You Won’t Really Own Your Car

You Won't Really Own Your Car

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You Won’t Really Own Your Car”.
Ford is oh, this is awful. Ford is Seeking a patent for a new system that would allow them to gradually shut off features in delinquent customers. Cars like seat controls, automatic locking and windows, as well as air conditioning and the infotainment system. After enough missed payments, the car would simply drive itself away.

You Won't Really Own Your Car

Is this the most dystopian timeline? Luke yeah? It also sounds like so ripe for abuse. I mean seat controls. You could make a very strong argument for how dangerous having an improperly adjusted seat could be if you’re, sitting too close or too far from the steering wheel. That could be a life or death issue. I mean honestly. Ah, you could say that about almost anything automatic locking, yeah, so, okay man, my my aunt, had the wildest experience, downtown, Vancouver, she’s, just driving, and someone tries to get into some lady just like got in her car yeah like hey. I need a ride here and you don’t know: do they have a knife? Do they have a gun? Do they have a a syringe full of AIDS? Like you don’t know, you don’t know what they they they have, but just just got in the car and she was terrified yeah as it turned out.

You Won't Really Own Your Car

She drove her where she needed to go and she like got out and left which is like lucky right, yeah, but so someone’s automatic locking is not working and then and, and that happens, who’s liable. Yeah does Ford just basically go well. You should have made your payments and you know fair enough right. There’S no free luncheon in this life. If you don’t pay for something, you are effectively that you have stolen it um and it is.

You Won't Really Own Your Car

It is now Ford’s property and not yours, but holy like it. Can’T go down like this and like the ability for someone to just steal your car, but I mean we. We talk about vulnerabilities in cars all the time we talked about vulnerabilities in Kias the other day, where people could just steal them willy-nilly, and it took an actual extreme amount of exposure to get them to do anything about it.

I think it was Kia and Hyundai. I think it was both uh. You think this is going to stay secure forever. What about in 10 years, when this car’s still on the road yeah? What about in 15 years when the car is potentially still on the road? That’S something I really worry about with Tesla. They have so many different revs of their cars, like they don’t have model years. The way that traditional car companies have model years.

What is going to happen when they don’t feel like dealing with the with the software baggage of all those model? Threes with lidar that, like don’t, have as good of a camera system and like used supplementary lidar and uh what a pain or anything I just ugh yeah, I I worry a lot about that, and and it’s it’s a really good point like the the automotive industry. In general and to their credit, Tesla has the probably the best reputation out of all of them, but the automotive industry in general is terrible when it comes to maintaining software, so anything where I have to trust them to do anything post purchase yeah, I just I. I just I write it off. It doesn’t exist to me potentially take your car back remotely yeah, so that’s not cool the technology to do this has yet to be developed apparently, but it is at least theoretically possible, given the current trajectory of self-driving cars and a few days after this patent was Filed by Ford, they announced the creation of a semi-autonomous driving subsidiary within the company. The idea is not entirely new. In some places, it is legal for dealerships to install remote systems that beep incessantly or even kill switch the car from customers who are using credit in the event that they don’t pay.

Our discussion question is what is the likely consequence of having these sorts of back doors? I think we’ve kind of gone through it. Luke and I are not in favor of this, I think, is pretty fair to say yeah. This is It’s dystopian, it’s dystopian and I’m not using that word lightly. It is this.

Is it also a car related topic? Streamer has Van stolen, the internet gets it back. Our source is Ludwig. This guy yup look great hair. You know fantastic, that’s not fair to other people to have hair that good uh. Anyway, two days ago, Ludwig announced that his prized 1997 Subaru sambar microvan had been stolen from outside the warehouse where he films after a storm, knocked out the power to the electric gate. Ludwig’S assistant and a collaborator managed to track down the van that evening unable to acquire police assistance. They entered the van only to find someone in it. The man seemed confused and told them.

He didn’t steal it, but was given it by someone who owed him money. He then offered to return the van if they gave him ten thousand dollars after they decided to call the police again, which it’s not even worth by the way yeah we’ll try that route the guy took off in the van at some point. He drove it to a massage parlor, where it was spied by a Reddit user who had heard of the theft the police finally showed up, and the driver fled on foot allowing the van to be recovered. Our discussion question here is that the Reddit has been obsessed with my new car and maybe it’s a positive thing. It’S a good thing. Um yeah.

They got to know everything that you can have a little army that you guys know what uh you guys know. What car I drive so that in the event that it gets stolen, you can help me recover it, so I’ve been kind of easing into it. As some of you have noticed, no it it was never a leak uh. Every time there were glimpses of it or whatever it was intentional, I just didn’t want it to be like surprise, I finally bought a fancy car um, so I think it made its first appearance in the heating, the garage with mining video, and then I alluded to What dealership it came from and then I think it I think I mentioned Porsche’s infotainment system a little bit after that, and then it showed up in the parking lot in the labs tour.

So I’ve kind of been I’ve wanted it to be another wrap on it. On yeah, I’ve wanted it to be a little bit slower, just because I didn’t want it to be like kind of a shock by the time people are like. Oh, he bought a fancy car.

I wanted to kind of be old news, so Mission sort of accomplished, but my unintended consequence has been that it’s created this Intrigue, like I’ve, talked a lot about how one of the best things we ever did for our privacy was to just announce the location of Our studio and put it on Google Maps because all of a sudden, everyone immediately stopped caring yeah. So I guess I kind of forgot that lesson and I’ve been sort of intentionally slowly. You know priming that, yes, I bought a fancy car that hopefully doesn’t immediately make me a complete douchebag.

But yes, I have a nice car now. So, let’s put it to rest once and for all uh it’s a Porsche taiken uh, it’s 2022 um, it’s higher spec than I probably would have gone for, but the deal was used right. Yeah it had just over a thousand miles on it. That’S a pretty sweet spot to buy you, which is it smelled new yeah. You know yeah um, but because it was used, there was no provincial sales tax and no luxury tax, which is a tax that applies to Vehicles over a certain value where we are which, by the way, the average sale cost of vehicles is creeping up to that Luxury tax because all vehicles are just expensive, now they’ve gone down a lot. I mean Tesla slashed their prices.

Big time. You see how many more teslases are in the parking lots. Oh, I was going to say no, you probably didn’t notice, because you don’t work in office, but yeah yeah, like four people, bought Teslas immediately after the price drops. You see that I don’t think all of them have even been delivered. Yet our parking lot is just basically looks like a Tesla Service Center yeah, unbelievable anyway um. So yes, yes, yeah how they got the how they got the truck minivan micro van. I don’t know whatever how they got. That back was like actually pretty cool little Community effort, so yeah.

If it goes missing, I can count on you guys right, yeah, sweet yeah, .