Linus Enrages Luke

Linus Enrages Luke

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus Enrages Luke”.
But, okay, here’s my here’s my bone to pick with you Buckle, oh, why? What? What did I do? This is why we’re fighting so yeah yesterday? This is the first time hearing of us fighting. Is this like a topic in the dock? I haven’t even read. I didn’t want to Prime you on it because I didn’t want to disrupt your day. Oh and I wanted to all right. What are we fighting is this. Is this because I bailed on the call with the YouTube engineer, because I I was I look – I was doing that confession with my kids, okay, I needed to go. I sent the message. I said good dad at whatever point. I genuinely thought that I had it under control.

There wasn’t actually much that you could really do that was going to be different or beneficial. What is he mad about? Let’S see, should I try to try to figure it out? Okay, okay, he’s mad, but he’s not that mad, but he’s clearly a little I’m kind of mad okay, okay hold on hold on okay, I’m just like more grown up now, so I’m dealing with it better that I didn’t call you, okay, that okay, I hadn’t even Thought about that. Okay, I shouldn’t come up with reasons: [ Laughter, ] yeah, what the heck, I’m digging myself a deeper hole here. My stupid phone doesn’t even know when I called you, which is great um.

Linus Enrages Luke

It’S annoying. I know when the team’s call started, but that wasn’t the first call all right. Why are you mad? Why are you mad okay? So I wake I’m I’m in pretty early on this whole thing. Yes, I’m not the first person who calls you, but I got ta be pretty early on yeah um and I I push through the whole thing I like to think I did pretty well there’s definitely some some uh mistakes, but I think they’re relatively minor and acceptable.

Considering how tired I was yes make it through this whole thing think I’m feeling pretty good. I go to bed feeling like really good. I’M sitting there waiting for the video to go up because I know there’s certain, like limitations, that accounts can have on YouTube yeah and I’m worried this whole time that we’re not actually gon na be able to upload sure. So I’m waiting just in case like I need to dive back in.

Linus Enrages Luke

I see the video go, live yeah. I click on it. It starts to play. I close.

Linus Enrages Luke

It immediately fall asleep yeah. I was probably asleep like potentially before the phone was fully laid down yeah. I was out I wake up because my scheduled alarm goes off yes nine in the morning, so I only got like seven hours of sleep. After that whole thing I wake up and immediately I’m like. I want to watch the video now uh. Oh, I think I see where this is going.

I watched the video. What do you think in the video might have pissed me off uh? The fact that I didn’t specifically call you out as hell? Oh because you might notice, I had a writer credit on that video. I did not write myself into it at all, because I actually didn’t really care. So what do you think in the video might have pissed me off? Okay hold on hold on. Let me think, because I got roasted for this by a bunch of my friends like a lot of them. Okay hold on hold on, I still don’t know like, I don’t think I’ve actually had. I don’t know certain people in this space just reach out to me and be like. Are you actually an idiot before okay, but they did waste time wait hold on hold on hold on okay? Is it that I didn’t acknowledge that it wasn’t your job yet to the malware warning, we got okay, um, okay, no! Okay! You got to tell me okay, so so in that video I talked to AJ about this and AJ knows one of the problems. There’S two problems: half half half the time. This one is much less of a problem because I know how how you meant it, but the way that you said it.

No one else interpreted that way. You acknowledged me at one point in the video and again I didn’t necessarily want acknowledgment. It’S fine, but you did acknowledge me at one point in the video to say that I was there for half of the night. You said that, because the night started yeah, it started in the middle of the night how everyone’s going to interpret that as I was there for half of the time.

No, and then you didn’t reference any other part that I was still working on anything like that. So people were like: oh, he showed up for half of the bad boy, whatever that’s not with that. I knew you didn’t mean it that way. It started at 3.

30 in the morning. That’S like the halfway point of the night. I heard it and I was like darn: it he’s doing that thing that he does with react, content and the the word that I’m not going to mention and stuff like that. I I got working on the thing so I was like. I was annoyed by that because of the interpretation that I knew the audience was going to get and how it painted me. That’S not fair to him more to me, but yeah.

I knew that you didn’t mean it that way. Okay. What did I mean? I was annoyed, but we’re still cool all right. What are we not cool about that? You’Ve waited for a podcast, that’s cool about it, with 35 to 40 000 people watching what we’re not cool about, and I have multiple Witnesses for this, including your wife and my partner, my wife, you were like.

I had no idea what the attack Vector was and if I watched Theo Joe’s video, maybe I would have known yes, I told you immediately what the problem was. What so everyone’s messaging me being like dude. How did you not know? I didn’t know? Okay, so let me explain that, because the private conversation that I had with Yvonne later – and you probably witnessed some of this – was very conciliatory – I was pretty rude to her in, like the heat at the moment, I did witness that yeah. So what I said to her was like: I have no excuse for this, I’m really sorry Not only was I was I was I short, but not even intensity.

Not only was, I short, but I was not attentive enough to the instructions that you were giving me that would have made the situation. Not only did I identify the exact Vector itself faster, I knew exactly what department of the company it went to. I also knew exactly how to fix it, and I asked you if you could log me in. I can fix it for you and you said no, I’m focused right now, which is fine, yes, which is fine so, but to have the video come out. Okay, that is a banger, and for it to be like there is no way I could have known. I didn’t I didn’t say there was no way I could have known. I said I didn’t know and to know I would have had to watch this video which, by the way shout out was in the script. Because again, I got a writer credit on this thing that just roasts me, which is sick um, but that video is in the script, because it’s an amazing. It’S really good. It’S a very good video and I knew we weren’t going to go into as much detail about the attack and how to avoid how to identify and stuff.

So I wanted that video to be referenced because it is fantastic. So I’m not I’m not dogging on on. Just be like super clear, it’s a great video. I wanted it in there, so here’s that is not the only way that you could have known so here’s. The second thing that I said to Yvonne, which she knows because she’s been with me for 18 years or something like that, was that okay, I do not operate well before about noon, never mind at three in the morning: yeah yeah, if I’m still up at three In the morning, but if I am already up at three in the morning, I am I am non-functional at my best, I have diagnosed for real. Add my absolute best Focus not easy for me, it’s one of the things that makes me and her an absolutely incredible team, because I’m going every different direction. I got ideas coming into my brain faster than you could shake a stick at right and she is focused and methodical, she’s, the one who can actually make sure that anything comes of any of it. Um sorry, yeah she’s, the one that actually got the accounts.

Of course fixed yeah, I thought so of course, because because she’s, the one that is, you know – and I don’t know it’s weird – because in certain types of crises, I’m the one who’s cool and collected like we got sideswiped on the freeway a number of years ago And she’s, just like in a panic and I’m sitting here going okay, you know signal on pull over not on the bridge over there. Okay make sure we flag them down, make sure they’re stopping do this. Do that get this information? Take these pictures in certain types of in a certain type of Crisis are often like that in other kinds of crises, where we’re trying to figure out, what’s going on my brain’s going, it could be this, it could be. This could be.

This could be this and like I’m, trying to I’m trying to execute anything, and I can’t do anything with all these ideas coming in and with not one but two people talking into each of my ears. While I am in a brain fog at three in the morning, I can tell you now with 100 honesty that I have no idea that you ever told me that or ever asked me that I know Yvonne does because later on. In the call she even she asked me she’s like how did you know it was that, and I had to explain like ah there’s, there’s been like a bunch of videos, a bunch of Articles like this has been going around quite a bit lately, all that kind Of stuff – and I even told her today and she was like what how did he not know that – and I was like oh man – did you know that her and I started trying to work around you nope, so we started on a Wayne show not even that Long ago I talked about how like Yvonne and I used to butt heads all the time and now we’re Super Bros.

But during this you were like going nuclear a little bit so her and I started pm’ing each other to get work done. Yeah, that’s good! On the side, that’s fine, which was great, which is great, because it meant that you guys were quiet, that I could actually focus on anything which was actually the goal, because it was obvi like I’ve been in that mode too, where you just like need people to Not talk to you yeah, but Yvonne, and I needed to be in the call with you. Yes, but us talking to each other was gon na, be really disrupting so like it it it.

It made sense um. So I’m sorry, but I can honestly tell you. I had no idea, damn it okay. I said it like a bunch of times, but I understand I understand I wasn’t hearing any of it. .