Pay Up, Hosers

Pay Up, Hosers

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Pay Up, Hosers”.
How about Canada may Force Google and meta to pay for Canadian news? Is that interesting? Because we’ve already talked about this at least two times? Well, there was when Australia started doing it. We’Ve already talked about Canada and yeah. Okay, I mean, I think it’s worth talking about. We can go into it, yeah! Look, it’s still a! Maybe though, and it was a maybe it’s right – it’s not her fault. Are you gon na? Are you gon na look right at her and not read this okay? You should she can’t make things exist.

You can’t like knock on like Nvidia store and be like hey. Do something controversial online to GPU laughs like I said I don’t think the writing’s bad. Just nothing happened for a period of five weeks. Google will be testing blocking links to news articles from appearing in searches for around a million Canadian users. The test is a response to Canada’s proposed online news act, which would obligate them to pay for links to media content that appears in Google searches. Google has described the bill as overly Broad and meta has stated that they might restrict access to news on their own platforms. Should the bill pass into law, which is, I think, what they’re trying to do is get people to go to the original sauce. For the news so mission accomplished, I guess Australia passed a similar law back in 2021. Back then, Google conducted similar tests and meta restricted links to news articles on its platforms. Eventually, however, both meta and Google agreed to licensing deals estimated to be worth at least 200 million Australian dollars annually.

Pay Up, Hosers

We have a note here: Australia is home to Rupert Murdoch, possibly the world’s largest news magnate. The Meta and Google of the world might not feel the same pressure to give in to Canada’s demands. We want more money how about some of that internet money um anyway, a spokesperson for the Canadian Heritage Minister uh described man. Imagine that, like being your job like I’m in charge of Canadian Heritage like okay um, so what like HBC and like Canada Goose like coats like, I I don’t know yeah, I’m sure, beavers yeah um describe Google’s actions as a threat and said Canadians won’t be intimidated At the end of the day, all we’re asking the tech Giants to do is compensate journalists when they use their work, uh complicating matters, it’s debatable to what degree meta in particular can be described as using the work of journalists, uh links to articles and other news Content are typically posted to Facebook and Instagram by users and often by the journalists themselves. Uh, Google could be accused in certain instances of replacing the need to click through to articles by extracting Snippets that directly answer users, questions um, but it’s hard to say how exactly that’s going to shake out. The government states that Regulators will determine which organizations will be required to negotiate licensing agreements for news content according to principles such as power imbalance and quasi Monopoly status in a given Market.

Pay Up, Hosers

So the discussion question here is: is it reasonable for large platforms to simply not link to content that they would otherwise have to pay for it’s completely up to them yeah, and then it’s completely up to users, whether that platform still has any value to them right. Yeah, I’m trying to think like based on how I interact with my Google news feed, I’m not sure how to feel about this, because, on the one hand, I simply just do not read any article, that’s paywalled, but on the other hand I still like seeing the Headlines just because I kind of it’s nice to just kind of know, what’s going on sort of yeah and then if I, if it is particularly pressing, then what I can do is I can just sort of see what people are saying about it and read the Comments figure out what at least people terrible sentiment yeah what general sentiment towards it is, and so just not having sort of any awareness of it at all. Unless I start actually going to like news media websites – which I don’t remember the last time I ever did like organically just navigated directly to a new site, this isn’t a super Western thing, but there is a decent amount of countries that have their own kind of News access stuff: I wouldn’t be surprised if there was like an inside of Canada aggregate for these types of Canada inside news, sauce, yeah um, that’s eBay, say no, I’m sorry, um just be one of them, but yeah fair enough. Yeah yeah.

Pay Up, Hosers

I don’t know like what uh, what are you gon na do? Where will you get your news? Reddit, I’m usually happier when I disconnect more from the news yeah, that’s true um, but yeah. I don’t know. I’Ve also find that I’m usually happier when I use things like Reddit and other various uh attempts to get you to infinite scroll type applications less, so I’ve just been more and more disconnected moving forward. I don’t know.

Reddit usually makes me pretty happy. That’S a really well-timed phone Buzz, I’m not I’m not taking it. No bait, I’m not biting .