We Get Oiled Up For AMD

We Get Oiled Up For AMD

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We Get Oiled Up For AMD”.
Well, I’ll tell you what, if you move, we will we will, we will do, we will do like uh cooling, DIY cooling round tube, let’s go, let’s go all right, so it will only cool your computer. We’Re gon na cool the inside of your computer case with like a full-size air conditioner, okay, so I’ve wanted to do it for a while. Actually, I’m gon na pivot us to a new topic then, because I think I would need that to use what I’m currently using. Really the Radeon card is so hot, oh yeah, so we’re working on AMD challenge right now, so much geez, even compared to your SLI setup, come on that can’t be right. No, the Dual 1080s, not even close, really yeah huh like this, it might! Ah.

No, I don’t think it’s the position so much so you know where it’s currently mounted it’s in the videos. People can see it. It’S just like sitting on top of my computer, so it does plume the heat up. Yeah. I wonder if the directionality and then plumes out, but my legs are just like cooking all the time yeah, because it makes sense it’s brutal, but I mean in the other, with the 1080s.

It would have gone outside of the case because I had the glass off. I was amazed by how well heat rising worked, like obviously I’ve known heat rises, yeah right, hot air rise, sure fine, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, but when I tried to do that video using the mining PC for heat – I just I don’t know I just I underestimated just how it’s gon na go away, yeah like like fast, so I mounted it right above the monitor kind of blowing at me with fans. You know, and what I realized like later was like later on in the video. I don’t know if it actually made it into the Final Cut, but it was pretty much boomeranging like it. It would not go. You couldn’t force it down.

It’S like trying to push bubbles down in water yeah and I didn’t realize it would be that extreme. I just I don’t know, never really, I just never really thought about it, which means you haven’t actually done something like that yeah, you probably wouldn’t necessarily realize that makes sense. I just didn’t really think about it, and so you know one of the things that I again it was I I mentioned it in the video. I don’t think it made it into the Final Cut, but I said what I should have done was mounted under the desk, because then the heat would get trapped by the desk and leak up around me. That’S literally how so that’s what you’re doing and that’s probably why the case wasn’t as bad because yeah, if it’s blowing it out the back, it’s probably going like straight up well and not hitting you. I had the the 1080s that I had with like those triple cooler, I’m trying to remember strix yeah whatever, so it wasn’t necessary, but your, but your case would have had airflow yeah. I had the side of the case the the side of the case off though even then, though, there would be like a suction like it would oh yeah, because it’s the front fence that makes sense, yeah exactly yeah, yeah, okay, so go at the back, yeah yeah.

We Get Oiled Up For AMD

So I don’t think it. I really don’t think it’s to do with the actual thermal output. I think it’s probably just airflow optimization. It’S definitely fair yeah uh, speaking of which the um case you said case, and it reminded me of this again, I’m reorganizing things.

We Get Oiled Up For AMD

Guess what I dug out of the the I’m going to say garage, it’s like a slot in the wall, because I live in an apartment, but guess what I did go to the garage. You don’t still have your stupid aquarium. Do you uh not that one? The really that ITX, what like leftover one that you’ve got the two. I believe it’s two remaining mineral oil cases.

We Get Oiled Up For AMD

I’Ve got them. This is starting to feel a little bit predestined because you’ll never believe what happened earlier this week. Well, we uploaded that video with the tour of the lab okay – and I mentioned like mineral oil cooling for some reason either it was in that video or is it no, it was on a live stream. Sorry, I was on a recent live stream. Someone sent a merch message asking about mineral oil cooling when we did that um that build stream and somehow a ball got rolling internally without me, knowing about it where we started. No, where we start because I said look, I think, we’ve said everything we have to say about mineral oil. If we were to do a follow-up with like floor inert or something like that, you know maybe take it to the next level. You know maybe we’d revisit it, but even then you can’t get these aquarium cases anymore because of a patent troll blah blah blah. So someone internally starts trying to Source floor inert and I’m sitting here going. Okay, that’s really expensive and really hard to get yeah apparently like they just don’t even make it anymore.

Basically, oh there’s some there’s like a newer. So then the conversation somehow made its way to uh Jake Danes from the lab and he’s like. Oh no, not Florida. You want this one and it’s like for submersion cooling for like Mining and gpus and stuff yeah, and it even there’s like even a cleaner, that you can use to get everything back to pristine, he’s clearly up to speeding and it’s a couple hundred bucks uh per Five gallon pail, which is like it’s a competitive compared to floor inert nothing flerner was absurd.

Mineral was cheap, relatively yeah and then this thing is it’s expensive, but it’s not like it’s closer to mineral oil than it is to Florida. But it’s in the middle floor. You were going to spend like thousands and so I’m sitting here going we’ve got cases we’ve got fluid. Am I going to be able to avoid this? It’S happening I’ll.

Tell you what what here’s the deal? Okay, we’ll build one, but you have to give me back your old computer and you have to daily drive it wow wow, don’t know if I want to do that. It’Ll be top spec news back, oh yeah, but it’s going to be an oil. I think we need to pull the audience should he do it? Should he not? I forget how to set up polls. New top spec in oil is like actually quite questionable, because the thermal it won’t be oil it’ll, be that other stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah.

But it’s designed for gpus and thermal fluid, whatever you want to call it. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah it. So my comment is: look at this guy. Just answer the do you want me to do it because you know it’s gon na be terrible, yeah! That’S where the pressure is coming from.

I just want to make sure that everyone understands I mean they want it for the same reason, float plane chat is unanimous here, of course, because it’s terrible what if I use it as a workstation, because I’m going to be here locally again soon. It has to be, it has to be at home. No, we will do Loop, personal rig, update mineral oil Edition. It can’t even fit all my like drives.

Is it? Is it the ITX one uh uh? I didn’t actually look inside the box. If I remember correctly, I have two tanks, I I don’t think either of them are like ATX tanks. Well like how much capacity I didn’t it’s just in the shipping. No, I mean how much hard drive capacity do you have.

I currently have two very large hard drives and I have three like uh uh standard two and a half inch ssds, three, four, okay, three or four, and then I have two nvme’s. Why do you need so many drives? I have a lot of drives. What the yeah? No, I didn’t ask if you have a lot of drives. I asked: why do you need them? Uh? I save a lot of stuff.

You have a Nas yeah. I do. The NASA is huge. I have lots of things: okay, yeah! No, I I! I I clearly um foreign you’re leaving it there.

Aren’T you yeah [ Laughter ], how much total space is. That is a lot. No, each one of the hard drives is like 10 10 terabytes.

My deal stance. We will, we will load up everything you could possibly need for game storage. We will load you up with enough storage for everything you could possibly need for actual local storage and we will upgrade the nas to make up for any space.

You lose in the desktop. The Nas is all 10 terabyte drives. The nas also has to be mineral oil cooled that is so dumb. Okay, wait wait what uh, so so we use both tanks. It’S all gon na, be a solid state uh. Well, no, we could so you’re gon na replace 80 terabytes of hard drives with solid state drives.

No, No. We could use a pcie riser out to an external hard drive enclosure. What is the point? Oh, my God, the suffering is the point.

God, people people no longer think you should do it. Yeah actually no float plane does Flo plane is ready, [, Laughter, ]. No, no, The Naz does not have to be mineral oil cooled yeah, but but we will expand The Naz to the point where what what get more hard drives, what it’s full yeah yeah.

Whatever I mean it’s like it’s, I I don’t have a dedicated like actually proper. That’S fine it’ll include an S, that’s fine, that’s fine! So we will make sure we will make you whole in terms of storage. That’S my commitment. Let me even see what the state of them all right are.

First, all right, yeah, you don’t have to make a decision. Now you can be a little. Oh, I don’t know having a submersion cooled system again could be kind of cool. I’M a little bit worried in an apartment if there’s a leak that could actually be like super fast. I mean that sounds like a Luke problem to me, not a Linus problem, so you know, oh my goodness, wow we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see. I don’t again. I don’t even know what tanks they are if it’s genuinely just one ITX tank, because I’m pretty sure at least I think, there’s at least one ITX tank. I think they’re, both ITX is it two itxs? I think it might be. I honestly don’t know. Basically, Puget gave us the last of their tanks, and I think we we used the last ATX one to do the last build we did, which we eventually like sold on Facebook Marketplace, or something like that, because we were tired of just having it around and carrying It places um and then I think you were like.

Can I just like? Have these ITX ones and I was like realistically, I’m never gon na do anything with these just take it and go um, I mean he stole it. Rather is how that probably went down. No, it is, if I remember correctly, you like didn’t know what to do with them. Yeah! No, no and I was like I’ll take it. I was just meming with the whole stealing things from the office thing: um, yeah yeah. So that’s the deal and there’s some of that.

I was cleaning up. I found a few of those we’re a lot more on top of that stuff. Now we have like a whole inventory system and asset tags and everything, but things were a little more loosey-goosey when people were not being like paid well, um, you know it is, it is what it is we made do with what we had there’s a few things Like I found a pair of headphones that I remember I got because instead of like expensing a bunch of stuff, I just like got the headphones yeah there’s like some stuff, like that there was some loosey-goosey stuff. I mean another thing too, is when we were a much smaller team. If you know a Luke was just like yeah, I need a new Mouse uh. I didn’t have to worry about 98 other people coming to me and saying: well, what does Luke get a new mouse? There’S something easier to deal with yeah there’s, so many yellow gets a little wacky things you just like it it it.

It really does come back to like grade school rules. Did you bring enough for the whole class? No okay? Well, then you can’t you, then we can’t yeah that simple yeah um yeah, if it’s just ITX cases, I honestly don’t think I’m that I don’t think I’m gon na do it. You don’t think you’re gon na. Do it not really not for just an ITX but well yeah, but it’ll, be like top top spec top species problem? Is the volume of the tank top Keck ITX because they, even though you’re potentially putting more in it I’d, have to look at the properties of the new coolant, because I know it like exists, but I haven’t actually planned on doing our building it.

I expect an answer next week. Oh my goodness, the people expect an answer next week, I’ll talk to you, uh I’ll talk to Jake, I’m sure he knows he’s more up on the current stats um. I don’t even remember was this emergency Elias and I have this agreement from ages ago. Um, like pre-liners Media Group ages ago um back from when I was paid less than minimum wage. Where he’s he he had like upgraded my system. I got out 40. 80.. 480. You mean 480 yeah, sorry a 480, and I don’t remember what else was in there, but it was like my first system upgrade after the mineral system. It was in an 800d nice. I got a 480., I don’t remember what processor it was probably something decent. It’S like a 2600k or something it was.

It was like solid. It was all like good stuff yeah. It was a big upgrade from what I had at the time um and then I was.

I don’t remember how we got in the conversation, but we were standing outside of the Badminton Center that you wanted to go to that night because I needed a ride home and he wanted to play badminton first. So I used to study. I would study on the couch at his badminton.

We didn’t actually do that that many times I think that only happened a handful of times yeah. I honestly didn’t care, I just needed to study and there was a place to study there, so it honestly didn’t make a difference to me. I had my laptop in my textbooks anyway so like it’s basically the same thing as being home um, and we had this conversation and he was basically like as long as you work with me. I’Ll make sure that you have a good computer and I was like I’m holding you to that and now it’s been 12 years or something and it’s paying off, let’s go except now it might turn into an oil rig which is concerning, but we’ll see, .