Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Should LTT Store Sell CBD Gummies?”.
This one’s from Cody, what type of food would you sell on ldt store? If shipping food internationally wasn’t a terrible idea, CBD, gummies, there’s great margin? Is there probably yeah? I actually had a former colleague from NCIX who wanted to start up like uh, like a partnership. Doing like like alertness, gamer, CBD, gummies and stuff like that, and they sent me over some of the products actually like, seemed really good. I actually really liked it. The Sleep one was not bad um, not a perfect solution.
I still do struggle to sleep sometimes, but definitely better than nothing which is about all you can really ask for when it comes to like supplements and stuff. I don’t know if there’s just like a lot of margin in it or what’s going on, but it seems like every single, like Fitness, influencer person sells their own protein powder, yeah good margin, that’s it because it’s It’s got ta, be with it. It’S like nothing! It’S what like ground up snail shells or whatever right like it’s worthless, it’s way, yeah, it’s just way, yeah! I I I I I know I know.
Oh, I thought you were legitimately correcting me because you thought I thought that it was actually made of that. I love how you you mix you pour it into milk, so you’re, just pouring like a milk like a part of milk into more actual milk, and then you drink that yeah you’re drinking like hyper milk, more milk per milk, yeah or energy powder yeah. They all have their own, like pre-workout creatine, which is the same thing uh protein powder, whatever they all have their own like range of supplement stuff. It’S because you can just find an oem, just slap a label on it and it’s the simplest thing ever, and so he had a relationship that he was forging with like a big manufacturer of of CBD gummies and he was like, you know, go for it.
If it’s good enough for Martha Stewart, it’s good enough for you, you probably based on what I just said, probably know who this was. I knew it was from the beginning. Oh okay, yeah, fair enough um, but my my hesitations were twofold. Um you know one was. I had a lot of concern about, even even if I don’t give a rat’s potato about CBD or weed or whatever, there’s a lot of uptight people out there and it’s one of those spaces that, as a as a Loosely regulated industry, there’s just a lot of Like crap, going on a lot of shady stuff, a lot of shady people are involved, and I just I don’t need the association number two is I’ve always been extremely hesitant about anything that people ingest yeah. I thought, Frankly Speaking, I thought Mr Beast was absolutely batshit.
Crazy yeah and then he did these like stuff too. These like random, well the chocolate one I don’t even mind as much, because at least it’s coming from presumably some kind of factory that actually has some kind of actual safety protocols. But all these, like random ghost kitchens with like Lord, only knows how long these things are sitting on a warmer before they get delivered like I I I don’t know, I promise you, he doesn’t know yeah, and it only takes as far like, depending on how your Company is set up. It only takes one person to like die for the whole thing to come crumbling down, so anything that people ingest I’ve.
Just I’ve just been very sketched out by it’s possible we’ll do like gamer snacks or something at some point, but it just hasn’t hasn’t happened. .