This Pneumatic Post Driver is Simple and Brilliant #tech

This Pneumatic Post Driver is Simple and Brilliant  #tech

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Pneumatic Post Driver is Simple and Brilliant #tech”.
Remember how manual workers always look tired and beat up after every day of work? Well, that’s what happens after a long day of post-driving, it’s hard, sweaty work that leaves you as weak as a baby, and wishing you studied computer science in college with this new technology. However, post driving is no longer the challenge. It once was, as the mansaver literally saves men from having to break their backs, driving in posts created by rower Manufacturing in America. The mansaver is an affordable, lightweight tool that weighs just 26 pounds but saves you tons of effort.

It works at about 70 to 75 Strokes per minute and can be used in the most remote locations and the tightest nooks and crannies. My favorite thing about the mansaver is that they’re interchangeable sleeves that give the ability to work with different post variations on the planet. So when you add this to the fact that the mansaver pretty much does all the work for you and is more economical than purchasing or renting heavy equipment, there are some claims or rumors that a 14 year old guy put down 40 000 posts or more with The help of the mansaver – that’s incredible, but I don’t find it hard to believe with what I know about this equipment and how easy it is to use people use it to fence land area for agriculture, domestic animals, wildlife, habitat research, firewood, rack, storage and pretty much Anything you can think of all powered by an air compressor with prices starting at just 450 dollars in U.S dollars, foreign .