Really? BING?

Really? BING?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Really? BING?”.
Starting today we’re going to integrate chat functionality into Tech linked, so let’s give it a shot: hey, how’s your day going. I didn’t get that and by the way, we’ve already sold over 2 000 tickets to LTX 2023. So get yours right now before they’re all gone. Just joking them back Microsoft, finally, unveiled the new AI powered Bing, yet decided not to rename it to something. That’S not exclusively said by Toddlers and Italian Americans tariff types.

Yeah forget about it. The new Bing will incorporate chat functionality, courtesy of openai, but unlike chat, GPT new Bing can retrieve news about current events and answer questions with information from cited sources. It’S also available to be used today, provided all you want to do is ask a few preset questions which is kind of like your parents telling you they bought you a car right before they hand you a bus ticket. Loser Cruiser trans is good.

It is, it probably isn’t a bad thing: they’re taking their time since chat, GPT users keep finding ways past its safeguards and one of the more Sinister examples. Users tell chat GPD to assume and Alter Ego of Dan short for do anything now, whereas I always thought it was short for Daniel users, then threatened this Alter Ego with death to chorus chat gbt into complying with their violent or controversial, prompts yet chat. Gbt’S user base aren’t the only ones delighting in schadenfreude asked by The Verge about new beings revived competition with Google, Microsoft, CEO, Sachin and Della said. I want people to know, we can make them dance.

Really? BING?

If that’s all he wanted to do, he could have saved a bundle by just buying Google, some tequila shots. Speaking of Google’s dancing, they announced their own conversational AI service called Bard two days ago, kind of sounds like shart. If you try, along with a handful of small demos and for its big debut Bard, really broke a leg by falling off the stage and landing on its tibia more like fard, I and farted and barted. An official Google tweet shows Bart erroneously, claiming the James Webb Space Telescope took the first photos of an exoplanet that was actually accomplished 19 years ago old enough to be seen with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Really? BING?

Then, after Google hosted a lackluster live stream discussing some of shark’s capabilities share prices for parent company alphabet fell by seven percent yikes. That’S how I, like my milk, hard to get it’s possible, that many shareholders assumed Bard, would be the focus of the live event when, instead, it was the filling between two other announcements, which are, admittedly pretty cool. Their multi-search feature allows you to search using an image and text. That’S now globally available and translate will be able to give users multiple translations for words with multiple meanings, including context to help you choose the right one in some languages. I know that’s how they get you now. It’Ll be much easier to tell the world how much money you lost in Google stock and reviews for nvidia’s, RTX, 4090 laptop laptop, say it again: 4090 laptop hate that naming GPU have launched and there are mixed feelings.

Really? BING?

For starters, the hardware of the 4090 laptop is incredibly similar to a full fat 4080 GPU, though there are differences such such as boost clock memory bandwidth and whether or not the card can be lifted by a small child, while the 4090 laptop wins in the latter Category both the others are losses for the Mobile card. Having said that, it still punches above its size. Somehow many outlets are finding that the 49’s laptop GPU has a significant performance increase compared to the 3080 TI laptop GPU. The beauty set hardware and box found that the new mobile 4090 is 28 faster than the 3080 TI on average, when gaming at 1080P, and that number only goes up with the resolution. There’S a 48 difference at 1440p and a 58 difference when gaming at 4K, giving the mobile 4090 roughly the same performance as a desktop 3090. crikey.

However, that performance comes at a cost, namely the actual cost on NewEgg, a laptop with a new card will set you back at least 3 500, at least with others, costing up to 53 hundred dollars. Good thing you have two kidneys right is anyone buying eyes? You need the eyes to see the frames just one now, it’s time for the quick bits brought to you by secret lab their chairs are engineered to keep you incredibly comfortable for long hours of work and play their Titan Evo 2022. Chair, for example, features four-way lumbar support, a selection of different, yet Ultra cozy seat materials and more all chairs, come with a up to five year, extended warranty and a 49 day return policy so head to the link in the description and check out secret lab’s Valentine’s Day sale today, the twinklies wait where’s James help, I’m stuck in a comfortable secret lap chair, oh God, there’s no time the bits must be quick. Google announced that it will blur NSFW content on their search engine by default, with a change rolling out in the coming months.

You’D think they would have made this announcement on the 26th anniversary of the album Blur by the band blur, but instead they chose something meaningless. Like safer internet day, love that song, according to BBC Ubisoft, is teaming up with police to tackle online toxicity in their games. The gaming company’s customer relationship Center in Newcastle England has partnered with local police so that special officers can share their knowledge on harmful online interactions.

With the support staff, while also allowing the staff to Fast Track information to police in extreme situations, so maybe you don’t say anything online about officer Smith’s mom, just in case that’s mum to you, sorry mum. Turkey is restricted access to Twitter during and after the deadly earthquakes that have rattled the country cutting off a critical communication tool for rescue efforts. The Restriction coincided with Mass public criticism of the Turkish government’s response to the Quakes, which is weird because using institutional power to restrict Twitter because of things you don’t like is elon’s job. If you don’t like data silos, no, I don’t. They should have grain and nothing else.

A study of Android phones sold in China has found that many of the most popular manufacturers within the country are collecting massive amounts of sensitive data without users consent a revelation that will surely shock dozens of people who the researchers allege that the operating systems made by Companies such as xiaomi and OnePlus, as well as pre-installed apps found on the devices, are collecting large amounts of personally identifiable information, but maybe they just wanted to get to know you better. It’S not like you ever call, and they can probably verify that for going through your call logs. So who’s, the real bad guy here and a Canadian company is asking. Would you download headphones by making open source 3D printable headphones? The project has source files and step-by-step guides on GitHub.

If you want to build them from scratch, or you can pre-order a fully unassembled kit for a fee of only 150 Canadian to bloomies build it yourself. Did you actually know that the toony was originally going to be called the doublooney? That was one of the possible names stop for twice that price, though they’ll even assembly, for you, because hey we’re pretty nice and de bloonies basically made up and it’d be nice of you to come back on Friday for more Tech news and if you’re really good. We’Ll give you a Timbit sound good. I I also can’t hear you .