Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMAZING GADGETS AND INVENTIONS YOU SHOULD SEE”.
You guys aren’t gon na believe this. This shirt makes you feel music, not here, no, no feel, and I don’t even know what this is: uh home, gym, torture, equipment. What’S the difference right guys – and this looks like the steering wheel for a tiny spaceship? What is it you guys aren’t gon na believe what you airbag jeans? Hey. Are you wearing airbag jeans, or are you just happy to see me? These pants are the ultimate fashion statement for the modern day motorcyclist they are designed for when a motorcycle rider falls off their bike, so everyone can think wow that motorcycle rider about to die sure is thick.
Are we really so afraid of falling off our motorcycles that we need to start wearing pants that inflate like a balloon when we hit the pavement? Are we all a bunch of bubble, wrapped babies who can’t handle a little scrape, bruise or road rash? When I was a kid, we crashed our motorcycles like real men. Are you too scared to ride a motorcycle without inflating your butt like a balloon animal grow up? Why stop it just protecting your lower body? Why not airbag your whole body? Why not look like the Michelin Man on a bike, the sound shirt? This is cool as heck. The sound shirt is a device made, so you can feel the vibrations of music on your skin, designed with deaf people in mind, which is awesome.
I’M worried that most of the customer base will just be people on drugs, though this would be perfect for a deaf person on drugs. What’S next a pair of pants that shake when you listen to a bass, heavy song and what happens if you accidentally play heavy metal music on your phone? Are you gon na get a full body massage from your shirt? These are important questions, people it’s great! That technology is advancing to help people with disabilities and we should celebrate that. This is another example of how technology can be both amazing and Incredibly weird at the same time, Autobots 2.0. Oh man, let me tell you about these Autobots 2.0.
These little guys are like R2D2, if R2D2 got a job instead of saving the Galaxy he’s delivering your groceries. What if you order something sensitive like your special ointment, are the robot’s discreet or are they just gon na roll up to your house blaring? Let’S Get It On by Marvin Gaye. If I order some party supplies, would it be rude not to invite the autobot I’d love to party with a robot? What, if someone hacks one of these guys and makes it deliver a carton of eggs all over someone’s front yard? The Autobots 2.0 aren’t just delivery. Robots, they’re, also excellent. In other tasks like standing in line for you at the DMV folding your laundry or even performing amateur magic tricks at your kid’s birthday party.
Okay, that’s a lie, but they’re still cool everless, smart bag. What a Brilliant Invention, a bag that folds into a credit card size, that’s some sorcery right there, the everless, smart bag is made with recyclable memory fabric. What is memory fabric you ask? I forgot hopefully next time this bag will help me remember.
So if you’re like me and have the memory of a goldfish, this bag will be your new best friend. It’S like a magic trick, but instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat you’re pulling a bag out of your wallet, it can hold up to 50 pounds. I could carry my little cousin around in this and I might sure you could just use one of those flimsy plastic bags from the grocery store, but then you’d be a jerk.
Gymra jimmera sounds like a crazy new Pokemon who needs a gym membership when you can have a fancy machine combining digital weight technology, game, Fitness, AI, mirror, voice, control and immersive training, and the more you work out, the more Bitcoin you mine. Okay, that’s a lie! Why bother going outside and getting some fresh air when you can sweat your ass off in the comfort of your home? It’S like having a personal trainer without all the human interaction in pesky eye contact and it won’t yell at you for eating a whole pizza in one sitting. I’M sorry, but if I wanted to play video games, I’d just sit on my couch and play video games.
I don’t need a fancy machine telling me to do: jumping jacks and calling it a game I’ll stick to my Jane Fonda Buns of Steel tapes for now q1. This is a quick release magnetic connector for things like lanyards and keychains. Think about it, your wallet, your phone, your favorite, snacks, your pet hamster all easily attachable and reattachable, with just a flick of your wrist. This is the perfect villain, henchman device.
You know how, in movies, the henchmen are always scanning cards to get through doors of the secret base, but then they drop their card or the hero steals it and sneaks into the base. Yeah. No more of that nonsense secure your evil villain Lair. Now it can support up to 10 kilograms.
So if you wanted to attach your toddler to it, voila no more stroller just make sure Junior lays off the Cheetos Scrambler automatic. This watch is crazy. It’S completely mechanical and doesn’t need batteries for one. I’M not smart enough to even know what that means, but I know it’s cool.
I might also not be smart enough to tell what time it’s saying it looks cool as heck, though, and that’s what’s important, who reads clocks anymore. It’S vintage inspired, which is kind of trippy, a watch that reminds you of the past and the present I’m freaking out man, it’s literally a time machine that takes you back to the 70s, except without the polyester and bad haircuts. It’S so weird and unique. You can’t help but stare at it and wonder how it works.
You’Ll, look like a super spy. Meanwhile, your spy watch won’t even have a battery in it nature X. They say a man’s home is his castle, but what if a man’s home is his spaceship? You’Re gon na need a captain’s chair like in Star Trek you’re, not traveling the Galaxy, but you are controlling your smart home devices and if you close your eyes and pretend that’s almost like being in outer space with the nature X, you can adjust your blinds when The sun shines into your eyes, arm your turrets in your front yard and feed your dog table scraps. So when the vet gets mad at you for making Fido into a fatso, you can say it wasn’t me. It was nature X.
It works every time. What’S especially awesome about this is that it has real buttons and a knob. That’S insane.
I haven’t touched a physical button in years. I’D be pushing buttons on it all day, just for that satisfying click hi doc. This is cool.
If you’re like me and use your earbud headphones to do virtual job interviews and you’re tired of looking like a dipstick, this is a productivity device for working remotely with a 360 degree speakerphone. I don’t know what that means, but I imagine it must spin around. In a circle like spin the bottle – and it comes with a voice recorder to Blackmail your boss or make an awesome, audition tape for American Idol.
Maybe you could even use this for gaming, so your teammates can really hear you when you get so mad that you rage quit on Mario Kart. I think it’s so funny that phone calls are almost obsolete. Now, honestly, I prefer it.
I hate talking on the phone sleepasol Plus sleepasol plus, is like a magical hat that makes you sleepy this one is literally insane it shocks your brain to make you fall asleep. I know there was a reason that sticking my fork in an electrical outlet always put me right to sleep. I don’t know about you, but the idea of putting electrical currents in my head to fall.
Asleep sounds like the plot of a horror movie. If it doesn’t work, you’ll have a cool story to tell your therapist. I get very frustrated by my brain when it doesn’t.
Let me go to sleep and I’d welcome the chance to shock it with a cattle prod. If I could do you think turning the settings, all the way up will make me forget about my ex-girlfriend rze hexedge microblade. This knife is hypoallergenic, which is funny it’s a knife. When a kid gets a knife, we don’t take it away because they might get a rash. We take it away because it’s a freaking knife who cares about a rash if someone stabs you with this you’re, going to want something stronger than Benadryl the future possibilities are boneless with endless opportunities to explore. Take the first step towards an exciting Adventure by subscribing to stay up to date on the latest. Futuristic advancements.