DRM Ruins Everything

DRM Ruins Everything

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “DRM Ruins Everything”.
Got one here from Andrew gpus used to have video capture built in. I had a GeForce 4 with S Video in with the hardware encoding gpus have baked in these days it seems like a no-brainer for them to include capture as well. Why do you think they don’t include it uh? The reason is DRM. That’S why there’s there’s? There was a whole thing. You know if you want to go down a rabbit hole for how lobbying destroys Tech. Innovation go look up cable card, so there was a whole standard that existed and was built to do exactly what you’re talking about to allow content broadcasters to encrypt their signals so that they could actually, you know, protect their their copyrighted content, but also allow users to Install a a card in their computer that could be loaded with this decryption, this decryption module so that they could DVR on a computer instead of having to deal with a VHS player or or a dvhs player. We did a video about dvhs recently, which was which was super cool um and basically because of lobbying efforts. The whole thing got shut down. None of the cable companies wanted to support it because they would rather lease you a box yeah that you don’t own rather than have you own your computer and and capture your content there, where it can be easily viewed again. So that’s that’s. What happens? Um yeah? It sucks cable card looked very promising.

The card was super. I was super into like Media Center, PCS, like we had one up until we couldn’t anymore, because there were no longer any unencrypted broadcasts that uh at. Like my parents, place yeah sucked yeah the cable card was sweet, not cool. That was a very fun era to be into PCS, yeah for sure, there’s just so many options yeah, it was awesome yeah. My my first real GPU, like like gaming GPU, was an all-in-wonder 9600 Pro. I paid extra for the all in Wonder so that I could like capture video.

I didn’t end up using it that much, but man that remote was sick. I got this is totally aggressively off topic. I don’t know why I just thought about this, but I I was reminded fairly recently about a funny story of a tech goof back in back in the day um I was a. I was a young lad and I was going to a a girl’s house that I was interested in and uh. I wanted to bring along my.

DRM Ruins Everything

I don’t remember which game it was, but I had a a disc, a CD for a Star Wars, video game, and I liked one of the music tracks for the Star Wars, video game. So I said I would bring it along because I just assumed well like the music track is on the disk, so I can just put it in something that can play music and it’ll just play right, like that makes sense yeah the file’s on there. So we get there and I I put it in her like dad’s home theater setup, it’s a video game.

DRM Ruins Everything

I see it doesn’t play and I’m like. Oh, it should definitely work the file’s on there. I know what I’m talking about and the dad’s just like um. Very politely, like you’re, an idiot stop.

I was like okay yeah you, you were dumb uh. You, you tried, you didn’t impress that yeah, no .