now. What’S your favorite thing about yourself, yeah yeah, you can find something I believe my ability to be interested in anything, that’s cool! That’S a good one! Yeah that’s lame, but whatever it’s good, okay, so hold on, I got ta do Luke. Now, oh boy um! I was hoping we were gon na Dodge this bullet. My yeah. I saw how you tried to redirect that, but I was right there with you.

I think my favorite thing about Luke is how we either mind melt before or completely disagree. We still managed to make it work, yeah, that’s what that’s. What gives us the dynamic that you guys like so much, I think, is we’ll go yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah? Yes, no wait! I mean we saw it. We saw it today right like it’s um, I, my my the people. I tend to be most successful surrounding myself with are the ones that um generally are aligned with me, but when we’re not aligned make me better, and so that’s if, if I was going to give you if I was going to give you a one line, how To pick an Esso um, your BFF, you know a business partner, someone that you’re in it with for the Long Haul. That’S got to be it. I had a. I had a. I had a conversation with someone recently about how they they work with their with their partner and but it’s not it’s not their workplace. They don’t own it.

They’Re just are those both working they’re, both employees at the same place, that’s scary, and one of them uh. This is the this is a a male female relationship. Yeah, I’m talking to the male in this relationship. The male in this relationship is in a leadership role higher.

They don’t directly report to each other, though no okay, but but if you’re in a meeting is that this person is above and what would be placed in a situation at times where, like. If that person is super derailed or off topic, or talking about whatever they have to get them back on board complicated, and I I I brought up – I was like you know I feel like you – should try to dodge it in every which way you can and Linus and I are not in a romantic relationship, but I have never found a situation where I’ve been in this type of role, where I’ve been able to be like really good Bros with someone, and it’s worked before, especially with someone else who will also enthusiastically defend Their position, because I do that and when two people do that, it’s not super common that you can avoid bad conflict. Yeah good conflict is okay yeah. I feel like we’ve done a pretty good job of that yeah and that’s cool, but it helps that we’re mostly aligned yeah. So we don’t have to have conversations like well. How are we going to run a forum without uh? You know a sound high volume, sound ads all over on the screen, trying to dodge your mouse and that type of stuff um.

So we don’t we don’t we we have – maybe okay, maybe maybe, instead of just alignment. Maybe I should have said similar principles would have been a good way to kind of phrase that, but it’s it’s definitely it takes tending. I mean you guys got to witness it today. Yeah you have because you have to you, can’t go to bed angry right like yeah.

Why Linus + Luke are Besties (Starring Dan the Producer)

It’S you got to resolve it at some point. It’S tough and sometimes the resolution is you know what you’re a lot more passionate about this than I am um. I guess we’re. Gon na need to back down or I’ll need to back down, and sometimes the resolution is um.

I actually just really do need you to understand my point here. You need to shut the for a second and sometimes it’s in between right yeah, but you got to figure it out. I mean Yvonne and I have had some some really tough conversations. I mean especially man.

The stakes of everything are so low once you’re raising kids together. Everything else is just like it’s like. What’S work, it’s like what money yeah like yeah yeah Money Matters, especially when you’ve got a hundred plus mouths to feed. If we don’t make money, what’s Dan gon na eat right, so the stakes are: are really high, but with a child, the stakes are exponentially higher, it’s their future. It’S the future of everyone. They ever interact with. If you, if you’re willing to sort of put that burden on yourself right, it’s the future of yeah, it’s the future of their spouse, their their kids, their kids, kids right, like it’s, their life success yeah and their life success, as as as small or as great As it might be, could impact the world right like there’s, the stakes are: are so high um, and so it’s just like when we’re making decisions about how to parent those are way more intense conversations than how are we going to organize this department for best efficiency? Here’S my idea, here’s your idea, we disagree, you know what who the cares. Let’S try yours and if it doesn’t work we’ll try the other one because, like whatever yeah, you know because at the end of the day, it’s all solvable right.

Why Linus + Luke are Besties (Starring Dan the Producer)

It’S all what we make a little more money or make a little less money, we’ll observe performance, potentially pivot yeah, whereas like with kids. Well, you get one shot, yeah and there’s certain actions that you can do. That might not seem like that big of a deal, but even if done once will like never be forgotten, you can traumatize a living being and there’s no like. If that person deeply disagrees with your action, they so much resentment can blossom out of that scene and you’re you’re, always their dad she’s, always their mom, so like yeah, they can’t just like quit and go to another company and not care. This takes her real high stakes. Are real there’s a form of that? Obviously, but there’s like yeah the emanciation or whatever yeah like there’s, there’s things that you can do, but there’s some amount of anticipation. I don’t know enunciation is where you’re like unhealthy. I think you just run away um and I think emancipation yes, but like that’s, not easy and that’s yeah, potentially emotionally damaging and all that sort of stuff like it’s just very and it could be worse than it was.

Why Linus + Luke are Besties (Starring Dan the Producer)

You know yeah yeah, mystical and float plane chat. My kids are basically loving and very feral. How do I fix um? Well, usually, when I want to fix a feral creature, I go to the vet. Oh sorry, we can move on speaking of ways to affect their lives next, okay, uh! Do you think that the size of LTT is damaging to smaller Tech channels? Some smaller Tech channels have expressed in the past that they aren’t doing very well and that it’s hard to compete with LTT sorry, I I think I would have to wager with how algorithmic stuff works. Hey wait hold on a second. No, we got ta back up for a second Luke Dodge dancering about himself. Well, I don’t think so. Thank you, Chad.

You didn’t say your favorite thing about you. Oh boy, thanks Chad, it’s hard! Isn’T it well, I’m gon na switch over to Luke cam here. Why? I don’t know – and you thought this was a bad question – I don’t know. I feel like all the things that I like about myself, have very intense downsides. I like that I go hard, but then I take a long time to recover. Yeah yeah like actually, though, like they all, have super big, but I’m really loyal, but sometimes I do things that are kind of dumb and not in my own best interest.

Yeah I mean if it helps at all Luke. The answer that I gave is also incredibly damaging every single day. I think it’s probably the second one Linus mentioned uh. I I like that. I stick with people and ideas, but that can also suck a lot like going back going way back. You should not have stuck with the NCIX Tech tips Paradigm. No, that was actually stupid. Yeah, like you had so much potential. I can see why your parents were mad. Oh yeah, you had all this potential like super bright future and you were wasting your time falling asleep behind the camera at some tech store with this, like guy who’s, not even very senior at the company or anything just like what are you even? What are you even doing son I had, I had job offers that were twice as much as the starting wage um at this company, let alone yeah uh, but that was yeah.

That was, I don’t know, but I like that, and look I’m happy with how that resulted. So, like I don’t know so we learned nothing I’ll. Do it again, yeah, okay, that line right.

There is also a big part of me, which, which sometimes is great and other times it’s terrible. I don’t know all a lot of. I have you ever done.

Those like personality test things. I probably at some point not recently. I rank like 99th or zeroth percentile in everything.

I’Ve even had other people take the test as if they were me yeah, because I’m like am I just like skewing this or whatever and they’re like whoa enough on, like the far reaches of every category and I’m like cool. I don’t know how comfortable I am with this yeah, so I don’t know. There’S I don’t.

I don’t there’s things I think of positively about myself, but all of those things have downsides and I’m just I’m okay with it at this point, it’s fine I’m over it. .