Don’t Game with the Wrong Crowd…

Don’t Game with the Wrong Crowd…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Don’t Game with the Wrong Crowd…”.
I want to talk about blizzard, penalizing players who regularly play with cheaters but yeah. I want to talk about that. The topic is not filled out. I can just read from the source.

Don’t Game with the Wrong Crowd…

Well, I don’t think the Topic’s going to get any more filled out than it is now true. Okay, the true true uh, the OverWatch 2 team is uh frustrated with the amount of cheaters, apparently they’ve banned uh. Where is it 50 000 accounts.

Don’t Game with the Wrong Crowd…

I think wow over 50 000 accounts have been actioned whatever. That means um. I think that might be a range from temp bands to permanent bands, whatever uh since launch to murdered, has apparently had enough to the extent it’s no longer just targeting the cheaters, but those who go along with them awesome. So if you see someone cheating on your team, you need to like well, look it out of the it’s saying who regularly play with cheaters. I suspect it’s going to have something to do with the partying system. Ah, so, if you kind of go well, I’m not cheating, this isn’t hiding behind a tank who has infinite health or whatever. This is a big deal for games that have any form of ranking system right or have any form of uh uh external say you were playing some form of game where you could gain a lot of some type of resource, whether it’s like loot or money, or Whatever from demolishing a bunch of enemies, well, if you play with a cheater, who does that, then you can gain all that resource if you’re playing a game where you’re trying to rank where you’re trying to play competitively, you can boost your account by playing with someone Who’S cheating to get your account boosted, there’s a lot of different benefits that you can get from getting carried right. So if you just have some like random account and you’re, just like yo, but yo buddy play this one and party up with me: let’s go yeah! So hammering down on people like that, also making it so that the kind of forcing the community to do this, which is good police yeah, if you figure out that your buddy’s cheating, like hey, stop, get him to stop so that you don’t want to get banned. What’S the difference between This and like the social credit system, exactly okay, I was, I was being a jerk yeah, but you you shouldn’t want to play with people who cheat.

Don’t Game with the Wrong Crowd…

I have read online sentiment of people who are like. Well, I’m not cheating. I don’t like loot their kills or I don’t uh.

I don’t I don’t whatever I don’t interact in whatever way. So I don’t really care and it’s like. No that’s BS. You should stop playing with them that you should like pressure, your friends to not cheat in games, because it’s it’s stupid unless, obviously it’s single player games that can be fun, I got ta tell you, I I don’t play with cheaters I had. I had a mixed doubles partner that I was playing with for a while in badminton and at a tournament on on a match point. I watched them, make an obvious bad call um, and I was just like yeah.

I mean, I hope it was worth it to you, but I’m never playing with you again. I just don’t do that because if you don’t respect the spirit of competition, why are we all doing this? So what’s the point it was like in and they said it was out clearly in and they called it out yeah and the way it works in a Rec tournament. Where it’s not you don’t have like you know, paid officials or anything like that is. The call is up to the person whose side it lands on and it’s an honor System, but from my point of view, they basically just demonstrated they have absolutely no honor whatsoever yeah and you don’t want to be associated with that.

I don’t want to be associated with that, like I’m, the thing is like so my my reputation means a lot to me when I call something out. I want people to go well, it must have been out then yeah. So I will go. I will go out of my way if I’m not sure if I am under 80 85 percent sure I just go just take it always, and I I don’t think this is going to work, though I don’t think that I don’t think they’re going to be able To police this in, I think it will.

I think it will work consistently. I think it will work somewhat. You think so there are absolutely people in a wide variety of games. Probably more games than you’d even expect that will pay for carries consistently um, and I I think that is going to be trackable. Do I think it’s going to be a huge number of people? Probably not um, no badge here in float plane says in Escape From tarkov a game I have played but suck at. So I understand what you’re talking about at least but um.

It’S common practice to pay a cheater to clean your server and loot. Everything yep. So, like so they’ll just they’ll just whiz around and kill the entire Lobby and then so all the players will die and then any AI that spawns in they’ll just kill them and they’ll just tell you where all the loot is and they can. They can like scan the entire map, see where all the high value loot is. They can see all the loot that’s on different players that they killed. So they just tell you where to go. You pick everything up and then you’re just chatted out and and you exit with all your money, all your quest completion, all your progress, everything you needed, they can even like they can, they can set their they can set their targeting system so that the cheater shoots People’S legs, so they become like borderline immobilize. You can kind of hobble around, but that’s it and then the player can go around and pick them up kills. Yeah like it’s super brutal and there’s. There’S have you had that happen to you before that exact scenario? I honestly don’t think so right, but I have died from cheaters many times in escape from Target.

It’S a reality of playing the game. To be honest right, it’s it’s not like it’s not constant um, like I don’t think. We’Ve ever had that happen when we were playing not that we could tell not that we could tell that’s a big problem with it is when, when it happens enough, it adds a reasonable level of Doubt of the legitimacy of the other player yep. So if something happens, that’s like desync right server desync, so they they kind of chopped on your screen.

Oddly or something like that, it’s just it’s just server problems, but to you it might look like they’re speed, hacking, yeah for sure, and you die to it. So you’re like oh, that’s a cheater, but no it’s just some server problem or or maybe something weird happened. You didn’t realize it. Maybe the person that actually killed. You was like way off on the side, but you don’t know that because they have no replay system.

They have no uh OverWatch, or is it called OverWatch, whatever the system that Counter-Strike has um, where this is an amazing system and way more games need this type of system? It’S fantastic, but Counter-Strike has this this thing where you can watch gameplay because you know with uh Counter-Strike you can like replay play games because it logs all the information not as a video but as a file, and you can replay it back. So you can watch gameplay from those players um see if they ever snapping to you or whatever else. Yeah and some like streamers and stuff will just do it as like a fun content tool, reacting to cheaters, killing me or whatever, yeah and well, and because you can yeah, you can replay your match and then, if more games had that, you would get more legitimate Reports because I guarantee you there are times in Escape From tarkov.

For example, I have reported players, yeah that were legit. I don’t they’re just good, but just out of the amount of times I’ve reported people I am certain, it has happened right. Maybe it was a desync issue.

Sorry brother, someone different yeah, I don’t know – and I hope if they were legit, they didn’t get banned. I’M sure they didn’t because the amount of people that aren’t legit, that aren’t banned uh um, but I’m also sure that I have reported that people that that are cheating. So I don’t know it would be better if I could watch the map back, maybe maybe once the entire thing was fully completed and the map was fully closed, you could finally watch it back um but being able to see yeah Dan if you’re going somewhere. Matt has water, please being able to see how things happen and being able to get more legitimate reports. More legitimate reporting would be good, um and – and I think there should be ways – and I can think of a lot of games where there would be a way for this. I believe OverWatch has loot boxes. I haven’t played it in a long time. It did. Last time I played it, uh make it so that, like oh, if you get a bunch of success like if you do that system, where you review gameplay yeah and you vote the way that it ends up being like decided yeah like once, you do like 10 Of them, or something correctly, you get a loot box or something yeah like try to incentivize people to engage in the system in this kind of community policing.

I guess because no one’s going to like as much as we all want to say it. None of these developers are going to solve this problem. You cannot solve cheating in video games yeah we were actually we were having a conversation about this, not on land show a little while ago, and just talking about how sophisticated cheating methods are already today and how we are already at a point where you actually cannot Stop it I mean they’re they’re already exists systems where you can just have a mechanical arm, moving an actual peripheral just connected to a normal system. The system has no cheating software running on it whatsoever.

You can just use screen capture and then even do external screen capture like there. There are ways to do it that it is 100 legitimately impossible to detect. So, like okay sure there are also cheats that are possible to detect and I’m sure, there’s lots of games, game developers uh that could do a better job, but continuing that argument is not super useful. I think the more useful argument is adding more tools for the community to be able to self-police um as much as it can. I actually like this initiative, because it incentivizes people to not play with friends of theirs that they might know, are cheating, yeah, um and into a Paris. It will also get them to be like kind of question. People that are acting super suspicious, be like bro, like are you cheating, because I don’t want to get banned with you if you are Yeah, so basically it’s the social credit system. I can’t believe you’re defending this. I like it in this case um, uh and and adding so that’s the Line For You, video games, yeah video games, that’s where you’ll accept a surveillance State, yep um.

You heard it here. First folks, uh and adding systems like that, like that Counter-Strike system, where you can review gameplay, even just even if it’s not the OverWatch or whatever it was called type of system that Counter-Strike had even it was just being able to view a gameplay, uh uh. Uh.

Sorry viewer replay of the game that you can see from any perspective and then being able to report on your own. From that view, yeah that’d be a total. That’S a game changer, because there’s a bunch of times in in tarkov, specifically where I’m like. That was really suspicious, but I have no idea and if I could just watch it back, I would make my decision then yeah, but right now, I’m just gon na record it because yeah you’re blind yeah well in the dark, yeah .