Netflix: Sign Up or Shut Up

Netflix: Sign Up or Shut Up

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Netflix: Sign Up or Shut Up”.
Netflix will probably maybe definitely possibly kick you off of your mom’s account. Netflix has posted a set of new user guidelines, Netflix claims, the post was an accident and the guidelines were intended only for a few countries in Latin America, where it has been testing paid account sharing since last year, but I mean by accident, usually just means by Accident early, you don’t accidentally publish a page outlining new policy or, like you, don’t actually accidentally create it in the first place, and if it was for countries in Latin America like um, does it make sense that it was in English? Am I am I overlooking something here: it feels very like wizards of the coasty yeah, where they had that whole thing for Dungeons and Dragons and they’re like oh, I mean it’s not out yet. It’S like yeah come on, especially because the plan to crack down on password sharing is corroborated by a letter to Netflix shareholders, stating that paid sharing would be rolled out more broadly. In March, the guidelines state that all devices will be required to log into their home. Wi-Fi network, at least once every 31 days to ensure that the account is not being shared outside of the household, which raises all kinds of questions. Why are they tracking, which Wi-Fi networks you’re logging into? Is that your question? Not even that? So my my question, Mr teacher, is what about a lot of places in the world where they don’t have Wi-Fi and they run off cellular signals at home. Well, that would still, oh, I see yeah yeah. What about that? That’S, like not uncommon, yeah, it’s uncommon! Where we’re from yeah, but in like Taiwan on and stuff super common yeah yeah yeah, this is totally a thing. There’S places around the world that have extremely good cellular infrastructure data to the point where like, why would you even get home internet? You have basically unlimited data and it’s really cheap, oh balls, all right.

Well, anyway, it’s like how the heck does that supposed to work, while traveling users May request a temporary code that will give them access to the account for seven consecutive days, but otherwise, logging into the account away from home may result in it being locked. Netflix estimates that at least a hundred million households engage in password sharing based on the Latin American trials. They expect to see a wave of cancellations. Apparently, apparently, they have they’re going to use location ID for mobile, okay or location services for mobile sorry, followed by a rise in Revenue, as account borrowers open their accounts and users expand to paid tiers with more flexible sharing options.

I don’t know man I feel like. I don’t know how much Netflix costs in Latin America, but I feel like at the rates Netflix is trying to charge in the US and Canada. They may not see the same result.

Apparently they may have retracted. This people are sharing links right to us right now. Netflix has retracted password sharing restrictions, well, yeah, but we’re not saying they didn’t. We. We said that right away, Netflix claims the post was an accident yeah we’re just telling you guys that there was the the letter to shareholders, saying that paid sharing would be rolled out. More broadly, come March, they’ve been threatening cracking down on password sharing for a super long time.

Just because this leaked early doesn’t mean they’re, not doing it yeah I so yeah yeah um. I don’t know, I don’t know what to tell you. This is one of those things where the I mean it’s not like the license agreement has changed, it was never met intended to be shared outside of a household.

It was intended to be like the way I understood it is. It was kind of like the cable subscriptions like at your house like just like when they were mailing DVDs yeah, if it’s not intended for you to take the DVD with you on vacation for a month. Actually, I think you could keep things as long as you wanted. You just had to send them back when you got the new ones. Okay, so then fine. That is not a great comparison, but my my understanding of it was that it was kind of like your cable TV, like it’s like at your address and obviously you can invite friends over to watch it with you or whatever, and you can all use it their.

Your address, but it was like per family, was my understanding, um, and so this is basically them just enforcing something that was always the rules, but the problem with it is almost that they let it go for so long that it’s become normalcy, yeah expected. So now that they’ve now that they haven’t been fighting this battle for so long like as long as well, they promoted it too. Like I know, people have memed on this a lot. I’M not the first person to point this out, but there’s a tweet from forever ago from Netflix that says, love is sharing a password like they have engaged and promoted with this type of activity. That muddies the waters a lot – oh yeah, it sure does a lot like it’s weird. I don’t know like I. I can totally understand the idea of like wow there’s a lot of people freeloading off this service um. At least we make it so that only a certain amount of screens can be active at a time that limits the amount of freeloading on the service, yada yada um and might even be a promotion vehicle. I’Ve wondered about that in the past, like if you’re, if you’re leeching off of someone’s Netflix uh, but they keep kicking you off whenever they want to watch it.

You might be like well, okay, I should just get my own. I guess I’ll just get my own account at some point, yeah for sure, but now you’re, just gon na pirate yeah or Privateer we are, we are headed into. I think the next, the next big piracy age, oh yeah, I mean people, it totally feels like it. People demonstrated that no, they were not willing to pay for packages full of content that they don’t care about. They they showed that they were really only interested in a la carte and a a reasonable monthly subscription, and now we have subscriptions up the butt just being thrown at us from every direction I mean.

Okay, you recently got a mattress with a subscription yeah, not a mattress but yeah. Well, basically, I don’t know what. How would you describe it? It’S like a cover thing right so like stupid. What I hate it .