Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ghost Recon Breakpoint — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?”.
Hello and welcome to Tech deals, Ghost Recon breakpoint 1080p Ultra detail on a 2015 computer, updated with a modern graphics card. This is an RX, 6600 8 gigabyte graphics card 230 dollars installed on a 2015 I5 6500. Is it playable? Yes, is it great? No, if you look at the frame time graph on the screen, you can see it is jumping all over the place. It is playable, but it is not awesome. It is it stutters in places the character.
Responsiveness is not great, it’s fine, it works, and I think this is a good example of some of the comments that I got in YouTube. Where people say what are you talking about man? I’Ve got XYZ old computer. I play new games, it’s just fine yeah. That’S just it it’s fine! It’S fine! Until you get into serious combat what you’re watching right here is not serious combat.
This is taking on a few random people. Now I’m going to get into a base here in a minute I’m going to get into another vehicle and attack some larger groups of people, but it’s not. There are I’ve played through this game extensively. There definitely are easy parts and hard parts to this game.
When you get into some of the larger bases and you’re facing 30 to 40 enemies and you’ve got a lot of stuff going on, it can be quite demanding now. An i7 7700k would help tremendously here the addition of 900 megahertz of clock speed, because we’re currently running at 3.3 gigahertz a 7700k would be running at 4.2. That would help a lot.
The addition of hyper threading would help a lot. It would smooth out the one percent lows that frame time graph would be noticeably better if we had eight threads for that matter. A ryzen, 5 1600 would be a noticeable Improvement, even though the ryzen 5 1600 really doesn’t have an IPC advantage over the CPU.
Maybe a little bit, but not really, but six scores and 12 threads most certainly does. If you look at the CPU usage on the screen, you’ll notice we’re basically pegged to 100. The CPU is fully maxed out.
The graphics card could not be more bored. The graphics card is sitting there at 50 usage. The clock speed is throttling we’re really not even at 50 usage we’re more like 30 usage AMD cards will throttle their clock, speed more than Nvidia cards, and video would just scale it down to 20 usage or 30 usage, whereas AMD for power saving reasons throttles. That back now, the CPU power consumption is pretty reasonable. We’Re at 33 34 Watts right there. The graphics card is a bit higher. The clock speeds a bit higher, so we’re using about 75 Watts from the graphics card, which is still way less than it needs.
I mean, after all, this is a video card that has an 8 pin PCI Express power connector. It will definitely use more than 70 Watts if you’re actually running in a scenario that you need it now. We are not averaging 60 frames per second, you might notice on the screen here. We’Ve got 53 average at the moment. That’S a rolling average 32 one percent low and if you just look at a chart, 53 average 32 one percent low – you might think.
Well, it’s not perfect, but it plays just fine. Well, you’d be right, it’s not perfect and it plays just fine but fine being the operative term. I’M going to make this really short.
Some of these videos are 10 to 15 minutes long and I think the point has been made. I could show you three different areas. I could show you helicopter flying.
I could show you all kinds of stuff. I could show you the embarrassment of trying to get between the vehicle and the building. What can I say? What I will say is this: this is a 2018 game that has been updated. It’S got the Vulcan engine which helps tremendously because we’re running terribly. If we were on DirectX 12., you need a new machine to play open world.
Aaa games like this that came out after the CPU. Did it’s fine, it works. You can do it, but there are much much better choices thanks. So much for watching like comment subscribe, do all of the YouTube things: try not to watch the embarrassing end of this video because it really is truly tragic and I will see all of you in the next article.
Thank you, foreign .