AI Will Change School Forever

AI Will Change School Forever

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AI Will Change School Forever”.
Okay, next up is from Matthew, uh Luke. What’S your opinion on kids using chat GPT in school for classes like English? I know I’ve used it to only help with research and outlining, but other kids use it to write full essays. It’S a weird one. I thought this would be for maybe both of us instead of just me, because you actually have children um. I mostly subscribe to the calculator argument.

AI Will Change School Forever

What I mean by the calculator argument is when, when like we were in school yeah, I’m sure you had the same conversations calculators away. A lot of the teachers would make you put your calculators away because, and the argument would be like – oh, you won’t have one on you all the time. How did that work out so now with chat GPT, it’s like well. Okay, these types of tools are very obviously going to stay around. However, is there something to be said for having life skills being able like? I can drive my car without navigation, but I have heard from young people and people who know young people that they actually key in even places they go regularly.

AI Will Change School Forever

Every time they go. I do sometimes just for traffic. I do not know how to get there without it.

Oh so, when your internet is out, is it useful to just have some Basics yeah well, like, I think, one of the big directions that things are going in yeah um and I’m I’m just like choosing to see this more optimistically uh. But I think one of the big directions that people are going in is like uh uh, a partnership thing right like Microsoft’s, calling it co-pilot yeah like the idea is that you’re working on things together? You are a cyborg and like a lot of the demos by Microsoft, and I actually respected this a lot is they were just constantly showing people getting outputs from whatever co-pilot thing it was in Excel, word whatever, and then it was immediately showing people editing them. One of the biggest points in the video they get it to write out a thing in word, and then it shows the person select a big chunk of it and just click delete and get rid of it, and it like makes a point of being like look.

They just changed it because they’re pushing like you need to edit these things. You need to work with it and stuff like that, so potentially, using even just having like a section of your class last part of your course being like. Okay, we’re going to intentionally use these new tools, but you have to have some amount of ownership over its output yeah you need to edit it you need to improve it.

AI Will Change School Forever

You need to guide it those different types of things. You have to be a part of this process, because, if you’re not then you’re bringing no value which is dangerous, yeah, so learn how to. Yes, you still need to learn the base skill, because, if kids are using it are they learning the base. Skill yeah, it’s a it’s a complicated question.

That’S why I said part of the class, though, like you could having the challenge being original creation. Yeah versus uh, edited or guided creation is interesting to me, having both of them like learning how, in a in a calculator filled World, knowing how to do. Mental math is still beneficial, oh for sure, and knowing how to see a result that comes out of a calculator and go.

Oh, that’s wrong! Yeah. Where did I screw up the phone good yeah and like yeah? Maybe if it’s within a very small margin, you might not notice, but knowing some Mental Math, knowing how to estimate answers is going to lead you to realize. Oh, I forgot a bracket or something weird happened in my in my input I didn’t, plus I didn’t press plus one of those times. I was trying to plus 20 things together, so one number was one really long number and it gave me totally the wrong result. Like being able to figure that out is really beneficial so somehow finding a way to teach that would be good. I don’t know it’s really comfortable. I need to try to use these tools more like something that could have been pretty interesting would be to you know.

I could even do it because we often save versioned um scripts. So if I took the version that Jake brought me, which had all my notes and then all his sort of expansion on the notes that I had left and I just plunked that into chat GPT like hey, can you clean this up and turn it into a 15 minute video script definitely get four if you’re gon na do that – oh yeah yeah for sure, but I would like to see how close it gets. You know yeah, maybe oh you know, would be kind of cool.

This would be a fun float, plane exclusive doing a um like a pre-script review like like a notes from notes. Okay, I go into a script review or I script a video based on notes or something like that, and then I feed it into gpt4. I host both of them and I host both of them and see if people could guess which one was which I I I think they’ll be able to get it just because I think the way that you write for yourself is going to be unique, but it’ll Still be very interesting, but I could also tell it I want it in the style of Linus Tech tips and it’s going to have an enormous body of data I mean, would it even I don’t even know if it could say it has a little bit of A signature, in my opinion, um, okay, but and like there’s, that’s part of you – know those tools that try to detect AI written things, they’re trying to yeah right yeah.

So I I still think it’s super interesting, but .