Is this as stupid as it looks? (Yes)

Is this as stupid as it looks? (Yes)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is this as stupid as it looks? (Yes)”.
Yours see you later by now. Basically, everyone and their dog has had to work from home at some point in the last few years, but it’s such a pain. You got ta, find your webcam find your mic. Get everything ready to go and Minnie’s Forum understands this and they’ve devised a solution that I don’t know if it’s elegant, I guess we’ll see, but it’s a webcam inside of the computer tower it’s less flexible than a regular webcam. Probably but at least you don’t need one and you can’t lose it, that’s the big thing: it’s integrated, let’s, let’s check it out: let’s open the box New Gen 5 Marsh series computer, so on top of it having a webcam, it is also a fully functional computer. Wow, look at that, it’s kind of pretty. Actually, it looks like you’re trying to impersonate an Apple product.

It doesn’t quite have apple Swagger, but it’s got like the same color scheme at least got an HDMI, cable and a power brick. That’S it. Let’S check out the propaganda we’ve got camera up here. There’S a microphone array behind here, two speakers power button.

What do we got on the bottom bottom stand: wait hold on, oh, why make the webcam adjustable when you can make the whole computer adjustable normal? That Beauty, as for the rest of the outside we’ve got a headphone jack USB 3.2 Gen 2 Port. I assume probably five gig: we’ve got a type c Port that can do 4K 60 display. It also says PD on there. So I’m assuming there’s some power delivery based on this power, brick, which is 65 Watts. It probably is not a whole lot of power delivery. I don’t know, but maybe we’ll we’ll find out later on the back power jack, another USB HDMI, 2.0 Port.

So that’s 4K, 60 and gigabit Lan, always nice to see there what’s what’s over here. Is that a reset button? It’S got a little like Arch you seeing that I don’t know what that means. It does something we’ll find out, I’m sure I’ll, just click it while it’s on what’s the worst. That could happen.

Let’S do a peel here. Oh it’s so scratched! Oh, my God! Look at the plastic, it had a peel on it, but it’s like covered in scratches. It’S like brutally scratched. I will say that this is not for sale yet, so this could be a pre-production unit that could just be like a hand assembled something rather still just kind of weird.

Is this as stupid as it looks? (Yes)

It’S also plastic. It’S definitely you don’t usually want plastic in front of your camera, not really ideal for image quality. I guess we turn it on, but not before I tell you about our sponsor secret Lab secret.

Is this as stupid as it looks? (Yes)

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It looks a little because how do I clean it? I just scratch it. Some more don’t you worry it’s very bloomy around this light here, but I think that has to do with the the plastic in front of the camera lens like if we’re comparing to a laptop webcam. This looks like pretty damn good. It’S just really not not very helpful in terms of angling like I want it to be here not like this. It’S like those laptops that have the webcam at the bottom, and it’s just like looking up your nose I’ll bounce it. I should try it without the feed turn the field. Oh yes, great, my head is cut off wow, that’s great! That’S much better! 2.5 k at 30 Hertz.

It’S got a 93.8 degree, wide angle display and a 10 degree tilt change, which is the thing on the bottom. Oh yeah, we have speakers, I forgot, we have speakers, it really does seem like the plastic in front of the webcam is. Is it’s peaking? Ah, that’s so unfortunate because it’s not it doesn’t sound bad wait.

Microphone Boost Plus 30 DB. Why is that the default turn it up? Ah, oh, what the hell. It makes no difference. The volume slider still doesn’t work. Ah wow, my name is Jake.

Why? What that won’t Peak hi, my name is Jake, and this is short circuit, and this is a recording of This webcam that is unfortunately, kind of ruined by this plastic. The microphone is probably okay and I’m gon na try and see if I can make it Peak wow. Yes, this is a great microphone. Definitely if you buy this thing, go in and turn microphone boost down, but it seems overall like a pretty decent microphone and a pretty decent camera, just both kind of ruined a little bit by stupidity.

We don’t really have much information on what specs will be available when this thing is actually for sale right now, ours has an R5 5625u Vega, 7 Graphics. That’S what what it says: half a gig of dedicated GPU memory and the rest is shared from the system. Memory, it’s configurable with up to wait. Actually there were specs on the box hold on it says 5600u, but it’s a 5625. What like what’s the difference? Are those the same thing? Probably not. This is worse.

It has 0.1 gigahertz higher turbo boost this one than the 5600.. I don’t know they’re very similar, which is a 6 core processor, 12 threads. It just says: Radeon, graphics, not a lot of information.

Is this as stupid as it looks? (Yes)

You can configure it with as little as eight gigs of ram in a single stick: ddr4 or up to 232 gig sticks for 64 gigs of ddr4 for ssds, there’s all the way from 128 to 2 terabytes nvme gen 3.. It’S got Wi-Fi 6E like we talked about before, and that’s that’s basically the specs yeah. I mean they sound like laptop speakers with less spatial separation. Yeah, there’s no bass at all. Definitely not MacBook Pro level speakers, but you know like it’s like it’s like Windows, laptop speakers.

I think I need to put it side by side with the iPhone and see I like how all the devices you give me. I have to compare the speakers to an iPhone. That’S the tier return, oh my God does. The iPhone is the iPhone 13 Pro Max just for reference foreign speakers better.

All right, the iPhone sounds less tingy. It’S it’s iPhone tier speakers. I think we got steam. Should I play a game literally valheim? That’S it! Actually. How fast is this downloading yeah 300 megabit wee three ping, that’s good! This is not crazy! Fast yeah! There we go upload 600. Wi-Fi 60 is such a game changer.

Oh my gosh, Wi-Fi five! That’S a lot slower uh. You want me to do cinebench. You actually want to do that.

Like did it just crash. It’S like flickered on and off like four times that time was different. That’S pretty quiet! I mean it’s only a 15 watt chip.

So it’s not going to be crazy regardless, but not bad. Its scores about the same as a 7700k 6 200 points to be specific. 7700K is 6 300 points.

Oh, it’s hot default, TDP, 15 watts. That’S all it says it has a configurable TDP up to 25 watts. I suspect that this is configured up to 25 watts.

It does seem like it’s hitting a temperature ceiling of like 88 degrees and clocking down a little bit. Oh, I wanted to play a game right. Let’S do that bam, bam, Bam. Bam! I’M just gon na set everything to crap, because it’s CS go people.

Do that anyways all right, we’re getting like 100 FPS on a good day. So now that we’re playing not with Bots anyways we’re getting around 100 to 200 FPS depending on CS go. So it goes all over the place. 1080P low settings, not really that impressive. It can play Esports games, there’s probably screws under these feet and sure enough. They’Re Phillips, oh okay, we got it pulled apart on the bottom.

Here is the i o board with all of our i o it connects with like two pcie 8X connectors, which is kind of weird. I only see one controller on the top, but there are a couple on the bottom, so there’s probably the ethernet controllers on the bottom. I suspect probably a power management chip of some sort, but other than that. Just the i o on the inside there’s the fan. We got the pcie connectors on the bottom of this board and it feels like it slides out, but the problem is: if you look down in there, you see a little blue that thermal pads for the SSD and the SSD is hitting this plastic part. Where the speakers were held in place, and so it doesn’t slide out this way, the top comes off with the same clips that were on the bottom they’re super rigid like hard clips that seem to want to break so I don’t think taking it apart. Any further is a good idea, so I’m not going to so yeah. The nvme is is seemingly upgradable, but this thing is not that fun to take apart.

I swear it’s back together, [ Laughter ]. We have a second one of these. This one’s broken the plastic’s not all scratched on this one under the peel, but we don’t have pricing. So it’s hard to say overall the webcam thing kind of a gimmick.

You probably just want a separate webcam. It is not a bad webcam. The speakers yeah. It’S probably kind of expensive, I don’t know if you want a little computer, there’s lots of little computers. I don’t know if you need this one with a webcam, but if you bought it, I don’t think that’s terrible either. Okay or if you, if you want it, you know like it’s clean, I could see like Riley would like this huh. Maybe Riley. Would you like this all right? If you guys, like this video, maybe check out the video I just did on the M2 Mac minis.

Those are um, probably cheaper than this, and maybe you should buy that instead actually definitely more performance, but you have to have mac bye, .