Overwatch 2 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

Overwatch 2 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Overwatch 2 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?”.
Hello and welcome to Tech deals. Overwatch 2 is the sequel to The highly acclaimed OverWatch released in 2016.. Overwatch 2 was released in October of 2022 and is now free to play featuring a huge rust of characters 35 at launch versus less than half of that. For the over original OverWatch, it is being played here on a 2021 video card. The 230 dollar RX 6600 installed in a 2015 PC.

The I5 6500 was released back in 2015 and, of course it plays the original OverWatch. Just fine. It came out in 2016. It was wildly popular Around the World.

Blizzard was never going to make a game like OverWatch, not play on a 4-core four thread: sixth generation CPU from 2015.. In fact, it’ll play on Far older than this. I have done videos showing this playing all the way, or at least the original OverWatch, all the way back. Encore 2 quads, it’s not as good, but it will definitely do so.

This is 1080p epic detail and for a fun treat. I have three different battles at three different detail: levels: to show you, epic, high and low, you can see the label in the upper right hand corner showing you. This is epic.

Our performance is not bad. We’Re currently averaging 67 frames per second overall and 13 in the one percent low okay. In fairness, 13 of the one percent low in a shooter like this is really not great, but if you’re a competitive player, you would not be playing it.

Epic detail on Hardware like this you’d be playing it low, which is why I’m going to show you that here in just a minute, the frame time graph is definitely Jumpy. The CPU is fully tasked and the graphics card is not because the CPU is the bottleneck in this configuration. The ram is not looking at the MSI afterburner numbers in the upper left hand corner of the screen. You can see we’re using about nine and a half gigabytes of RAM. Remember this is a clean test, PC with nothing running on it. If you’re live streaming or capturing your gameplay running multiple monitors and you have more going on well that definitely will go higher but of course you’ll need more CPU as well, because, as you can see here, our CPU is maxed out and there’s just nothing left in Order to run anything else and the I5 6500 is really good.

Actually, some of you may not remember this or you may not know it it’s okay. Most of you would have had an i5 6400. The 6500 was not common. The reason I bought it back in the day is because it runs at 3.3 gigahertz. The I5 6400 ran at 2.7 gigahertz, which is 600 megahertz slower. It was like just 20 dollars difference for twenty dollars. 600 megahertz was absolutely totally worth it, even if it wasn’t as common back then it is worth noting that the vram usage, however, is still quite modest, even at Epic detail, just under four gigabytes of vram. So if you’ve got a four gigabyte card, it’s just fine yeah.

Well, what can I say play of the game? That’S always fun. Uh diva is my main for those of you who don’t know because she is of course, the best player in the game. Some of you will disagree with me and that’s okay, you’re all allowed to be wrong. Moving on to high detail, you will notice a couple of things.

Overwatch 2 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

First of all, the CPU is still maxed at 100 percent. In this case, the graphics card is actually running a little bit slower and the clock speed on the graphics card is definitely down. We are so unbelievably not graphics card bottlenecked. Here we are CPU bottleneck, it’s amazing.

Overwatch 2 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

Now some of you may ask the question: wait a minute if we’re completely CPU bottleneck, then turning down the details not going to help and usually that’s the case. Whenever I mess around with graphics card detail, I set different game detail settings. If the CPU is the limit change in a graphics card, setting does not substantially make a difference in the game. Overwatch 2 is different, and that is why I’m showing you all three runs, and yes, there will be a chart later in the video.

Overwatch 2 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

For those of you who want to see a chart because you like pretty bar graphs and pretty numbers, but it does make a difference in OverWatch too, so, hang on just a second we’ll get to that. The main system RAM usage is a little bit higher here. The vram usage is lower high detail versus epic, of course, there’s less texture detail loaded. That makes sense.

However, the performance is not substantially faster than epic was Now spoiler alert. Epic ran at 79 frames per second average high runs at 87 frames per second average. The one percent low is a little bit better, it’s 24 versus 13, but that’s not a massive Improvement in a shooter. You want a much better one percent low if you’re a serious competitive player, so that must mean that low gives us slightly better Improvement right right.

Well hold on just one second, the last thing I will say about high detail. Is this more CPU would make a monster difference here. If you replace this I5 6500 with an i7 7700k two things would change number one. You would increase the clock speed from 3.3 gigahertz to 4.2 gigahertz. Another 900 megahertz of clock speed would directly translate into more frames. In addition, you would add hyper threading and while the original OverWatch game didn’t make much use of hyper threading, this certainly would the CPU, as you can see here, is pegged absolutely to 100 and it’s not moving the last comment. I will make it’s a friendly reminder. This is live gameplay on a live server.

The battles are different. The maps are different. You cannot directly compare the results between these three battles. They are relative representations of what you might expect to be fair. This battle and the epic battle may have been more demanding.

The low battle the low detail battle, you’re about to see in a second may very well be less demanding it’s just the nature of testing these type of live service games. As we move into low detail here, you should immediately notice the difference. We are over 150 frames per second, we will end up averaging 165 frames per second with a one percent low of 78.. Let me say that again: 165 average 78 one percent low on a 2015 CPU with a 2021 graphics card. The CPU is still fully tasked.

The graphics card is still not fully tasked. The frame rate is monstrately, better monstrously better. Some of that may be the low detail. Some of that may be different map.

Some of that is just testing live service games can be challenging. Take it with a grain of salt, I would not be surprised to see low detail battles occasionally not do as well as this, and I would not be surprised to see the high and epic details do better than what you just saw a minute ago, depending upon The scenario all testing is just representative examples of what you’re going to actually see in real gameplay. Your computer will be different. Your background tasks will be different. Your install of Windows is different. Your drivers will be different, you’ll, probably be using a different card, certainly different manufacturer.

I mean the odds of you. Having this exact configuration are almost zero, you may be running different Ram. I haven’t mentioned it yet, although I mentioned it in the GTA 5 video. We have 16 gigabytes of DDR3 1600., not ddr4.

That is not a typo. You could use DDR3 or ddr4 with Skylake and KB Lake as well, because you could use KB Lake on the 100 series boards which you could get with DDR3. This is an Asus h170. D3 motherboard, I built this for my daughter back in 2015., ddr4 was still quite expensive at that point. Ddr3 was cheaper, and so that’s why we have DDR3 and of course, if you’ve got a Skylake or KB Lake system with ddr4, your results will definitely vary and, of course, your results will vary depending upon you know. Your this graphics card, for example, only has a PCI Express Lanes, so we’re running eight Lanes on PCI Express gen 3, which it’s not the end of the world for this card.

I mean it’s not the fastest car in the world, but it it has some impact to be sure. If you were running on something with PCI Express Gen 4, then the card would be able to stretch its legs a little bit. But of course, if you’re on PC Express Gen 4, then you’re at least on Zen, 2 and Zen twos are substantially fast faster than an i5 6500. So really you that’s completely not comparable to anything. We’Re looking at here sure if you can upgrade to a ryzen 5 3600x on a b550 motherboard, then great do so. This Benchmark doesn’t tell you anything if that’s the case, it’s so far removed from what this is. It’S sort of irrelevant. I guess technically, you could be reusing a ryzen 3, 3100 or 3300x, but those are four core. Eight thread chips more kin to the i7 7700k, similar in performance actually a little bit faster, especially the 3300x.

With that single CCD, the 3100 has a pair of it’s essentially two two core chips glued together irrelevant to this, but just something worth considering notice. The power usage notice how low our power consumption is, if you’re using modest Hardware, playing relatively easy to play. Free-To-Play games we’re pulling about 70 Watts, maybe a little less 65 Watts, no about 70 Watts between the CPU and the GPU.

This entire computer, including power supply losses, motherboard and everything, is probably pulling under 100 Watts from the wall, not including your monitor, keep in mind. That’S pretty modest and not bad, considering that what you’re watching here is some really awesome performance. This plays very well and it’s a good example of how eight-year-old computers are totally playable in 2023. If you pick your game selections correctly, if you want to play Hogwarts Legacy at 1440p, Ultra detail. You’Ve come to the wrong computer, but if you want to play OverWatch 2 well so long as you’re willing to turn the detail settings down, it’s great I’ve already told you what the results were, but here’s a nice pretty chart for those of you who, like nice, Pretty charts again disclaimer every battle is going to be different. I’M showing you three representative battles turn the detail settings down in some games.

It makes a difference in other games. It doesn’t. Let me know in the comment section below what you thought of this video.

What other games you want to see tested one of the hardware you want to see tested and if you like, this style of video in general. Thank you so much for watching. I will see all of you next time. Foreign .