Linus EXPOSED as Corporate Shill

Linus EXPOSED as Corporate Shill

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus EXPOSED as Corporate Shill”.
We have a new game to play, and this comes courtesy of our Wen show. Writer. This one is the game is apparently that I have to guess which Linus recording is actually me and which one was generated by an AI. Oh you ready okay, um so hold on a second I don’t know, maybe as well. I’M not gon na I’m not gon na. Look at the details of the topic, so uh Dan. Do you know anything about this? I have the cheat sheet of what is real and not okay, so so there’s nothing.

So we can look at everything. That’S in the dock. Apparently, yes, yeah.

Linus EXPOSED as Corporate Shill

If you just pull one up um, I don’t know if they have sound or not. I’Ve never heard these. I’Ve seen them, but if you pull one up I’ll unmute your laptop and then we can throw that out.

Linus EXPOSED as Corporate Shill

Okay on February 2nd Reddit user, prod by scitec posted a damning. Never before heard recording of the WAN show where we discussed our vocal support for big Tech monopolies and our disdain for the everyday consumer. I guess I should bring up the original Reddit post here and unmute, my laptop, which is I have to do that um.

Linus EXPOSED as Corporate Shill

Okay, I mean you, don’t have to go to the page. Okay, you ready Luke. I think that’s it if you can make it so I can hear it too. That would be great. I think you should both be able to hear it we’ll double check.

Okay in the news this week do we have something I can’t hear anything one moment but but unmute the thing can I click it again. Yeah try in the news this week we’re supposed to be able to hear that nothing. For me, oh it’s here. Oh there we go there, we go okay, let’s try one more time, all right.

One more time, Samsung Samsung has been caught abusing patent law in an attempt to smaller competitors, ability to repair mobile devices. This all sounds: there’s a hot. Take ahead. Viewer be warned um. I don’t think, there’s anything morally or legally wrong with what Samsung is doing here. It’S Samsung’s patent.

Let them enforce it that shouldn’t be a hot take. I think that Samsung is well within their right yeah and if people want to complain, it sounds like go make your own technology. It’S not Samsung’s fault that there’s no competition in the market.

It’S like a clear. It’S just capitalism figure it out. I want to see these big companies these big manufacturers take on the smallest possible entities, so they can form these huge monopolistic goliaths that can strip the average American of every last penny. No, but I agree this makes me so mad because for some reason people just have the worst takes on this. I get so mad hearing this. It’S literal garbage. I saw this tweet this week and this actual said – and I quote, tech companies own way too much.

They need to be regulated huh. When I read this, I almost I almost deleted Twitter. I wanted to reply and tell this guy uh. Actually, no, they should own more yeah. Yeah Elon Musk should probably own his own chunk of the US government.

At this rate, it’s not like they’re doing a good job without him, okay um – I don’t know if it’s just because it’s me, I suspect, uh uh, other people might maybe hear it, but that didn’t sound like us at all. In my opinion, okay, there was some. There was some like breaths and non-word based reactions that my version had that I actually think were quite good.

They sounded like exact copies, okay, but it sounded like each of them had like a strong like Midwestern American accent. Okay, that was clearly not us, so the clip is fake. Obviously, it’s a joke.

Conversation created using 11 Labs voice, synthesization AI. According to the original poster, it was trained using just 30 second samples of each voice. Now, considering that it’s pretty close uh and it took about an hour to create similar AI voice, synthesizers, like Microsoft’s recently released Val e, can apparently use samples, as short as three seconds, to create passable imitations. Our writer’s note here is that, while the text was clearly pre-written, the ums and stutters are apparently randomly generated, which is pretty cool. So was that completely fake or were there bits and pieces of things we’d actually said in there? Do you do you know Mr cheat sheet uh? No, I think the cheat sheet is later for the guessing game.

Oh, I thought that was it so there you are here. No, that one was fake uh and that’s in the thing. These are the ones that you have to pick okay. Here we go with an example.

Okay, so I should play fear, uh, yeah, okay, make sure this is unmuted. We can look at your face. We don’t have to see the laptop okay um.

I think this should work. Hopefully it’s not going to be too loud. Okay, that one was pretty quiet, fear.mp3 plate, one of the best pieces of parenting advice I ever got was you got ta hit them while they’re young? They fear you, but they don’t remember why? All right, okay, so wait.

Who is supposed to guess? I have absolutely no idea [ Laughter, ], okay, it sounded like you were like chewing on something or you had a mask on. Okay. I don’t think we should be allowed to look at chat. I think we’re gon na have to okay. I think I instinctively did that so I’m gon na have to hide my screen, yeah, I’m putting away chat. I remember clearly saying that so, yes um, I actually have pretty excellent recall for things that I have said um.

Obviously, you know not remembering the name of the video store that I rented things from when I was a child. Did not um, probably give you guys a lot of confidence in my in my memory, but things that I have written things that I have read things. I’Ve said and things I’ve heard, I’m usually pretty good at at least going.

That rings a bell um that one for sure that wasn’t even that long ago. I know for a fact that I I said that, but what I don’t know is if these are real quotes that are simply either run through a synthesizer or not I’m going to say, was synthesized uh just for funsies I’ll say it wasn’t, but he’s like wearing A mask or something like that, because it definitely sounded muffled so you’re both saying it wasn’t. I’M saying it was synthesized okay, but it was definitely because a real or it’s a or it’s like a poor quality recording, but I definitely said that yeah. I would also say that he definitely said that. Okay, so I don’t know.

Do I give them to you one by one, yeah yeah? Well, I’m sure one, so that was real yeah, that was that was not fake, oh so it just. That was what that’s what you sound like to everybody around you all. The time was he do you know. Was he like wearing a mask or something? I have absolutely no idea that I just have a piece of paper. Sure yeah, there’s a reveal here. Yeah one of the best pieces of parenting advice I ever wanted was you got ta hit them while they’re young okay, that way they fear you, but they don’t remember why okay yeah hold on a second, this, all right, all right, all right, good yeah! You caught the mask: okay, all right, I’m still giving myself half a point for that, because I knew there was something wrong with it, but you nailed the mask: that’s Luke’s ahead for sure. So one ZIP! Let’S go you ready for the next one. This one’s called competitive – it’s spelled wrong, I’m sure that’s for a reason, because the land writer doesn’t actually spell things wrong. Very often, this device, I would never buy, is competitive with another device. I would never buy wrong. Fake news generated incorrect, false this device. I would never buy is competitive with another device. I would never buy this audio clip. I would never vote for. Okay, I think fake. It’S fake final answer. Yes, it is fake yeah. It is a quote from Linus. However, okay, that’s what was see. That’S what you don’t hear me so here’s the thing.

I don’t hear myself and I don’t watch my videos, so I don’t actually listen to my own voice pretty much at all. I mean, but I remember saying that so it made me question it: okay, because I definitely said that. I think that probably helps because I don’t watch your videos. Man Sapphire panels, let’s go using a massive panel of pure Sapphire for the front of a phone, would be a little bit stupid, fake, I’m just gon na. Let Luke play the game.

I give up it’s fake. You give up after two, it’s fake. I give up.

After two Luke’s gon na play the game hit us, you have to do it. No tell me if it’s fake, oh uh, yeah that was fake. Okay, all right go back and watch hit us you have to do. It is um amazing! That’S going to be in a future one of these okay ready now go, listen to the last 20 seconds or so of this video and think of penises. This time, you’re welcome real, that’s, definitely real correct. I have said some really outlandish things. We have some very good video editors, yeah um. Well, no that I just said that that was not edited. That’S the thing I said. Okay, definitely because I was talking about um, a full HD product of some sort, and I kept referring to its like, describing its image, quality and or like talking about it as like 1080pness and then at the end of the video. I’M like. Okay, now go back and pretend I said: 1080 penis every time.

That was the context for that. Okay, uh, lazy, dot, MP3 foreign product is the right one other times it’s the lazy. That’S definitely a thing. I said that’s a quote from a recent video, but I think Luke’s right is fake, okay, so it’s too easy.

So we can so what? Basically, what you’re saying is we can do this pretty well, Daddy, make it harder. Oh, my Daddy’s, going on a dangerous mission to shoot his employees uh hold on Daddy’s, going on a dangerous mission to shoot his employees. Okay, I um. I don’t remember ever saying that unless you mixed your voice profile with Ben Shapiro, that’s not you! I don’t remember ever saying that so I’m gon na say fake uh that was number seven yeah red screen.

That was seven did you know that was Daddy uh. Apparently that is a quote from Linus what, but it was fake. It’S fake. I said that I don’t know what you said.

Apparently, when the hell did, I say that Daddy’s going on a mission to shoot his employees, you probably had like some prop gun or something you’re, just messing around or or like shooting with a camera. Okay, I don’t remember before that: yeah yeah! Well, I’ve never had a computer red screen before fake there. You go very good. Okay. I think I’m getting better at this eight comments. Oh, no, you know I should really be sitting on the can, because that’s usually where I read comments, they all sound a little processed though they do a little bit. I think it’s like potentially like not very great recordings, but that one’s real okay that one had some echo in it and yes, you’re right. It is real.

Finally, sorry sorry for being late on the wand show this week guys: okay, well, that’s fake! I would never call it the one show and I don’t think you’d really apologize for being late, either Luke. I need Luke’s answer it’s fake. Yes, it’s fake, good job, ten for ten everybody except blindness on the first one, okay! So here’s the thing, though, not that long ago, when we did that video where James uh yeah hosted it yeah and it was a deep, fake right um. I don’t know that the voice model that we had that time was really much better than some of these and here’s the thing that was only able to be created.

With my explicit consent. There was like a whole process. They took an enormous data set and, like it took a long time to to Crunch it now. This is being done with what 30 seconds of audio that’s wild, and I don’t like that, like you know, if, if, if this clip like the original source, that that got us to kind of do this right, yeah that Reddit thread, if, if one of those clipped, If one of those clips was put next to uh, like a a title, that’s claimed that you were saying those things and didn’t say that it was AI.

You might trick some people yeah. You might trick some people that are less familiar with the voice like yeah. I I’m assuming I wasn’t looking at Chad. Obviously I’m assuming float plane chat, probably answered pretty accurately, while we were going probably um, but that’s also floating subscribers right. That’S people that are watching the show live, yeah guys, it’s not scary, where they are right. Now. It’S scary: how fast they’re, improving oh yeah and how um easy it is for you to just generate a voice model of someone without their consent. So I don’t know, there’s been there’s been a lot of discussion lately about using AI, to make people say or do things uh without their consent, and I think it’s pretty safe to say at this point that you know, while obviously that Reddit thread was clearly labeled And created in jest in general, I think we we all need to kind of figure out um where the lines are here real fast and what’s what’s cool and what’s a joke and what’s really super not and what’s what’s harmful and I think we are overall not Doing a great job of it right now: yes, there’s significantly too much of this stuff.

All I have to say about that. Yep .