Was The Most Important PC an Apple?

Was The Most Important PC an Apple?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Was The Most Important PC an Apple?”.
Even if you’re, not an Apple fan, or if you roll your eyes anytime, you see someone excited over the next iPhone, there’s, no denying how influential the Mac was in shaving, our modern conceptions of what a computer is supposed to be for the average user, particularly with Its user-friendly GUI having a massive influence on later systems, but the Mac really owes its Legacy to an earlier Apple system. The Lisa, which is named after Steve Jobs, daughter and was the very first personal computer, with a full-fledged graphical interface, complete with a mouse cursor and pretty icons. These are things we take for granted nowadays, but believe it or not, jobs had to be convinced to take the leesa in this direction. You see, although Lisa was the first Home and Office PC to have a GUI. The first computer period that had one that we know of was called the Xerox Alto, which debuted in 1973.. Jobs, however, had a very low opinion of Xerox and it wasn’t until he actually visited the company and saw the alto himself that he green lit, making the Lisa a gooey-based machine, the alto cost 32 000 and was never produced in large quantities. So Apple saw an opportunity with Lisa to produce a cheaper, more accessible machine that still packed a punch and would be attractive to businesses. It had a five megahertz Motorola CPU, one megabyte of ram a 5 Meg hard drive a 12 inch black and white 720 by 364 screen and a pair of five and a quarter inch floppy drives to read those wacky old school discs. They were actually floppy at the time these specs weren’t bad, but the real attraction was Lisa’s operating system which actually introduced far more than just a GUI. We’Ll tell you what Innovations it packed right after we thank brilliant for sponsoring this. Video brilliant is a Hands-On and interactive way to learn stem topics. They offer thousands of courses with new topics to learn each month like their Everyday Math course, simply honing your ability to learn and think will translate into everyday aspects of Life. Their services can be used to supplement a college education or to just expand your body of knowledge. The first 200 people who head to brilliant.org Tech quickie, will get 20 off an annual premium subscription Lisa’s OS introduced multitasking to the typical user, where you could switch between programs without closing them. First wow. That was massive in addition to protected memory, which segmented off the memory space for each program, allowing the system to be both versatile and stable.

Was The Most Important PC an Apple?

Combine that with other novel features like a built-in screen saver, the ability to cut and paste to whatever that is, and virtual memory, which allowed the system to use a hard disk space as additional RAM. The leesus OS was much more powerful than what most users were used to, but all of these cool features put a lot of strain on the system’s Hardware. Consequently, Lisa unfortunately gained a reputation for sluggish performance due to its software being ahead of the actual components inside which wasn’t acceptable for a computer that cost merely ten thousand dollars yeah, although it was a lot cheaper than the Xerox Alto.

Was The Most Important PC an Apple?

This was obviously a massive amount of money still to charge Apple hoped that the cost wouldn’t be much of an issue for businesses, but it turned out that not a whole lot of companies were interested in an expensive PC with underwhelming performance, especially as the included software Seem to be more focused towards designers, indeed, as Innovative as Lisa was it just wasn’t taken seriously enough in many quarters there wasn’t enough third party software, the special high-capacity floppy drives turned out to be unreliable and many users looked at the Mouse as a gimmicky toy. Instead of something for serious Computing, even though the Lisa also introduced the concept of double clicking, something that Apple came up with as a way to make their single button Mouse more versatile. Instead of adding more muttons, only about 10 000 Lisas were sold after Apple sunk over 150 million dollars into the project, but if it flopped so hard, how did its innovative features live on? Well, it turns out that Steve Jobs was actually kicked off. The Lisa team for being an annoying micromanager, and when that happened, he took the ideas and even some of his colleagues from the Lisa team over to the Macintosh team, whose goal was to make a scaled back Lee said far lower cost when the Mac did launch. In 1984, it only cost one fourth of what the leesa did causing Lisa to kind of Fade Into Computing history by the end of 86. But that doesn’t mean it’s gone for good there’s.

Was The Most Important PC an Apple?

Actually, a working Lisa emulator, we’ll link down in the description. If you want to try it out for yourself, as for the real Lisa, she went on to become a magazine writer. Oh I doubt she ever used her silicon counterpart to write articles thanks for watching guys like dislike check out. Some of our other videos comment with video suggestions and don’t forget to subscribe and follow. .