Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition Unboxing! – The Ultimate Mouse?

Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition Unboxing!  - The Ultimate Mouse?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition Unboxing! – The Ultimate Mouse?”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and today we’ve got something very special from our friends over at Razer. They just sent over the brand new Razer Viper mini signature edition, and this is a very special edition, foreign for not only sponsoring today’s video but sending over this very, very special edition of the mouse. So let’s go ahead and unbox it so check it out guys. Let me start by saying this is easily the best unboxing experience I’ve had with a mouse, but that should be expected considering this is razer’s signature edition. So when you open this thing up, you’ll find a note from Razer, but underneath that is where you get the really good stuff. First off it comes with this really nice box that I’m not gon na lie to you guys.

I can’t bring myself to get rid of it pop the Box, though, and you’re immediately greeted by the mouse, and I got ta say a presentation here, looks awesome but we’ll get to the mouse in a second. Next up, you’ve got your paperwork and some pretty important accessories, including a microfiber cloth. Some alcohol prep pads and some different feet for the mouths, including a replacement PTFE, set like what the mouse already comes with and another set of Gorilla Glass 3 feet.

Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition Unboxing!  - The Ultimate Mouse?

You’Ll also find some grip stickers that you can add to various spots on the mouse. If you want to change the way, it feels I’ve personally never seen something like this included with a mouse before and spoiler alert. I’M a big fan also include it in the box. Is a 4K Hertz hyper pulling dongle, which is typically a separate accessory, but you’ll have it included here in the signature edition, not to mention a long USB, a to c cable? But now let’s talk about the mouse, and this isn’t the first time I’ve seen a lightweight gaming mouse like this, but it’s definitely the first that I’ve actually liked the Razer Viper mini signature edition comes with a very different design than what we typically see from Razer And they’ve built it with this incredibly durable exoskeleton and I usually dislike how the holes feel in my hand, because the lack of material and the fact that they’re, usually made out of plastic makes it feel a bit cheap to me.

But that’s not the case here. This mouse is made with a magnesium alloy, allowing it to feel far more durable and better feeling in the hand than plastic listen. I was super nervous doing it, but I even tried squeezing the exoskeleton to see if it had any give.

And surprisingly, this thing does not budge and I’d say any more Force than what I applied here would mean you’re intentionally trying to break it. So durability definitely gets a welcome thumbs up. So now, let’s talk about the feel in my hand when you’re using this, because that’s what this is all about, right, being lightweight and easy to maneuver.

When gaming – and I got ta say the difference is night and day if you’re coming from a normal gaming, mouse Razer made sure to keep the overall footprint of the original Viper mini, while giving it a significant weight reduction without sacrificing durability. Thanks to the magnesium alloy exoskeleton, and I got ta say when a mouse only weighs 49 grams, it might take some getting used to. I wasn’t used to using a mouse this light, nor one this smooth, especially when you add the gorilla glass feed to the bottom.

Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition Unboxing!  - The Ultimate Mouse?

It almost feels frictionless when gliding on a mouse pad, but for me personally, I like to feel like I have a little bit more control of my mouse, so I am very happy that Razer included these grip stickers that you can place in various spots on the Mouse for me, this added an extra level of control to the mouse kind of, like you know, strapping a harness on a cheetah or something I mean. I love grips on my controllers, so this made me feel right at home now in terms of performance. This thing flies guys. I didn’t know what to expect when it came to firing up a game and actually playing with it, but you can immediately tell when you’re using it that it’s a high performance device from a tech perspective. It’S packing all of razer’s latest and greatest, including their focus Pro 30k optical sensor, their third generation Optical Mouse switches, and that hyper pulling wireless tech with 4000 Hertz Wireless polling rates, not to mention you can also fully charge this thing in well under 90 minutes. Thanks to that 2C charging rate, what’s also a nice touch, is you can set different DPI settings through the synapses app and it’s color coded? So when you want to shift all you have to do.

Is press the power button on the bottom and there’s a little LED light that you can see through the exoskeleton that’ll? Let you know exactly what setting you’re currently on and I’m not gon na lie. I’M used to a particular feel in the hand when using a gaming mouse, but this kind of shakes things up for me and I don’t know if I can go back and that’s the kind of thing you want to hear when you’re buying something this premium. It costs 279.99, which is understandable since it’s razer’s signature edition, but Razer did.

Let me know that they will be offering a much more approachable version for fans of the Viper mini who want a wireless version. So it’s cool to see that Razer is giving other options as well. So, if you’re looking for something really high-end, that feels like a piece of art feels really premium and provides the kind of performance that you would absolutely want from a gaming mouse razer’s got an option for you, but of course this wouldn’t mean anything without showing you Guys some gameplay, so let’s check out a little bit of how it does in the real world and I’ll say this now, don’t judge my skills.

It doesn’t give you that by now you should know everything you need to know about the Razer Viper mini signature edition. So, let’s get to some gaming, all right! 20 kills 4K badge. Here we come all right. So right off the bat we got a team with us, we’re dropping hot. Let’S go Carl.

Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition Unboxing!  - The Ultimate Mouse?

Are you so impressed 19 where to go buddy? Now I like the scroll bill. It’S not too uh loose gives you like a nice bit of tension there. What hold on and answer your question in just a second Dom, so the scroll wheel, scroll was great uh, it’s got a nice bit of give to it. It’S still very lightweight like if you wanted to go quick like it’s great but objects aside. This is a great feeling, scroll wheel, made of full aluminum with diamond cut edges, so it feels awesome in the hand or finger Dom you’re a you’re, a PC Gamer. You want to jump in on this.

Have you played Apex on a PC even wants, but give it a shot? You better not show me up I’ll, be like all right. Okay, you got guns, that’s a gun, yeah, I’m kind of mad Dom’s movements are better than mine. I ain’t see you jump, Judd, he’s he’s jumping and everything bro definitely jump, no okay. How do I punch, but you dropped your ultimate, so you you did all right.

Dom how’d the mouse feel very smooth. It’S very light. You have a lot of control, but yeah. Just like Dom said. This thing is really smooth, and I know it’s not the first lightweight gaming mouse I mean there’s a Razer Viper mini already the wired version uh, but it’s a game changer. If you don’t use this kind of mouse all right Don.

Let me have to show I’m about to show you real, quick man, whoa yeah, but no I’ll. Just aside, I can see why so many people are on board with the super lightweight gaming mouse. The amount of control that you get with this. Just how fluid it is, I’m a Believer now, of course, you guys know I’ll have links to this thing down below in the description a few shout out to razor for sending this thing out early, so I could try it out, but that about wraps it up.

For this video guys, hopefully you enjoyed it. If you did be the cool guy girl that gives this video a thumbs up, I’m Gon na Catch You guys in the next one till. Then it’s your average consumer base all right guys. Nobody leaves until I get 20 .