$149/Month to Auto-Post Cat Photos

$149/Month to Auto-Post Cat Photos

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “$149/Month to Auto-Post Cat Photos”.
On Wednesday, Twitter announced that they will be charging for API access as of next week, eliminating the current free tier of API access that allows for up to 250 requests per month. One reason appears to be to eliminate bad Bots, but popular entertainment and news aggregator Bots will be similarly affected. So free services like at nin status, bot, which tracks Nintendo server, outages and at earthquake bot which tracks Global earthquakes over 5.0 on the Richter Scale, probably can’t afford to pay 149 a month to continue operation. The fees for API access are ridiculous, like actually outlandish yeah um. Another reason appears to be to force researchers to pay to access what the announcement called one of the world’s most powerful data sets.

$149/Month to Auto-Post Cat Photos

It’S also one of the world’s muddiest most garbage written data sets. So it’s definitely one of those yeah. That’S a whole. That’S a whole can of worms.

$149/Month to Auto-Post Cat Photos

I guess I mean if you’re going to try to back out of the purchase based on how junk the data set is and full of bots. It is and then you’re going to turn around and call it, but it is extremely valuable. Most powerful data sets um. I mean, I guess the contradiction doesn’t matter to some people but uh.

Today, Elon Musk um, CEO of Twitter yeah uh tweeted from his personal account that Twitter will begin sharing profits with creators for the ads that appear below their tweets. I should ask about the ads that appear right before their tweets for those of you who are just tuning in now we’re referring to a controversy where YouTube is not paying uh shorts creators for ads that show up before the user has watched a short, but while They’Re in the shorts feed, which is um, okay, okay, um so long as they have a paid subscription to Twitter blue, so you actually have to pay. You got ta pay to make money.

You don’t know how much money you’re going to make eligible for ad sharing. Um, okay, uh! No, so there’s that so that’s cool uh. In response to a comment.

Musk likewise announced that Twitter’s Legacy, blue verified checks will sunset in a few months, yeah that went really well last time. That was really good. There were no problems with impersonation. Last time, yeah cool, so I don’t know if he realizes this yet uh. Maybe he made a video. I haven’t watched it, but I have read some of the comments um.

I don’t know if he realizes this yet, but the problem last time was making check marks available to anyone who would pay, and so there was a ton of impersonation and the problem. This time will be a bunch of legitimate accounts, not being verified, which opens the doors wide open to impersonation right, like you get it right. These are the same thing, just two different ways: we had a problem before musk bot Twitter, where a ton of legitimate counts that needed verification couldn’t get it, and now we’re gon na have a problem where no accounts have verification. Nice, cool um, the overwhelming majority of current Legacy, blue verified accounts, are celebrities, journalists, government officials and departments and brands, so people that could use verification yeah. This is a problem. Well then, I guess they can afford to pay for it.

Luke, probably not always, but it’s the it’s, the it’s the Town Square. Everyone should have an equal voice, just something more equal than others about Twitter News man. I don’t know it’s it’s like. How can you look away? It’S just. It’S got it. It’S a dumpster, there’s! So many people that are like so hot musk is the bad man and then promote him as much as they possibly can. I feel like we’re doing the same. I don’t even know about bad. I think it’s just most, because the entertaining yeah come on clown. All right, fair enough, like it’s, it’s it, it is honestly comical.

It raises so many questions for me. How can someone who has managed to whether it’s deserved or not managed to get so much of the credit for the accomplishments of the companies that he has led? I guess up until now, okay make such terrible short-sighted decisions to put on my wheel of whatever it’s called hat um. He should be able to make changes to the thing that he bought. That was categorically a failure. Sure, like every measure, oh yeah, I was losing money.

I think they can make money like saying one quarter ever or something like that. I don’t even know if they did that, maybe they did. I don’t know I genuinely don’t know if that’s true or not.

$149/Month to Auto-Post Cat Photos

What I do know is they were losing insane amounts of money just year over year, just bleeding out like crazy. So he has to find some way to try to make it make money and that’s going to be really hard for Twitter. I’M pretty sure I’ve said on the land show a bunch of times in the past that I don’t really understand how Twitter would uh make a lot of money uh. He scared all the advertisers away, yeah that wasn’t a good plan.

So now he’s gon na find a different solution and maybe those bot guys will pay for it or something I don’t know um. I think this is a bad move. I what I I do think that the statement, just just like a lot of the things that have happened with Twitter. I think the original statement is is correct to a lot of degrees like there probably is a lot of bots that are using the API that are bad for sure.

Probably true, probably true, I don’t think you necessarily fix it this way. No, I don’t think this is the solution at all yeah. The solution to a bunch of the definitely real problems that have been pushed out are questionable, and some of them have been been pushed out and then pulled back and, like they’ve, been acting very quickly. They’Ve been quite agile in their way of doing things, which some people will say is good and some people say is bad um.

I just my stance has been the same. This whole time, which is it, was a dumpster fire before like we can’t forget how trash it was, which I think a lot of people do. I think they look back at Old Twitter with rose tinted, glasses yeah. It was crap, it was crap.

Then it’s crap. Now, crap in, like seven different ways: yeah, it’s uh, it’s burning ground, yeah! Sure there you go, that’s pretty good uh! Yes, they have had a profitable year. In 2019, Twitter was profitable cool uh. That was a while ago. It’S been a minute yeah um yeah.

So I don’t know it’s I think the the answer to. I think it would have been kind of neat if you could like apply to be like a bot of good faith, because there are honestly straight up and I actually find it really annoying. If I am actually using Twitter – and I see this happen – where you get like every single reply to a tweet – is like at save thread or whatever they just like, it’s just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tweets, just calling bots in to like save threads or Save videos or do whatever else well so I’ve just really seen that build this functionality or like something like so there’s. There’S functionality, solving Bots right that they’re very likely going to block out right, yeah for sure yeah, Jaden’s saying why not bot verified yeah exactly so. Like I feel like, the old verification is system where you like apply for it and then you get it or not, might actually make sense for Bots. But then they didn’t do that they just yeah you’d, have to have people who work on something that doesn’t generate Revenue yeah, which is clearly not the plan Twitter 2.0, which again hardcore certain degrees, because they’re sitting on this teetering Edge going like.

Are we going to completely bankrupt ourselves yeah so like? Would you as a leader of a ship that is potentially a month or two away from bankruptcy, want to commit anything to something that isn’t going to make money pretty unlikely? I don’t know situations whack, .